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Táctica del fútbol: teoría y entrenamiento

Táctica del fútbol: teoría y entrenamiento

Autor: Milton Rivas Borbón, Oscar , Sánchez Alvarado, Erick

Número de Páginas: 242

Un entrenamiento táctico secuencial y sustentado en el modelo de juego que quiere implementar el entrenador y en las necesidades tácticas del equipo y los jugadores, producirá indudablemente en los futbolistas un incremento cuantitativo y cualitativo en su repertorio táctico y redundará en un mejoramiento sustancial de su rendimiento táctico que se verá reflejado en la competición. Esta obra se presenta, de forma didáctica, un análisis teórico de la táctica en general; de la caracterización del perfil deportivo de los diferentes puestos en el fútbol, específicamente en la áreas física, técnica, psicológica y táctica, así como algunas actividades específicas de entrenamiento; además hace un estudio de los conceptos tácticos colectivos, ofensivos y defensivos, para lo cual se proponen diversas actividades de entrenamiento, y plantea una caracterización de los sistemas de juego más utilizados en la actualidad y ejercicios de entrenamiento para su adquisición, táctica fija ofensiva y defensiva.

Voces de mujeres en la Edad Media

Voces de mujeres en la Edad Media

Autor: Esther Corral Díaz

Número de Páginas: 536

The contributions gathered in this volume take a fresh look at the medieval history of women, revealing the many faces of female reality during an extremely dynamic period—while individuality was on the rise, new linguistic codes (vernacular languages) and innovative literary genres were emerging, and the political situation was undergoing deep changes. The book is structured in three interrelated sections: The first is dedicated to "Historical femininity" and documents the cultural and literary activities carried out by women from the nobility. The second is about "Authorial femininity" and explores the innovative work of both prominent and lesser-known female writers. The last section deals with "Textual femininity" and analyses the female protagonists of lyric poetry and narrative literature. As a whole, the book shows how complex and diverse medieval discourses on and from women were.

Sin imagen

La gesta del caballo en la historia de México

Autor: Santiago Aja Guardiola , Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México

Número de Páginas: 430
Guerra y paz (La pequeña filosofía de Mafalda)

Guerra y paz (La pequeña filosofía de Mafalda)

Autor: Quino

Número de Páginas: 33

La pequeña indignada más famosa del mundo reflexiona sobre los grandes temas de la vida. Mafalda se hace muchas preguntas, demasiadas preguntas que a menudo irritan y superan a los que la rodean. Nuestra pequeña indignada se cuestiona los temas universales y comparte sus reflexiones sobre el mundo. Hay una pregunta que Mafalda se hace una y otra vez: ¿por qué los hombres están siempre en guerra? Mafalda se preocupa por un mundo que está enfermo y hace cuanto puede por socorrerlo con sus discursos a favor de la paz mundial. «Lo malo de la gran familia humana es que todos quieren ser el padre.» La crítica ha dicho... «Quino, el grande Quino, seguirá vivo en su Mafalda, que nos enseñó que, como siempre, lo urgente no deja tiempo para lo importante.» Héctor Abad Faciolince «Nunca he amado a una mujer que no haya amado previamente a Mafalda.» Manuel Jabois «Qué importante has sido en nuestras vidas. [...] Siempre estaban tus viñetas dando sentido a los detalles absurdos de la vida y la sociedad. Cada lección era un guiño de risa silenciosa que se volvía carcajada y suspiro, filosofía pura, crítica social, lenguaje de gestos expresivos y pequeños detalles, el...

She was Nice to Mice

She was Nice to Mice

Autor: Ally Sheedy

Número de Páginas: 104

The memoirs of a literary mouse living at the court of Elizabeth I reveal the public and private life of the Queen and her courtiers.

Monsieur D'Eon Is a Woman

Monsieur D'Eon Is a Woman

Autor: Gary Kates

Número de Páginas: 460

"A fascinating book. Monsieur d'Eon Is a Woman is instructive and a delight to read all at the same time."—Quentin Crisp Born in 1728, French aristocrat Charles d'Eon de Beaumont had served his country as a diplomat, soldier, and spy for fifteen years when rumors that he was a woman began to circulate in the courts of Europe. D'Eon denied nothing and was finally compelled by Louis XVI to give up male attire and live as a woman, something d'Eon did without complaint for the next three decades. Although celebrated as one of the century's most remarkable women, d'Eon was revealed, after his death in 1810, to have been unambiguously male. Gary Kates's acclaimed biography of d'Eon recreates eighteenth-century European society in brilliant detail and offers a compelling portrait of an individual who challenged its conventions about gender and identity.



Autor: Simon Mawer

Número de Páginas: 416

Marian Sutro has survived Ravensbruck and is back in dreary 1950s London trying to pick up the pieces of her pre-war life. Returned to an England she barely knows and a post-war world she doesn't understand Marian searches for something on which to ground the rest of her life. Family and friends surround her and a young RAF officer attempts to bring her the normalities of love and affection but she is haunted by her experiences and by the guilt of knowing that her contribution to the war effort helped lead to the development of the Atom Bomb. Where, in the complexities of peacetime, does her loyalty lie? When a mysterious Russian diplomat emerges from the shadows to draw her into the ambiguities and uncertainties of the Cold War she sees a way to make amends for the past and to renew the excitement of her double life. Simon Mawer's sense of time and place is perfect: Tightrope is a compelling novel about identity and deception which constantly surprises the reader.

Mad Hatters and March Hares

Mad Hatters and March Hares

Autor: Ellen Datlow

Número de Páginas: 334

"A Tom Doherty Associates book"--Title page.

The Moose Paradox

The Moose Paradox

Autor: Antti Tuomainen

Número de Páginas: 307

Insurance mathematician Henri has his life under control, when a man from the past appears and a shady trio take over the adventure park's equipment supply company ... Things are messier than ever in the absurdly funny, heart-stoppingly tense second instalment in Antti Tuomainen's bestselling series... 'In these uncertain times, what better hero than an actuary?' Chris Brookmyre 'One of those rare writers who manages to deftly balance intrigue, noir and a deliciously ironic sense of humour ... a delight' Vaseem Khan 'What a book! Antti has managed to put the fun into funerals and take it out of fun fairs in a gripping nail-biter ... a thrilling and hilarious read' Liz Nugent **Soon to be a major motion picture starring Steve Carell** _______________________________ Insurance mathematician Henri Koskinen has finally restored order both to his life and to YouMeFun, the adventure park he now owns, when a man from the past appears – and turns everything upside down again. More problems arise when the park's equipment supplier is taken over by a shady trio, with confusing demands. Why won't Toy of Finland Ltd sell the new Moose Chute to Henri when he needs it as the park's main...



Autor: Benjamin Constant

Número de Páginas: 152

«El amor crea un pasado como por encantamiento y nos rodea de él. Nos da, por así decirlo, la conciencia de haber vivido durante años con un ser que no hace mucho nos resultaba casi extraño. El amor es sólo un punto luminoso, y sin embargo parece apoderarse del tiempo. Hace unos días no existía, pronto dejará de existir; pero mientras existe expande su luz tanto sobre la época que lo ha precedido como sobre la que debe seguirlo.»

A Rat's Tale

A Rat's Tale

Autor: Tor Seidler

Número de Páginas: 198

When young Montague Mad-Rat meets Isabel Moberly-Rat on his way home from Central Park, he is quickly introduced to a vibrant world beyond his own secluded sewer pipe.

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