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Gran colección de libros en lengua castellana

Hemos localizado un total de 40 libros disponibles para descargar

Secretos que los Mormones No Quieren que Usted Sepa

Autor: Richard Benson , Cindy Benson

Capacítese para alcanzar a los Mormones La mayoría de los cristianos sólo ven el rostro "público" del mormonismo, gracias a sus persuasivas campañas de relaciones públicas: jóvenes de apariencia agradable, padres comprometidos a valores familiares, y templos espectaculares. Pero, ¿qué creen realmente los mormones? En este revelador libro conocerá sus asombrosas doctrinas, como: Está bien mentir... para proteger a la iglesia.Hay millones de dioses.Dios antes era hombre y llegó a ser dios.Nosotros también podemos ser dioses.Jesús y Lucifer eran hermanos espirituales.Todos tenemos una "Madre Eternal".Dios es polígamo.El Jesús de la Biblia era polígamo.El Jesús del cristianismo NO es el Jesús del mormonismo.Los pecados son perdonados por medio de buenas obras.La salvación por fe en Jesús es una "necedad total".Dios maldijo a la gente de raza negra.Un grupo de dioses ayudaron a Jesús a formar la tierra.Algunos pecados requieren el derramamiento de su propia sangre. También leerá el conmovedor testimonio de una ex mormona, Cindy Benson. En base a su experiencia personal, ella revela el lado oculto y terrible del mormonismo. Cuando ella tenía 11 años de edad, su ...

Secretos que los Mormones No Quieren que Usted Sepa

Autor: Richard Benson , Cindy Benson

Número de Páginas: 208

Capacítese para alcanzar a los Mormones La mayoría de los cristianos sólo ven el rostro "público" del mormonismo, gracias a sus persuasivas campañas de relaciones públicas: jóvenes de apariencia agradable, padres comprometidos a valores familiares, y templos espectaculares. Pero, ¿qué creen realmente los mormones? En este revelador libro conocerá sus asombrosas doctrinas, como: Está bien mentir... para proteger a la iglesia.Hay millones de dioses.Dios antes era hombre y llegó a ser dios.Nosotros también podemos ser dioses.Jesús y Lucifer eran hermanos espirituales.Todos tenemos una "Madre Eternal".Dios es polígamo.El Jesús de la Biblia era polígamo.El Jesús del cristianismo NO es el Jesús del mormonismo.Los pecados son perdonados por medio de buenas obras.La salvación por fe en Jesús es una "necedad total".Dios maldijo a la gente de raza negra.Un grupo de dioses ayudaron a Jesús a formar la tierra.Algunos pecados requieren el derramamiento de su propia sangre. También leerá el conmovedor testimonio de una ex mormona, Cindy Benson. En base a su experiencia personal, ella revela el lado oculto y terrible del mormonismo. Cuando ella tenía 11 años de edad, su ...

Dios te escucha

Autor: Alyson Kieda , Amy Boucher Pye , Anne Cetas , Cindy Hess Kasper , Elisa Morgan , Jeniifer Benson Schuldt , Julie Ackerman Link , Karen Wolfe , Keila Ochoa , Marion Stroud , Marlena Graves , Monica Brands , Poh Fang Chia , Regina Franklin , Remi Oyedeke , Roxanne Robbins , Ruth O'reilly-smith , Xochitl Dixon

Número de Páginas: 385

Porque ha inclinado a mí su oído; por tanto, le invocará en todos mis días. —Salmo 116:2 ¿Cómo sabes que Dios te oye cuando clamas a Él? Me refiero a oírte de verdad. Puedo contar con los dedos de una sola mano las veces en las que a lo largo de mi vida, Dios reveló de manera específica y personal que, sin duda, escucha mi clamor. En cada momento, percibí cómo Dios se acercaba a asegurarme que, por cierto, Él oye. Y no sólo oye, sino que también responde. A pesar de estos recuerdos que apuntalan la fe, en gran parte de mi vida cotidiana, todavía me siento desoída, mientras me quejo y lucho y hasta a veces lloriqueo. Cuando el silencio de Dios desciende, voy más allá de mi propia historia para ver cómo Él ha escuchado a su pueblo a través de las generaciones. Grabados a lo largo de los milenios, encontramos miles de instancias del oído de Dios inclinado a escuchar. Hoy el Espíritu de Dios escucha los gemidos de toda su creación, mientras aguardamos nuestra unión final con Él (Romanos 8:26-27). Dios oye. En 1 Juan 5:14, leemos: "si pedimos alguna cosa conforme a su voluntad, él nos oye". La palabra griega traducida "oye", akoúo, significa prestar...

El Caso de Billy B.

Autor: Cindy Vine

Número de Páginas: 546

Habiendo nacido con labio leporino y de una madre que no lo deseaba y lo abandona a los seis meses de edad, parece ser que Billy tiene todo en su contra desde el principio. Su padre, Chris, un soldado del Ejército estadounidense, se ve obligado a renunciar a su trabajo para cuidar al bebé. Desde el comienzo, Chris y Billy sienten la falta de apoyo familiar y de diferentes departamentos estatales. Solo, Chris se esfuerza en equilibrar la monoparentalidad con su vida social, estableciendo una relación con la cuidadora de Billy, Stella, quien resulta ser mentalmente inestable. Chris se da cuenta de que ella abusa de Billy y decide irse de su casa. Las cosas van de mal en peor para él y Billy, pues teme que sus vidas puedan correr peligro. Sin autoridad alguna a la cual recurrir, Chris se ve en la necesidad de idear un plan para escapar de Stella junto a Billy para siempre.

Star y Marco

Autor: Dominic Bisignano , Star Butterfly , Amber Benson , Devin Taylor , Cindy Plourde

Número de Páginas: 192

The Secret Baby Bond

Autor: Cindy Gerard

Número de Páginas: 164

He wanted his life back... But much had changed in the two years Michael Paigehad been presumed dead. Though he still loved her, his wife now wore another man’s diamond — and Michael had a son. A beautiful boy he’d never seen before. That changed everything. Tara Connelly Paige thought she’d seen a ghost. But her husband was a flesh-and-blood male. One touch of his hands still stirred her desire....but when he’d regained his memory, would he recall she’d asked for a divorce the day he’d disappeared? Tara wouldn’t keep him from his son, but could they be the family Michael claimed he now wanted?

In His Loving Arms

Autor: Cindy Gerard

Número de Páginas: 208

Only Mark Remington could make her heart melt. But he wasn't the one she married. Now, widowed and pregnant, Lauren McKenzie was surprised to find him on her doorstep again seven years later. She didn't know why he'd come back--or why he was determined to stay... Helping his brother's widow get back on her feet was honorable. Yet Mark didn't know how much longer he could deny the feelings he had for this beautiful mother-to-be. All he wanted to do was pull Lauren to his heart and let her know they were destined for each other. Could he convince her that she would always be protected in his loving arms...?

Second Wives

Autor: Cindy Blake

Número de Páginas: 348

Second wives and sisters Meg and Amy rally to the aid of their youngest sister when she falls in love with a married man twice her age.

C U @ 8

Autor: Cindy Vine

Número de Páginas: 220

Do your kids ever really leave? Fenella Fisher and Suki Rabinowitz are middle-aged single mothers whose children have left home and started on their own lives and careers. But Suki's son Josh is a cocaine-addict who supposedly fathered a baby on a visit to the UK; and Fenella's daughter Kirsty has just been dumped and is feeling miserable. Fenella and Suki decide they need to step in to help their children and hatch a plan to sort out Josh's mess and find Kirsty a suitable man, with some hilarious consequences. After interviewing prospective husbands for Kirsty at Waves Restaurant and Bar, they discover that a good man is hard to find. A fun, light-hearted read.

Honey English

Autor: B. Benson

Número de Páginas: 0

An irresistible odyssey through time, love, fear, betrayal and laughter...this is a spellbinding, true life adventure. Whether playing on the beaches of Malibu, exploring the secrets of a medieval castle in the heart of France, or reveling in the idyllic islands of the Bahamas...wherever you go, the author's richness of description is bound to stir the literary senses, yet chill you with the trauma and heartache that blights the beauty of these romantic settings. You will laugh and you will cry...what more can you ask of a book?


Autor: Margaret Anne Hooks

Número de Páginas: 304

Raised in a home with divorce, remarriage and cruelty, Cindy knew nothing of true love and security. Follow Cindy to young adulthood as her heart cried out for peace, truth, and happiness.

The Cries of the Child

Autor: Cynthia Greathouse , Cindy Greathouse

Número de Páginas: 146

It was a dark and rainy night. As fear filled the room, as it did every night for Billie Joe. Billie Joe was so very young and she is such a very impressionable child. She saw more in her life than any child should ever see!We women should never ever let a man so rule us that he takes away our identity to who we are. We need to find in ourselves the strength to keep yourself at the forefront. Take care of you; enjoy the things that you like to do. And remember as I did not always do, but keep your children first, protect your children from the monster in this world.

Cindy Divine

Autor: Shafter Bailey

Número de Páginas: 368

A television journalist asks Helen Blakley, Principal of Barkley Elementary school, to describe her former student, Cindy Divine. She replies, "Cindy was an honor student at Barkley for five years. Her long red hair, freckled face, curious green eyes, and enchanting smile reminded me of a Norman Rockwell character every time I saw her. In a nutshell, she was an adorable little girl who could melt your heart without speaking a word." Cindy spends the first eleven years of her life at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In her eleventh year, she suffers the brunt of an abusive change in her beloved mother. She absorbs a series of mental and emotional abuses, and her beloved dog is stomped to death despite her physical efforts to save him. His death exceeds her ability to cope with the thought of his absence in her life. She could see only one exit from her nightmarish home. When she starts to commit suicide, her guardian angel intervenes and counsels her. After the angelic intervention, Cindy begins an episodic journey that includes a dramatic courtroom appearance, miracles, national press conferences, a speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, and she achieves international prominence. ...

The Proposal: Book One

Autor: Danielle Benson

Número de Páginas: 182

Remember the late nineties and early noughties? Movie stars were larger than life, event films were the norm and it was the last breath of an age of cynicism tinged with innocence, which ended abruptly on 9/11. A unique look at young Hollywood during a particular time in the film industry when movie stars still carried their own particular magical brand of clout and films made money; before the period of celibutantes and reality television. From the gritty streets of the San Fernando Valley to the ritziest addresses in Beverly Hills, the Pacific Palisades and Bel Air, The Beautiful People takes you on a ride. The journey to fame and fortune in Hollywood is not for the faint of heart.

Winning You Forever

Autor: Cindy Julian

Número de Páginas: 326

Co-authored by J. Garcia The final installment to the Winning Trilogy. Gina and Alex are put to the ultimate test.

Ties That Bind

Autor: Cindy Blake

Número de Páginas: 378

Eloise Parker and Stacy Carroll, roommates and best friends at Barnard College, are reunited for a fairy-tale wedding on Cape Cod that turns to disaster and threatens to destroy their friendship. Original.

As Blue As the Sky

Autor: Cindy Nichols

Número de Páginas: 232

Even as a little girl, Jessica never backed away from excitement, adventure...or risk. While she loves the adrenaline it brings, she is careful, trains for hours and fully expects to finish this year's Baja 250 off road race. Her quad is tuned and ready, she'd been practicing all year and she can picture the trophy in her hands. Kyle Lewis has finally finished his residency and heads down to Baja to serve his final internship with Dr. Solis. He's spent every vacation along the seashore, helping his mentor with all kinds of patients and now that he's a full-fledged doctor, he's in charge while Dr. Solis takes a much-needed vacation. Cuts and scrapes are normal, but he never expects to treat a beautiful but stubborn young lady who's determined to not only be the first woman to finish the Baja 250, but the first to win. He knows first-hand how dangerous this race is and sets out to stop her. Their lives collide--literally. Will anything ever be normal again as they try to find their footing?

Gobernabilidad y transparencia en Honduras después del Huracán Mitch

Autor: Mitchell A. Seligson

Número de Páginas: 118

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