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Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges

Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges

Autor: Sixto Ríos

Número de Páginas: 295

Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges is divided into three parts. The first part, overviews, provides state-of-the-art surveys of various aspects of decision analysis and utility theory. The second part, theory and foundations, includes theoretical contributions on decision-making under uncertainty, partial beliefs and preferences. The third section, applications, reflects the real possibilities of recent theoretical developments such as non-expected utility theories, multicriteria decision techniques, and how these improve our understanding of other areas including artificial intelligence, economics, and environmental studies.

Computational Intelligence In Decision And Control - Proceedings Of The 8th International Flins Conference

Computational Intelligence In Decision And Control - Proceedings Of The 8th International Flins Conference

Autor: Da Ruan , Javier Montero , Jie Lu , Luis Martinez , Pierre D'hondt , Etienne E Kerre

Número de Páginas: 1201

FLINS, originally an acronym for Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science, is now extended to Computational Intelligence for applied research. The contributions to the eighth edition in the series of FLINS conferences cover state-of-the-art research, development, and technology for computational intelligence systems in general, and for intelligent decision and control in particular.

Problem-Based Learning: A Didactic Strategy in the Teaching of System Simulation

Problem-Based Learning: A Didactic Strategy in the Teaching of System Simulation

Autor: Lorenzo Cevallos-torres , Miguel Botto-tobar

Número de Páginas: 144

This book describes and outlines the theoretical foundations of system simulation in teaching, and as a practical contribution to teaching-and-learning models. It presents various methodologies used in teaching, the goal being to solve real-life problems by creating simulation models and probability distributions that allow correlations to be drawn between a real model and a simulated model. Moreover, the book demonstrates the role of simulation in decision-making processes connected to teaching and learning.

Applied Decision Analysis

Applied Decision Analysis

Autor: Francisco Javier Girón

Número de Páginas: 257

Taking advantage of the many specialists visiting Spain prior to the INFORMS Meeting in Barcelona, hold from July 14th to July 17th 1997, we organized a work shop on Decision Analysis Applications at the Real Academia de Ciencias, Madrid, Spain, from J uly 11th to 12th 1997, under the sponsorship of de the Instituto Espaiia. This workshop had a precedent in the International Conference Decision Making: Towards the 21st Century also held at the Real Academia de Ciencias in 1993. The idea of organizing an event, this time devoted to applications of Decision Analysis, was due to Prof. Sixto Rfos, who some four years ago, .sponsored and encouraged by the Royal Academy of Sciences, was the creator of an Interdisciplinary Working Group on Decision Analysis -formed with researchers from within and outside this Academy- which has been active since then, organizing periodical meetings, and whose last project has tumed out into this Workshop. The workshop turned out to be an stimulating opportunity for communicating and discussing the enormous variety of applications of Decision Sciences. In this volume we have included most of the invited papers and a selection of refereed contributed...

Operations Research Proceedings 2005

Operations Research Proceedings 2005

Autor: Hans-dietrich Haasis , Herbert Kopfer , Jörn Schönberger

Número de Páginas: 818

This volume contains a selection of 128 papers presented in lectures during the international scientific symposium "Operations Research 2005" (OR 2005) held at the University of Bremen, September 7-9, 2005. This international conference took place under the auspices of the German Operations Research Society (GOR). The symposium had about 600 participants from countries all over the world. It attracted academics and practitioners working in various fields of Operations Research and provided them with the most recent advances in Operations Research as well as related areas in Economics, Mathematics, and Computer Science including the special interest streams Logistics and New Maritime Businesses. The program consisted of 3 plenary and 15 semi-plenary talks and about 400 contributed presentations selected by the program committee to be presented in 20 sections.

La Real Academia de Ciencias, 1582-1995

La Real Academia de Ciencias, 1582-1995

Autor: Pedro García-barreno , Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales De Madrid

Número de Páginas: 468
Simulación. Métodos y aplicaciones (2a edición)

Simulación. Métodos y aplicaciones (2a edición)

Autor: David Ríos Insua , Sixto Ríos Insua , Antonio Jiménez Martín , Jacinto Ramón Martin Jimenez

Número de Páginas: 404

La Simulación consiste en construir modelos informáticos que describen la parte esencial del comportamiento de un sistema de interés, así como en diseñar y realizar experimentos con tales modelos con el fin de extraer conclusiones de sus resultados para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Típicamente, se utiliza en el análisis de sistemas tan complejos que no es posible su tratamiento analítico o mediante análisis numérico. La Simulación es hoy una metodología de experimentación fundamental en campos tan diversos como la Economía, la Estadística, la Informática, la Ingeniería Química, la Ecología y la Física, con enormes aplicaciones industriales y comerciales, que van desde los sistemas de manufacturación a los simuladores de vuelo, pasando por los juegos de ordenador, la predicción bursátil y la predicción meteorológica. De forma amena y rigurosa, esta segunda edición del libro describe los principales métodos y aplicaciones de la Simulación. Tras introducir las ideas básicas sobre generación de números aleatorios, se revisan los principales métodos de generación de variables aleatorias, con énfasis especial en los métodos de cadenas de Markov, como...

Trends in Multicriteria Decision Making

Trends in Multicriteria Decision Making

Autor: Theodor Stewart , Robin C. Van Den Honert

Número de Páginas: 454

This collection of papers gives a broad overview of the state of the art in Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), in both theory and practice. Topical sections are ranging from preference modelling and methodological developments to a number of applications of MCDM thinking. Special sections are devoted to applications in natural resources and environmental management issues, to negotiation and group decision support, and to philosophical issues, particularly in the interface between systems thinking and MCDM. The book will be relevant not only to those working in the area of MCDM, but also to researchers and practitioners concerned with broader areas of management science, especially those concerned with decision support systems and negotiation support.

Advances in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming

Advances in Multiple Objective and Goal Programming

Autor: Rafael Caballero , Francisco Ruiz , Ralph E. Steuer

Número de Páginas: 396

Within the field of multiple criteria decision making, this volume covers the latest advances in multiple objective and goal programming as presented at the 2nd International Conference on Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming, Torremolinos, Spain, May 16 - 18, 1996. The book is an undispensable source of the latest research results, presented by the leading experts of the field.

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Autor: Werner Horn , Yuval Shahar , Greger Lindberg , Steen Andreassen , Jeremy Wyatt

Número de Páginas: 447

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making, AIMDM'99, held in Aalborg, Denmark, in June 1999. The 27 full papers and 19 short papers presented in the book together with four invited papers were selected from 90 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on guidelines and protocols; decision support systems, knowledge-based systems, and cooperative systems; model-based systems; neural nets and causal probabilistic networks; knowledge representation; temporal reasoning; machine learning; natural language processing; and image processing and computer aided design.

User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support

User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support

Autor: Jaap Wessels , Andrzej P. Wierzbicki

Número de Páginas: 308

This book presents selected papers from an international workshop devoted tothe theory, techniques and tools of decision analysis and support. Major trends in the development of this field are stressed, such as the tendency to place the final user of a decision support system in the center of attention, or an emerging connection between tools and software environments for modeling and for decision support. The volume is acontinuation of the reports on earlier meetings which were published in the same series.

Recursos humanos en investigación y desarrollo. Universidades y CSIC

Recursos humanos en investigación y desarrollo. Universidades y CSIC

Autor: España. Dirección General De Política Científica , España. Ministerio De Educación Y Ciencia

Número de Páginas: 1488

Recursos humanos en investigación y desarrollo.--V.2.

Problemas de Investigación Operativa

Problemas de Investigación Operativa

Autor: Sixto Ríos Insúa , David Ríos Insúa , Alfonso Mateos Caballero , Jacinto Martín Jiménez , Antonio Jiménez Martín

Número de Páginas: 418

Este libro va dirigido a profesionales y alumnos de Facultades de Matemáticas, Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Administración y Dirección de Empresas, así como Escuelas de Ingenieros, en las que se estudian técnicas de Investigación Operativa. Contiene una colección de ejercicios resueltos de Programación Lineal con sus extensiones y aplicaciones a problemas de planificación, ordenación, gestión, distribución... en áreas como la Economía, la Ingeniería, o la Administración, que reflejan la experiencia de los autores en la enseñanza y aplicaciones de estas técnicas en los últimos veinte años. La obra se caracteriza porque no sólo dedica atención a los algoritmos de solución, sino también al proceso de construcción de modelos e interpretación, que constituyen un apartado tan importante o aun más que el anterior debido a que la disponibilidad actual de software puede convertir la obtención de una solución en un proceso automatizado. Todos los capítulos incluyen al principio un breve resumen de los problemas que se tratan, así como de los conceptos y algoritmos más importantes que se utilizan en su desarrollo. Además, cada ejercicio lleva un...



Autor: David Rios Insua , Simon French

Número de Páginas: 359

Internet is starting to permeate politics much as it has previously revolutionised education, business or the arts. Thus, there is a growing interest in areas of e-government and, more recently, e-democracy. However, most attempts in this field have just envisioned standard political approaches facilitated by technology, like e-voting or e-debating. Alternatively, we could devise a more transforming strategy based on deploying web based group decision support tools and promote their use for public policy decision making. This book delineates how this approach could be implemented. It addresses foundations, basic methodologies, potential implementation and applications, together with a thorough discussion of the many challenging issues. This innovative text will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of e-government, e-democracy and e-participation and research in decision analysis, negotiation analysis and group decision support.

Robust Bayesian Analysis

Robust Bayesian Analysis

Autor: David Rios Insua , Fabrizio Ruggeri

Número de Páginas: 431

Robust Bayesian analysis aims at overcoming the traditional objection to Bayesian analysis of its dependence on subjective inputs, mainly the prior and the loss. Its purpose is the determination of the impact of the inputs to a Bayesian analysis (the prior, the loss and the model) on its output when the inputs range in certain classes. If the impact is considerable, there is sensitivity and we should attempt to further refine the information the incumbent classes available, perhaps through additional constraints on and/ or obtaining additional data; if the impact is not important, robustness holds and no further analysis and refinement would be required. Robust Bayesian analysis has been widely accepted by Bayesian statisticians; for a while it was even a main research topic in the field. However, to a great extent, their impact is yet to be seen in applied settings. This volume, therefore, presents an overview of the current state of robust Bayesian methods and their applications and identifies topics of further in terest in the area. The papers in the volume are divided into nine parts covering the main aspects of the field. The first one provides an overview of Bayesian...

Anuario de la Real Academia de Ciencias

Anuario de la Real Academia de Ciencias

Autor: Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales De Madrid

Número de Páginas: 256
Current Index to Statistics, Applications, Methods and Theory

Current Index to Statistics, Applications, Methods and Theory

Número de Páginas: 948

The Current Index to Statistics (CIS) is a bibliographic index of publications in statistics, probability, and related fields.

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