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Hillary Clinton, la Présidente

Autor: Ivan Couronne

Número de Páginas: 230

Le vendredi 20 janvier 2017, le 45e président américain prêtant serment sur les marches du Capitole, devant les caméras du monde entier, a de grandes chances, pour la première fois dans l'Histoire, d'être une femme.Ce livre, mi-biographie mi-récit de campagne, retrace le parcours d'Hillary Clinton : l'adolescente engagée au parti républicain, la chrétienne fervente, son couple au bord de la rupture lors du scandale Monica Lewinsky, mais aussi la ténacité d'une femme mal aimée des Américains...Choix stratégiques, moments clés, retournements de situation, ralliements d'adversaires... il offre aussi le récit détaillé de quinze mois de campagne, depuis sa déclaration de candidature d'avril 2015 jusqu'à son adoubement lors de la convention démocrate de Philadelphie, fi n juillet 2016.L'incroyable success story d'une femme au caractère entier, stoïque face aux épreuves, dotée d'un sens politique hors du commun, et qui se prépare depuis des années à devenir " Madame la présidente ".

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Christopher Andersen

Número de Páginas: 349

La biographie sans complaisance de l'ex-première dame des Etats-Unis, qui en deviendra peut-être - en 2008 ? - la première présidente. Issue de la classe moyenne du Midwest, Hillary Rodham est douée d'une intelligence hors norme qui lui permet d'intégrer une université prestigieuse. Elle y brille, y milite et y fait la connaissance d'un étudiant nommé Clinton, qui semble lui aussi promis à un avenir exceptionnel. Très vite, Hillary décide que, avec son aide, Bill Clinton deviendra président. A lui le devant de la scène, à elle la stratégie. Elle n'en renonce pas pour autant à ses propres ambitions : une fois que Bill aura fait son temps à la Maison-Blanche, il se mettra au service de son épouse pour qu'elle accède à son tour aux plus hautes fonctions. C'est le plan des Clinton, dont ce livre relate le premier volet, émaillé de quelques revers et de nombreux triomphes politiques, jalonné aussi de scandales. Dans leurs autobiographies, Hillary et Bill Clinton omettent ces zones d'ombre, ou en donnent une version édulcorée... Journaliste de talent et biographe d'autres fortes personnalités (parmi lesquelles Jane Fonda et Jackie Kennedy), Christopher...

Hillary Clinton de A à Z

Autor: François Clémenceau , Christine Ockrent

Número de Páginas: 311

Les spécialistes sont unanimes : Hillary Clinton a toutes les chances de devenir le prochain président des États-Unis. Sauf coup de théâtre, elle devrait obtenir l'investiture du Parti démocrate, et il n'y a toujours pas à ce stade, au Parti républicain, de personnalité capable de la battre. Une première femme pourdiriger la première puissance du monde ? Plus qu'un symbole, ce serait une révolution !Depuis 1978, Hillary Rodham Clinton n'a jamais connu autre chose que les travées du pouvoir. Ne s'arrêtera-t-elle donc jamais ? Non, Hillary is back ! En France, que sait-on au juste de son caractère, de ses racines familiales et politiques, de sa foi méthodiste ? Quel est son rapport au pouvoir, au sexe, à l'argent ? D'où viennent ses idées de gauche et de droite ? Qu'a-t-elle appris au cours de ces décennies de pouvoir pour revenir plus forte des leçons apprisessur le champ de bataille ?Conçu comme un dictionnaire, ce portrait en 100 mots de la future présidente se démarque résolument des publications existantes et va souvent plus au fond des choses qu'une biographie classique. Tout en restant facile d'accès, Hillary Clinton de A à Z s'adresse au vaste...

Madame America

Autor: Richard Hétu , Alexandre Sirois

Número de Páginas: 188

Saviez-vous qu'Hillary Rodham Clinton avait des racines québécoises? Que son père était un républicain pur et dur? Que Bill Clinton lui a déjà demandé le divorce? Aussi adulée que controversée, cette politicienne se décrit comme " la personne la plus célèbre que vous ne connaissez pas vraiment". Richard Hétu et Alexandre Sirois, qui suivent son ascension politique depuis plusieurs années, proposent 100 clés pour mieux la comprendre. En explorant différentes étapes de sa vie - dont sa jeunesse à Chicago, ses années à la Maison-Blanche, sa défaite contre Barack Obama et son mandat de secrétaire d'État -, les auteurs dressent le portrait saisissant d'une des femmes les plus puissantes du monde. Ils nous livrent ainsi une biographie à la fois hors du commun et indispensable.

Hillary et Bill Clinton. L'obsession du pouvoir

Autor: Thomas Snégaroff

Número de Páginas: 298

L’histoire d’un couple à la conquête du pouvoir : - Novembre 1970. Bill et Hillary font connaissance à la bibliothèque de l’université de Yale. - Janvier 1981. Après six ans de mariage et un échec électoral de Bill, Hillary accepte enfin de prendre le nom de son mari. - Novembre 1992. Bill devient le 42e président des États-Unis. Hillary s’installe dans l’aile ouest de la Maison Blanche, d’où elle conduit le projet de réforme de la santé. - Août 1998. À la télévision, Bill avoue avoir menti à l’Amérique et à Hillary à propos de Monica Lewinsky. Hillary reste à ses côtés. - Janvier 2001. Bill quitte la Maison Blanche après deux mandats. Quelques jours plus tôt, Hillary est élue sénatrice. - Janvier 2007. Hillary annonce sa candidature à la présidence des États-Unis. Soutenue par Bill, elle échoue à obtenir l’investiture démocrate. - Juin 2014. Hillary publie ses mémoires de secrétaire d’État. Première étape de sa candidature à la présidence et nouveau chapitre du couple Clinton ? Unis par et pour le pouvoir, Bill et Hillary Clinton fascinent l’Amérique et le monde entier depuis plus de deux décennies jalonnées de...

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Joan Stoltman

Número de Páginas: 26

Even young readers were likely saturated with exposure to Hillary Clinton over the course of the 2016 presidential election. But do they really know who she is and what she has accomplished? This volume bridges the gap between current news stories and what elementary readers really know about the first female presidential candidate. By illuminating the life and story of this powerhouse of politics, young readers can learn and be inspired by a story of perseverance, service to others, and commitment to beliefs. With a vivid, age-appropriate narrative, this much-needed volume is sure to be right at home in any library or classroom.

Who Is Hillary Clinton?

Autor: Heather Alexander , Who Hq

Número de Páginas: 112

Who Is Hillary Clinton? Readers of our New York Times best-selling series can find out now! At age fourteen, Hillary Clinton thought it would be thrilling to become an astronaut, so she sent an application to NASA. The reply was a flat out rejection: the space program didn't take women. It was a critical moment for the young girl, one that made her realize the world she lived in needed changing and that she had better try to make those changes happen. Clinton's life has been a thrilling series of firsts—First Lady of the US, then first First Lady to become a US Senator, Secretary of State, and the first woman to run as the Democratic candidate for President. This easy-to-read biography gives readers a firm grounding not only in Clinton's life history but the history of the times in which she's lived. It comes out as she makes her historic run for the White House.

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Carl Bernstein

Número de Páginas: 730

Carl Bernstein, figure légendaire du journalisme américain depuis son rôle clef dans l'affaire du Watergate, a contribué avec son coéquipier Bob Woodward à faire basculer les rapports entre la presse et le pouvoir. Il nous livre aujourd'hui une grande biographie de Hillary Clinton, fruit de huit années de travail. Riche de multiples interviews de nombreux proches d'Hillary - amis, collaborateurs, opposants -, le livre de Carl Bernstein dresse un portrait contrasté de celle qui fut la première dame et qui pourrait bien devenir la première femme présidente des États-Unis. Il ne s'agit pas d'une biographie " autorisée " puisque ni Bill ni Hillary n'ont accepté de participer à ce livre. Au-delà du portrait d'Hillary, Bernstein esquisse un tableau tout en finesse de ce duo exceptionnel qui a occupé la Maison-Blanche pendant huit ans, examinant sous tous ses aspects - personnels, psychologiques, professionnels - le fonctionnement d'un " couple politique " par excellence. Le livre donne aussi au public français un aperçu révélateur, et par moments quasi romanesque, des arcanes de la vie politique américaine depuis les années soixante-dix, et permet de mieux...

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Anne C. Cunningham , Jeff Burlingame

Número de Páginas: 128

Hillary Clinton is arguably one of the most polarizing political figures in American history. She burst into the national spotlight during her husband’s presidential campaign, when she managed to both impress and offend the American public. Since then, Clinton has proven herself a capable public servant, with successful terms in the US Senate and as secretary of state. But controversy continually threatens to undermine her accomplishments, and it often seems that her ambitions get the best of her. This biography tells the story of the rise of remarkable woman, from her humble Midwestern beginnings to a historic run for the White House.

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Dwayne Epstein

Número de Páginas: 128

An integral player in American politics for the last three decades, Hillary Clinton has taken on a multitude of roles at the highest levels of government. She has been the First Lady of Arkansas and the First Lady of the United States, a Senator for the state of New York, and the third woman to be appointed Secretary of State. This captivating book provides a balanced biography of Hillary Clinton. Chapters include her childhood, meeting Bill Clinton, her move from the statehouse to White House, her struggle to carve her own space in politics, the 2008 presidential campaign, and her time as Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Kathleen Gronnerud

Número de Páginas: 256

This single-volume resource for students and general audience readers provides an in-depth overview of the life experiences, influences, and personal views of Hillary Clinton from her childhood in 1950s suburban Chicago to her presidential run in 2016. While numerous volumes have been written about Hillary Clinton, many authors have devoted entire books to just one aspect of Clinton's public or private life. Yet few, if any, single volumes have provided a comprehensive look at her life in public service from an objective, scholarly viewpoint. Designed both for students doing research and general readers wanting to know more about Clinton's life and career, this book not only offers an overview of her education, family, career, and political views, but also provides historical context to her choices, accomplishments, and defeats. The volume's chapters present a chronological telling of her life story thus far including key experiences, influences, and the development of her political views. The volume also includes photographs and short sidebars, which help to tie Clinton's personal experiences to the contemporaneous culture of the nation. A lengthy bibliography provides assistance ...


Autor: Karen Blumenthal

Número de Páginas: 528

First . . . student commencement speaker at Wellesley First . . . woman to become full partner at Rose Law Firm First . . . Lady of the United States First . . . First Lady to hold a postgraduate degree First . . . First Lady to win a Grammy Award First . . . elected female Senator of New York First . . . woman to be a presidential candidate in every primary in every state First . . . First Lady to seek the presidency "Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. . . . And, when you're knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or shouldn't go on." -Hillary Rodham Clinton As a young girl growing up in the fifties, Hillary Diane Rodham had an unusual upbringing for the time her parents told her, "You can do or be whatever you choose, as long as you're willing to work for it." Hillary took those words and ran. Whether it was campaigning at the age of thirteen in the 1964 presidential election, receiving a standing ovation and being featured in LIFE magazine as the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley, or graduating from Yale Law School-she was always one to stand out from the pack. And that was only the...

For Love of Politics

Autor: Sally Bedell Smith

Número de Páginas: 608

During their eight years in the White House, Bill and Hillary Clinton worked together more closely than the public ever knew. Their intertwined personal and professional lives had far-reaching consequences–for politics, domestic policy, and international affairs–and their marital troubles became a national soap opera. Based on unparalleled access to scores of Clinton insiders–cabinet officers, top administration officials, close personal friends–and skilled analysis of a vast written record, including previously unavailable private papers, For Love of Politics is the first book to explain the dynamics of Bill and Hillary’s relationship, showing that they are two halves of a unique whole and that it is impossible to understand one Clinton without factoring in the other. Sally Bedell Smith, acclaimed author of Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House, offers intimate scenes from the Clinton marriage, with new details and insights into how a passion for politics sustained Bill and Hillary through one crisis after another. With clarity and depth, Smith examines the origins of an unconventional copresidency, explains the impact of the Clintons’ tensions ...

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Cheryl Harness

Número de Páginas: 208

"Updated through the 2016 Presidential Election."--Cover.

Who is Hillary Clinton?

Autor: Richard Kreitner

Número de Páginas: 384

Who is Hillary Clinton? is a fascinating time-lapse depiction of the leading Democratic presidential candidate as seen from the left. But it is also much more than that. A carefully-edited anthology of The Nation's coverage of Clinton's career, it's a rigorous and painstaking study of one of our most enigmatic public figures. It is a history of our time, and a must-read for the 2016 election season, providing perspective on the woman who could become the first female President of the United States.Contributors include David Corn, Erica Jong, Christopher Hitchens, Michael Tomasky, William Greider, Ari Berman, Barbara Ehrenreich, Chris Hayes, Jessica Valenti, Richard Kim, Joan Walsh, Jamelle Bouie, Doug Henwood, Heather Digby Parton, Michelle Goldberg, and many more.

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Dan Kinney

Número de Páginas: 0

Los lectores aprenderán sobre los primeros años de Hillary Clinton y cómo comenzó su carrera en la política. También aprenderán sobre su carrera política y sus dos intentos en la presidencia.

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Autor: Jeff Mapua

Número de Páginas: 50

Few political figures are as polarizing as Bill and Hillary Clinton. This power couple has generated fiercely mixed reactions since their first appearance on the political stage. A new Clinton era may be dawning, as Hillary again tests the waters for a presidential bid. Uncovering all the layers of myth, rumor, spin, and talk-radio takedowns, this examination is clear-eyed and calm, objectively reviewing the origins, rise, near fall, and reemergence of the world's most influential couple. It is a fascinating tale of hard work, ambition, idealism and calculation, political might and human weakness and, ultimately, the enduring strength of family.

Hillary Clinton: Groundbreaking Politician

Autor: Judy Dodge Cummings

Número de Páginas: 115

This biography examines the life of Hillary Clinton using easy-to-read, compelling text. Through striking black-and-white images and rich color photographs and informative sidebars, readers will learn about Clinton’s family background, childhood, education, political career, and historic presidential campaign. Informative sidebars enhance and support the text. Features include a table of contents, timeline, facts page, glossary, bibliography, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Katie Kawa

Número de Páginas: 32

Hillary Clinton’s political career has included roles as First Lady, Senator, and presidential candidate. Her dedication to public service makes her a strong role model for young people looking to make their mark on the world in a positive way. Readers discover inspiring details about Clinton’s life and work through engaging main text, detailed sidebars, and a timeline of her accomplishments. Full-color photographs and quotes from Clinton herself are sure to hold readers’ attention as they learn valuable lessons about citizenship while exploring Clinton’s life story.

Hillary Clinton Nude

Autor: Sheldon Filger

Número de Páginas: 214

"Hillary Clinton Nude: Naked Ambition, Hillary Clinton and America's Demise" is an expose of one of the most powerful and controversial politicians in America. Stripping away the veils of imagery which mask the imperfections of Hillary Rodham Clinton, "Hillary Clinton Nude" presents a non-partisan yet passionate case against a second Clinton presidency. Author Sheldon Filger has written a bombshell of a political book, conveying a warning to the American people of the dire risks to the nation's continuity should the former First Lady succeed in fulfilling her ultimate political ambition. More than just another Hillary Clinton book, "Hillary Clinton Nude" is a sobering commentary on the state of American politics in the 21st century, and the influence of money, image making and celebrity power in the debasement of meaningful political discussion in the United States. Democrats, Republicans and independent voters will discover much to reflect on in this incisive and revealing book. Originally written prior to Hillary Clinton's ill-fated 2008 presidential campaign, "Hillary Clinton Nude" is even more timely as the former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State prepares the ground...

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Joan Stoltman

Número de Páginas: 26

Even young readers were likely saturated with exposure to Hillary Clinton over the course of the 2016 presidential election. But do they really know who she is and what she has accomplished? This volume bridges the gap between current news stories and what elementary readers really know about the first female presidential candidate. By illuminating the life and story of this powerhouse of politics, young readers can learn and be inspired by a story of perseverance, service to others, and commitment to beliefs. With a vivid, age-appropriate narrative, this much-needed volume is sure to be right at home in any library or classroom.

Hillary Clinton: La biografía de una Primera Dama que se enfrenta a decisiones difíciles, y lo que ocurrió con su campaña y con Estados

Autor: United Library

Número de Páginas: 0

Hillary Clinton es una biografía exhaustiva que explora la extraordinaria trayectoria de una de las figuras más influyentes y controvertidas de la política estadounidense moderna. Desde sus primeros años en Illinois hasta su histórica candidatura a la presidencia, este libro ofrece una visión en profundidad de la vida y la carrera de Hillary Clinton. Nacida el 26 de octubre de 1947, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton ha sido una figura destacada de la política estadounidense durante décadas. Como miembro del Partido Demócrata, fue Secretaria de Estado de Estados Unidos bajo la presidencia de Barack Obama de 2009 a 2013, representando a la nación en la escena mundial y realizando importantes contribuciones a la política exterior y la diplomacia. La carrera política de Clinton comenzó como Primera Dama de Arkansas, donde defendió causas como la reforma sanitaria y los derechos de la infancia. Durante su mandato como Primera Dama de Estados Unidos, de 1993 a 2001, desempeñó un papel activo en la formulación de políticas y la defensa de la igualdad de género. Sus esfuerzos por aprobar una reforma sanitaria integral se enfrentaron a dificultades, pero perseveró y siguió...

What Happened

Autor: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Número de Páginas: 560

“An engaging, beautifully synthesized page-turner” (Slate). The #1 New York Times bestseller and Time #1 Nonfiction Book of the Year: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s most personal memoir yet, about the 2016 presidential election. In this “candid and blackly funny” (The New York Times) memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections in history. She takes us inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules. “At her most emotionally raw” (People), Hillary describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump, the mistakes she made, how she has coped with a shocking and devastating loss, and how she found the strength to pick herself back up afterward. She tells readers what it took to get back on her feet—the rituals, relationships, and reading that got her through, and what the experience has taught her about life. In this “feminist...

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Jeff Burlingame

Número de Páginas: 116

"A biography of former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton"--Provided by publisher.

La double vie de Hillary Clinton

Autor: Christine Ockrent

Número de Páginas: 213

La saga de Bill et d'Hillary Clinton a obsédé l'Amérique et passionné ceux qui y ont vu la manifestation de ses excès. Pour la première fois, la vie privée d'un couple s'est confondu avec le jugement porté sur la première puissance du monde. En retraçant l'histoire d'Hillary Clinton, Christine Ockrent dresse le portrait d'une femme de sa génération, " avec ses contradictions, ses acharnements, ses souffrances et son ambition. Une femme qui veut tout à la fois : le pouvoir et le bonheur, la maternité et l'indépendance (...). Une femme qui a voulu devenir belle, comme elle a voulu sauver de la déchéance publique l'homme qui publiquement l'avait humiliée. Une femme tantôt haïe, tantôt applaudie qui aujourd'hui, (...) élue sénateur de l'Etat de New York, semble s'être trouvée enfin. "

Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words

Autor: Lisa Rogak

Número de Páginas: 208

Lisa Rogak, author of the New York Times bestseller Barack Obama in His Own Words, now brings readers Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words—quotations from the former First Lady, Senator from New York, and Secretary of State that go beyond politics. ​Topics range from leadership to life in the White House, and include her opinions on family, aging, public scrutiny, religion, motherhood, and marriage: “If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.” —June 4, 1995 “I have a million ideas. The country can’t afford them all.” —October 11, 2007 “We will never build enough prisons to end our crime problem.” —February 7, 1996 “Being gay is not a western invention. It is a human reality.” —December 6, 2011 Spanning more than two decades, this provocative collection is a must for all Hillary fans.

Political Profiles

Autor: Catherine Wells

Número de Páginas: 116

A young adult biography of stateswoman and former First Lady Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Jeff Mapua

Número de Páginas: 34

Influential lawyer, first lady of Arkansas and then the United States, senator for New York, and U.S. secretary of state—Hillary Clinton has been an influential figure in American politics for over three decades. This biography aimed at the lower elementary market presents Hillary’s achievements and policies in a simple, easy-to-grasp manner. If her history proves anything, she’ll remain a key political figure in the years to come. • Hillary Clinton just released her memoir Hard Choices, and many consider her to be the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination—making a biography that explains her platform to lower elementary readers key in the coming years.

Living History

Autor: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Número de Páginas: 626

Hillary Rodham Clinton tells her life story, describing her dedication to social causes, her relationship with her husband, and her accomplishments and difficult periods as First Lady.

Extreme Makeover of Hillary (Rodham) Clinton

Autor: Bay Buchanan

Número de Páginas: 256

Buchanan, former U.S. treasurer and sister of former presidential nominee Pat Buchanan, takes Hillary Clinton to task in this unapologetically partisan biography. Buchanan outlines how Clinton's personality and character changed after she was elected to the Senate, casting mock sympathy as she goes: "It must be a terrible thing to be as deeply insecure as Hillary. It has made her so incredibly susceptible to the ideas of others." Subsequent chapters criticize the senator's positions on hot-button issues, including healthcare, same-sex partnerships and the war in Iraq. Buchanan backs up many of her points with outside scholarship and Clinton's own interviews and records (both as senator and student).


Autor: Jonathan Allen , Amie Parnes

Número de Páginas: 471

The mesmerizing story of Hillary Clinton's political rebirth, based on eyewitness accounts from deep inside her inner circle Hillary Clinton’s surprising defeat in the 2008 Democratic primary brought her to the nadir of her political career, vanquished by a much younger opponent whose message of change and cutting-edge tech team ran circles around her stodgy campaign. And yet, six years later, she has reemerged as an even more powerful and influential figure, a formidable stateswoman and the presumed front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, marking one of the great political comebacks in history. The story of Hillary’s phoenixlike rise is at the heart of HRC, a riveting political biography that journeys into the heart of “Hillaryland” to discover a brilliant strategist at work. Masterfully unfolded by Politico’s Jonathan Allen and The Hill’s Amie Parnes from more than two hundred top-access interviews with Hillary’s intimates, colleagues, supporters, and enemies, HRC portrays a seasoned operator who negotiates political and diplomatic worlds with equal savvy. Loathed by the Obama team in the wake of the primary, Hillary worked to become the...

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Michael Burgan

Número de Páginas: 50

What makes Hillary Clinton extraordinary? Read this book to find out. This title explores her childhood in Chicago, USA, and her education up to her time studying law at US university Yale. We see her success in law and politics, first as a lawyer, then later as First Lady of the United States, and finally attaining political office on her own terms. Read about others' perspectives on her life, how her life is different to women in the past, and how she has broken boundaries as a lawyer, a First Lady, and a politician.

Hillary Clinton

Autor: Portia Summers

Número de Páginas: 26

Hillary Rodham Clinton has had significant "firsts": First Lady of the United States and the first female candidate for a major political party to run for president of the United States. She has endured her share of scandals and is a celebrated former secretary of state, senator, and political activist. Young readers will learn more about the politician’s life and accomplishments through easy-to-follow text accompanied by dynamic full-color photographs as well as direct quotes from Clinton herself. A Words to Know section helps readers learn new vocabulary, while Further Reading encourages deeper learning.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Autor: Dennis Abrams

Número de Páginas: 145

A biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton-- former first lady and Yale Law graduate, senator from New York and fromer contender for the Democratic nomination for president.

A Woman In Charge

Autor: Carl Bernstein

Número de Páginas: 666

A Woman in Charge reveals the true trajectory of Hillary's astonishing life and career. From a staunchly Republican household and apparently idyllic Midwestern girlhood - her disciplinarian father here revealed as harsher than she has acknowledged - we see the shaping of a brilliant girl whose curiosity was fuelled by the ferment of the 1960s and a desire to change the world. During her student years, she was already perceived as a spokeswoman for her generation. Then, at Yale Law School, she met and fell in love with Bill Clinton, cancelling her own dreams to tie her fortunes to his. Bernstein clarifies the often amazing dynamic of their marriage, charting both her political acumen and her blind spots, and untangling her relationship to the great controversies of Whitewater, Troopergate and Travelgate. And then, in the emotional and political chaos of the Lewinsky affair we see Hillary standing by her husband - evoking a rising wave of sympathy from a public previously cool to her and in effect, Bernstein argues, saving his presidency. It helps carry her into the Senate: her time has come. As she decides to run for President, this self-described 'mind-conservative and heart...

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Autor: Michael Burgan

Número de Páginas: 58

Presents the life of the former first lady who has become a political figure in her own right as a United States senator and presidential candidate.

Hillary Clinton: Shattering the Glass Ceiling

Autor: Melissa Carosella

Número de Páginas: 34

This nonfiction reader provides an engaging reading experience that will keep students interested from beginning to end. This intriguing biography describes the fascinating life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. With vibrant photos and images and intriguing facts, this text covers Clinton's early life and the influences that lead her to a career in public service and politics. Readers will learn about her role as one of the most influential First Ladies of all time and as Secretary of State. This book also covers Clinton's attempts at becoming the first female President of the United States and includes a helpful glossary and index.

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