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Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 37

Luis knows he is the best soccer player at his school because he always scores the most goals. Now he gets to play on a really team! He can’t wait to show his teammates and coach how good he is. The problem is, no one seems impressed. In fact, they seem like they don’t want him on the field. Can Luis show his team that he’s a team player before the big game? These relatable books with simple sentences and illustrations in every chapter make them perfect first chapter books for young readers. • Realistic fiction • Back matter • Addresses social and emotional concepts

La amistad

La amistad

Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

This Book Teaches Students What Being A Friend Means. How It Is Important To Listen, Trust, And What It Takes To Meet And Make New Friends. Complete K-5 Social Skills Collection. Paired With A Fiction Social Skills Title.

Norte, sur, este y oeste

Norte, sur, este y oeste

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Learn About North, South, East, And West Through Simple Text And Photos.

Patéala, pásala, ¡Anota!

Patéala, pásala, ¡Anota!

Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

In This Early Reader Animals Play Soccer And Learn About Using Teamwork When You Aren't The Best.

Destrezas para el éxito social

Destrezas para el éxito social

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

Trying to figure out a difficult math problem is hard, but sometimes dealing with your social life at school can be even harder. Figuring out friendships, managing time, and learning about yourself are all important parts of growing up. This title will allow students to determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

La integridad

La integridad

Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

The Focus In This Title Is That It Is Sometimes Hard To Have Integrity. Having To Always Do The Right Thing Or Say You Are Sorry Can Be Hard To Do But Makes You A Better Person And Makes Other People Think You Are, Too. Complete K-5 Social Skills Collection. Paired With A Fiction Social Skills Title.

Claves y símbolos en los mapas

Claves y símbolos en los mapas

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Learn About Keys And Symbols On Maps Through Simple Text And Photos.

Una pijamada difícil

Una pijamada difícil

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 40

All the girls in class are talking about Kayla’s party. It will be Jasmine and Annie’s first sleepover and they have mixed feelings, so when Jasmine overhears a conversation about a plan to play tricks on her and Annie, things take a turn for the worse. But sometimes what you hear isn’t what you think. Will Kayla and her friends play tricks on Annie and Jasmine? What tricks do Annie and Jasmine have up their sleeves? These relatable books with simple sentences and illustrations in every chapter, make them the perfect first chapter books for young readers. • Addresses social and emotional concepts • Realistic fiction • Back matter

Destrezas para el éxito escolar

Destrezas para el éxito escolar

Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

Welcome to your new job! You may not have a real job that pays real money, but right now, school is your job. You have to be there on time every day, come prepared to work, follow directions, and work with other people. This title will allow students to explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.

¡Demasiado ruido!

¡Demasiado ruido!

Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

In This Emergent Reader Mom Is Tired And Wants To Sleep In But There Is Too Much Noise. She Soon Discovers The Kids Have Made Her Breakfast.

Los mapas son planos, los globos son redondo

Los mapas son planos, los globos son redondo

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Learn About Maps And Globes Through Simple Text And Photos.

Dentro y fuera

Dentro y fuera

Autor: Luana Mitten

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Children Learn About In And Out Through Simple Sentences And Illustrated Repetitive Text.

Cerca y lejos (Near and Far:Location Words)

Cerca y lejos (Near and Far:Location Words)

Autor: Luana Mitten

Número de Páginas: 26

Updated for 2020, young children learn about "near" and "far" through simple sentences and illustrated repetitve text.

Cerca y lejos

Cerca y lejos

Autor: Luana Mitten

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Children Learn About Near And Far Through Simple Sentences And Illustrated Repetitive Text.

Arriba y debajo (Under and Over:Location Words)

Arriba y debajo (Under and Over:Location Words)

Autor: Luana Mitten

Número de Páginas: 26

Updated for 2020, young children learn about "over" and "under" through simple sentences and illustrated repetitive text.

Rodear y atravesar

Rodear y atravesar

Autor: Mitten

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Children Learn About Around And Through With Illustrated, Repetitive Text And Simple Sentences.



Autor: Greve , J. Jean Robertson

Número de Páginas: 28

Tots Will Enjoy Learning What Might Be Inside Some Of The Trucks They See Motoring By.

¡Gracias, NASA!

¡Gracias, NASA!

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 51

This Book Explores The Tremendous Contribution That NASA Has Made Over The Last Half Century. Detailed Timelines About Space Exploration And The Development Of The Space Program Are All Discussed In Detail. Also Gives Detailed Information About Astronauts And Their Explorations.

Mi mascota

Mi mascota

Autor: Greve , Jeanne Sturm

Número de Páginas: 28

Onomatopoeia And Alliterative Text Along With Colorful Close-Up Photos Of Many Different Pets Brings This Board Book To Life.

Los medios de comunicación social en internet

Los medios de comunicación social en internet

Autor: Meg Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

Technology is an important tool we use for school and home. Because technology is a tool and toy, the lines of safety and appropriate use can be confused. The key is to recognize how to use it safely and responsibly. This title will allow students to explain the interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.



Autor: Karapetkova

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Will Learn About Soccer Through Simple Sentences And Highly Supportive Pictures.

¡Está roto!

¡Está roto!

Autor: Greve

Número de Páginas: 28

In This Emergent Reader A Child Breaks An Arm After Jumping On The Bed!

Libras, pies y pulgadas

Libras, pies y pulgadas

Autor: Karapetkova

Número de Páginas: 28

Young children learn about pounds, feet and inches through illustrated text with repetition and simple sentences.

Segundos, minutos y horas

Segundos, minutos y horas

Autor: Karapetkova

Número de Páginas: 28

Simple Sentences And Illustrated Repetitive Text Will Introduce Early Learners To Seconds, Minutes, And Hours.

Mi comunidad

Mi comunidad

Autor: Robertson

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Learn About What Makes Their Community Unique Through Simple Text And Photos.

¿Lo necesitas o lo quieres?

¿Lo necesitas o lo quieres?

Autor: Colleen Hord

Número de Páginas: 27

Young Readers Will Distinguish Between Wants And Needs And The Choices People Make.

El traslado de personas y cosas

El traslado de personas y cosas

Autor: Mitten

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Will Explore Which Modes Of Transportation Move People And Which Ones Move Goods And Provide Services.

Arrugas, verrugas y colgajos

Arrugas, verrugas y colgajos

Autor: Stone

Número de Páginas: 28

Describes Animals Who Have Wrinkles, Warts, Or Wattles. Gives Information On How These Special Body Parts Are Used And Why They Are Important.

Las caras de los animales

Las caras de los animales

Autor: Stone

Número de Páginas: 28

Photographs Of A Variety Of Animals' Faces Teach How Certain Features Help With survival. The Text Is Clear For The Early Reader.

Vías acuáticas

Vías acuáticas

Autor: Mitten

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Learn About Waterways Through Simple Text And Photos.

Las estrellas

Las estrellas

Autor: Stone

Número de Páginas: 28

Stars And Their Mysteries Are Revealed In This Incredible Book About Stars.

Mi comunidad es segura

Mi comunidad es segura

Autor: Colleen Hord

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Will Understand How Their Actions Affect Others And How Rules Within The Community Keep Everyone Safe.

Bolsas, almohadillas y penachos

Bolsas, almohadillas y penachos

Autor: Stone

Número de Páginas: 28

Pouches, Pads, Or Plumes Adorn Animals For Many Reasons. Explanations For These Incredible Body Parts Are Provided For The Young Reader.



Autor: Karapetkova

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Will Learn About Dance Through Simple Sentences And Highly Supportive Pictures.



Autor: Karapetkova

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Will Learn About Karate Through Simple Sentences And Highly Supportive Pictures.

Ayudemos a preservar los hábitats

Ayudemos a preservar los hábitats

Autor: Webb

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Discover What Harms Habitats And What People Can Do To Help.

Mi país

Mi país

Autor: Mitten

Número de Páginas: 28

Young Readers Learn About The United States Through Simple Text And Photos.

La luna

La luna

Autor: Stone

Número de Páginas: 28

The Moon Is The Focus Of This Book And Provides The Most Current Information About Its Composition, Distance From Earth, Who Has Visited, And If There Are Future Plans To Return.

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