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Gran colección de libros en lengua castellana

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Autor: Prashant Kesharwani , Sunil Kumar Dubey

Número de Páginas: 423

This book offers an overview of the science of cosmetics and the formulation of nanosized cosmetic products including fabrication, characterization of nanocosmetics, major challenges in the safe applications, regulatory aspects, and commercialization on a large scale. The chapters provide understanding of the interaction of nanocarriers with skin and hair, different nanocosmetic products in the present situation, applications as well as disadvantageous toxicity associated with nanocosmetics, regulatory prospects, and future perspectives. Features: Provide an explicit account on vital aspects of various nanocosmetics drug delivery approaches, thereby providing a next-generation cosmetic product Bring together the novel applications of nanocosmetics approaches in the biological milieu Explores preparation, applications, toxicity, and regulatory prospects Includes a dedicated chapter on Niosomal drug-delivery systems in cosmetics Discusses the perspectives of the technologies explored so far based upon the findings outlined in highly organized tables, illustrative figures, and flow charts This book is aimed at researchers and professionals in nanomedicine, pharmaceuticals,...

The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains

The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains

Autor: Harald Sack , Eva Blomqvist , Mathieu D'aquin , Chiara Ghidini , Simone Paolo Ponzetto , Christoph Lange

Número de Páginas: 907

The 47 revised full papers presented together with three invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 204 submissions. This program was completed by a demonstration and poster session, in which researchers had the chance to present their latest results and advances in the form of live demos. In addition, the PhD Symposium program included 10 contributions, selected out of 21 submissions. The core tracks of the research conference were complemented with new tracks focusing on linked data; machine learning; mobile web, sensors and semantic streams; natural language processing and information retrieval; reasoning; semantic data management, big data, and scalability; services, APIs, processes and cloud computing; smart cities, urban and geospatial data; trust and privacy; and vocabularies, schemas, and ontologies.

Firehouse 101

Firehouse 101

Autor: Justin Watral

Número de Páginas: 392

Because of the severe downturn in the travel industry after the tragic events of 9/11, Alex Livingston is transferred from his dream job in a luxurious Honolulu hotel to his company's downtown business property in Brooklyn, where he must face the family he ran away from years earlier and a city still reeling from the horrific attack. While adjusting to life in Brooklyn, Alex discovers that it's denizens are not just trying to make sense of a world gone mad, but dealing with day to day issues in their multicultural neighborhood in Boerum Hill. Alex befriends a firefighter, Ryan Callahan, who is haunted by his role in the events of 9/11. Through Ryan and his firehouse comrades, Alex comes to terms with the bizarre turns his life has taken and has new hope for the future.

The Gentleman Is Blue

Autor: Tal Atkins

Número de Páginas: 144

"The atrocious crime of being a young man...I shall neither attempt to palliate nor deny." --William Pitt the Elder Graphic, caustic, and humorous, The Gentleman Is Blue tells the story of Alex, a wealthy young man struggling with his sexuality at a privileged Catholic high school in Louisiana. Scathing wit and sarcastic jibes cannot conceal the turbulence brewing within this group of students at St. Andrews High. The Gentleman Is Blue is a taste of dark humor served Southern style. Wealth, sexuality, love, discrimination, and fear shape this coming of age tale told in the grand tradition of the Southern novel.

#ScribblesForHer - Vol 2

Autor: Rijil Ks

Número de Páginas: 203

Love is a strange thing. It changes you no matter what. I tried expressing my love through words. Now I don't need this feeling ever again. These are the collection of texts I used to send to my unrequited one. Now I'm done with it for good. :-)

Love You Like That

Autor: Scarlett Cole

Número de Páginas: 331

Zoe Atkins wanted exactly one thing. To be the world’s greatest percussionist. Instead, she’s on a tour bus engaged in a stupid bet with rock star, Alex King, trying to fill the hole left behind when her dream gave up on her. The prickly former percussionist wasn’t supposed to steal his heart. With her distrust of lipstick and love of men’s pyjamas, she was everything playboy, Alex, didn’t want in a lover. At least, that’s what he thought when he bet her he could find her a hook up during their tour.Until he’s forced to watch the woman he’s come to desire leave the bar with her perfect guy, taking a piece of his already bruised and battered heart with her. Now it’s up to the Sad Fridays’ rocker to use his passionate powers of persuasion to convince Zoe he’s more than her wingman. He’s her everything.

My CEO Hypersomnia

Autor: Gaya Tri Ratu Violenta Fisabilillah

Número de Páginas: 103

Seorang CEO yang memiliki masalah tidurnya. Dia mengidap kelainan yaitu Hypersomnia. Hypersomnia yaitu dimana seseorang yang mengalami kelebihan tidur. Ya CEO tersebut mudah sekali untuk tidur, sekali pun itu di kantornya. CEO tersebut ingin menghilangkan kelainannya namun sulit. Hingga sampai ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis yaitu karyawannya sendiri. "Saya mengidap hypersomnia, saya sudah berulang kali mencoba menguranginya, namun selalu gagal. Saya berpikir disini kamu bisa membantu saya." "Saya hanya seorang psikolog pak, bukan dokter." "Tapi saya yakin kamu bisa" "Tidak pak.. karena saya bukan dokter, sebaiknya bapak berkonsultasi langsung dengan dokter" Alex mengacak rambutnya frustasi "Tidak, saya sudah selalu ke dokter, namun selalu gagal, kamu harus mau" bentak alex Akankah gadis tersebut menolong bossnya? Bisakah gadis itu menghilangkan kelainan yang di derita bosnya tersebut??


Autor: Ennie Smith

Número de Páginas: 90

Hat lány, és egy bál, ahol hercegnőként tündökölhetnek. Egy történet egy fiatal tizenhét éves lányról, Emma Derkinről. És másik öt kisasszonyról, akik, mint minden hölgy akkoriban, a bemutatkozó báljukon a legjobb férjet szeretnék megtalálni maguknak. Az események a viktoriánus korban játszódnak, hangulatos környezetben. A bálra való felkészülés időszakát, és a lányok közt kialakult viszonyokat kísérhetjük figyelemmel. És persze a nagy eseményt, a bemutatkozó bált, amire annyira készült mindenki. De a szerelem kiszámíthatatlan, és a sors soha nem úgy alakítja a dolgokat, ahogy azt mi elképzeljük… Ez a könyv nem csak főként fiatal lányoknak és Jane Austen rajongóknak szóló kisregény, hanem minden felnőtt hölgy számára egyaránt élvezhető téma.

Das Eis der vergessenen Seelen

Autor: Karsten Lehmann

Número de Páginas: 398

MANCHMAL IST ES FÜR DIE WAHRHEIT NOCH ZU FRÜH... Vor der indischen Küste werden Artefakte am Meeresboden gefunden, aber sie passen zu keiner bekannten Zivilisation. Für den Archäologen Tony ist es der erste große Forschungsauftrag. Eine abenteuerliche Reise durch Indien beginnt. Dass einige Gegenstände Strahlung abgeben, gibt Rätsel auf, doch Tony bekommt Hilfe von Dyani, einer jungen Wissenschaftlerin. Ihm fällt auf, dass alle beteiligten Forscher Kontakte nach Russland pflegen. Als mehrere Artefakte verschwinden, wird er misstrauisch. Welche Rolle spielt seine Partnerin wirklich? Im Alleingang geht Tony einem Mysterium der indischen Mythologie nach, doch seine Recherchen erregen Aufmerksamkeit in dunklen Kreisen. Als die ersten Hindernisse auftreten, hat er noch keine Vorstellung davon, welche Geheimnisse in den ältesten Hindu-Tempeln verborgen sind. Die Geschehnisse haben eine brisante Vorgeschichte. Spuren führen in die ersten Jahrzehnte der Atomforschung und zu Tonys Überraschung sogar in seine eigene, weit zurückliegende Vergangenheit. Um der Wahrheit näher zu kommen, muss er in Grenzbereiche der Wissenschaft vordringen und erhält schließlich erschreckende...

A Gonosz génje 2.rész

Autor: Haykováts

Número de Páginas: 642

A regény, a benne előforduló durva lelki és fizikai kegyetlenséget bemutató jelenetek és a szexualitás kendőzetlen leírása miatt, 18 évesnél fiatalabb olvasónak nem ajánlott. Az első részben megismert Alexander Melnyik mikrobiológus, haláltusáját vívja a katonai kórház alagsorában, ahol a „Főgonosz” pribékje, a pszichopata Oleg kínozza. A megbízott időben ér a helyszínre, és egyetlen rúgással végez Oleggel. Alexet sikeresen újraéleszti. A férfi csak akkor ismeri fel meg-mentőjét, amikor az magyarul szól hozzá. A megbízott nem más, mint rég látott szerelme: Lina, a Latorca parti kurtizán, aki tíz éve eltűnt, és közben a Moszad jól képzett ügynöke lett. Ezzel az epizóddal kezdődik a második rész, amiben a jó oldal felkészül a visszavágóra. A „Főgonosz”, Zverev tábornok szerencsecsillaga leáldozóban. Sorra érik a veszteségek és megaláztatások, de a sebzett vad veszélyességét sosem szabad lebecsülni. Hatalma birtokában még sok fájdalmat okoz. A végső csapást azzal a többkomponensű fegyverrel mérik rá, amit az ő elképzelése alapján kísérleteztek ki a titkos szibériai kutatóbázison. ...

Direct Numerical Simulations of Boundary Forced Turbulent Flow in a Non-rotating and a Rotating System

Autor: Guang Yang

Número de Páginas: 430

Júlia 685.

Autor: Maisey Yates

Número de Páginas: 145

Hírhedt az érzéketlenségéről Alessandro di Sione, de még ő sem tudja megtagadni nagyapja utolsó kívánságát. Az öregúr minden vágya, hogy visszakapjon egy régi festményt, amelynek sorsát királyi botrányok övezik. Csakhogy a célhoz Gabriella hercegnőn keresztül vezet az út. A titokzatos műtárgy utáni hajsza közben a lány szívében leküzdhetetlen vonzalom ébred a férfi iránt, akit a múlt démonjai gyötörnek. Alex ugyanis meg van győződve arról, hogy az ereiben folyó Di Sione-vér romlottá teszi. Lehet, hogy a szerelem jelentheti számára a megváltást?

Caste, Knowledge, and Power

Autor: Sunandan K. N.

Número de Páginas: 244

Caste, Knowledge, and Power investigates the transformations of caste practices in twentieth century India and the role of knowledge in this transformation and in the continuing of these oppressive practices. The author situates the domination and subordination in the domain of knowledge production in India not just in the emergence of colonial modernity but in the formation of colonial–Brahminical modernity. It engages less with the marginalization of the oppressed castes in the modern institutions of knowledge production which has already been discussed widely in the scholarship. Rather, the author focuses on how the modern colonial–Brahminical concept of knowledge invalidated many other forms of knowing practices and how historically caste domination transformed from the claims of superiority in acharam (ritual hierarchy) to the claims of superiority in possession of knowledge.

Szívhang 732.-733.

Autor: Amy Ruttan; Maggie Kingsley

Número de Páginas: 270

Amy Ruttan Licitálj a dokira! Sem családot, sem gyereket nem akart az idegsebész Chris, ezért elhagyta Amerikában a barátnőjét, Naomit. Három évvel később egy véletlen folytán újra találkoznak a földrengés sújtotta kis görög sziget kórházában. Azóta Chris egyedülálló apaként nevel egy kisfiút, és élete legnagyobb ballépésének tartja az egykori szakítást. Naomi jótékonysági árverést szervez Athénban, és megkéri Christ, legyen ő az egyik agglegény, akivel jó pénzért randevúzni lehet… Maggie Kingsley Számolom a perceket A rendelő új doktornője, Alexandra Lorimer csupa vidámság, majd szétveti a jókedv. Senki sem sejti, hogy a felszín alatt halálos betegség réme rejtőzik. Alex a pillanatnak él, mert mindent ki akar élvezni, amiben még része lehet. Egyedül a nagy érzelmeket tartja távol magától, pedig mostani főnöke egyre többet jelent számára. Ő azonban nem akar fájdalmat okozni Hugh Scottnak, aki egyszer már elveszítette élete szerelmét…

A másik Malody lány

Autor: Péntek Kamilla

Número de Páginas: 434

A másik Malody lány a varázslatos angol reneszánsz idején, egy képzeletbeli városban játszódó történelmi kalandregény, tele megoldásra váró rejtélyekkel, szerelemmel, nem várt fordulatokkal. Smallhall olyan hely, ahol mindenkinek vannak titkai és mindenkinek a neve összefüggésbe hozható valamilyen botránnyal. Egy ködös reggelen egy fiatal lány holttestére bukkannak a kisvárosban élők. A helyszínen összesereglők azt suttogják, hogy az egyik Malody lány az áldozat. Hogy megtudjuk, melyikük, illetve hogy valóban így van-e, vissza kell fejtenünk az idő fonalát – ez az időutazás pedig nem akármilyen kalandokkal lepi meg olvasóját. A kötet a Smallhalli mesék második része, amely lazán kapcsolódik az elsőhöz, a Gázlámpához, de önállóan is élvezetes olvasmány. Ez a könyv ugyanis sokkal régebbi időkbe, 1555-be, I. Mária királynő uralkodása idejére repít vissza bennünket.

Terrorism and the Pandemic

Autor: Rohan Gunaratna , Katalin Petho-kiss

Número de Páginas: 213

The global pandemic has offered extraordinary opportunities for extremists and terrorists to mobilize themselves and revive as more powerful actors in the security landscape. But could these threat groups actually capitalize on the coronavirus crisis and advance their malevolent agendas? Utilizing the largest COVID-19-related terrorism database, the book presents an analysis built upon a quantitative and qualitative comparison between the nature of both the radical Islamist and the far-right-related threat in 2018 and 2020. It provides, for the first time, a true picture of novel trends since the pandemic outbreak.

Security and Cryptography for Networks

Autor: Dario Catalano , Roberto De Prisco

Número de Páginas: 580

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, SCN 2018, held in Amalfi, Italy, in September 2018. The 30 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 submissions. They are organized in topical sections on signatures and watermarking; composability; encryption; multiparty computation; anonymity and zero knowledge; secret sharing and oblivious transfer; lattices and post quantum cryptography; obfuscation; two-party computation; and protocols.

Wings at Dawn

Autor: Marie Balustrade

Número de Páginas: 249

Wings at Dawn By: Marie Balustrade Writer and photographer, I am a native of the Philippines who grew up and lived in various countries, resulting in photography and writing becoming integral pillars of my soul and, hence, inseparable from my being. The urge to write about what I photograph or match a photograph to my writings are processes that are never far from one another. In the same manner, while on retreat in the mountains of Kodaikanal, India, one year, photography transcended into a form of prayer. When I need to find my center or escape the madness of the world around me, I grab my camera and immerse myself in a world that understands me, and I it. My novels deal with controversial social issues that span the globe. The stories are not meant for the reader to swoon over and fall in love momentarily for a shallow romance. I want the audience to cry with me, to be enraged, be disgusted, and after turning the last page, they should be more vigilant. All my books and stories are supported by extensive travel and research, in addition to firsthand experience, having been a development worker in Asia for over 15 years and seen horrors that few will ever write about. My life...

Proceedings Of The International Congress Of Mathematicians 2018 (Icm 2018) (In 4 Volumes)

Autor: Boyan Sirakov , Paulo Ney De Souza , Marcelo Viana

Número de Páginas: 5393

The Proceedings of the ICM publishes the talks, by invited speakers, at the conference organized by the International Mathematical Union every 4 years. It covers several areas of Mathematics and it includes the Fields Medal and Nevanlinna, Gauss and Leelavati Prizes and the Chern Medal laudatios.

Fight Me

Autor: Austin Grossman

Número de Páginas: 336

READ THE THRILLING, ACERBIC AND HILARIOUS NOVEL FROM THE AUTHOR OF SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE 'The Avengers meets The Breakfast Club... wry and engaging' James Swallow, Sunday Times bestselling author of Nomad 'A spiky, fierce, erudite riff on the wonderful world of silver age superheroes' Charles Stross, bestselling author of The Atrocity Archives 'Blending the lurid, anything-goes madness of Silver Age comic books with emotionally complicated characters and realistic consequences on a cosmic scale' SFX ---- Dr Rick Tower is a mild-mannered English professor easing into middle-age at a medium-sized New England college. A genial blur, he thinks. Even his vices are unremarkable. But it wasn’t always like this. Not until they changed his name, altered his looks and told him: ‘pretend you were never different’. Because, decades earlier after a very bad day at high school, he was committed to a secret government facility with three other kids, Cat, Jack and Stephanie, each special in their own way. Tested, tutored and trained, this extraordinary quartet were then told to save the world. It was the best thing that ever happened to them. Until it became the worst. Now, twenty years ...


Autor: Joe Muggs

Número de Páginas: 489

Available in a first edition print run strictly limited to 4,000 copies, fabric tells the story of one of the most revered clubs in the history of dance music culture. fabric captures the journey of a small group of enthusiasts who, rebelling against the commercialisation of the rave scene, converted a derelict meat store in an unfashionable part of London into a venue that remains a cathedral for undiluted dance music with a global following. Featuring stories about the club's birth, struggles and successes, as well as rare photography and iconic artwork, and an oral history by Joe Muggs featuring over one hundred testimonies from the legendary DJs associated with fabric, this is a celebration of the colossal impact fabric has had on club culture over the last quarter of a century. Above all, it's a story about the misfits and visionaries who made it happen, the curators and resident DJs who have kept it true to its roots, and the experiences of clubbers on the dancefloor.

Decisiones supremi senatus Burdegalensis, auctore dn. Nicolao Boerio ... in quibus diversi casus, tam canonici, quam civilis, feudales & criminales, cæteræque materiæ, mirifice discussi atque decisitractantur. ..

Autor: Nicolas Bohier

Número de Páginas: 784

Principios de economía

Autor: Saifedean Ammous

Número de Páginas: 315

Una introducción accesible y exhaustiva a los fundamentos económicos desde la perspectiva de la escuela austriaca Principios de economía ofrece una visión general y clara de los conceptos fundamentales de la economía, lo que hace que sea ideal para estudiantes universitarios, economistas profesionales y el público general. Saifedean Ammous emplea el enfoque de la escuela austriaca de economía para explicar principios y métodos económicos, evitando complejos modelos matemáticos y agregados teóricos. A lo largo de sus cinco partes, el libro aborda temas como el valor, el tiempo, el trabajo, el capital, el dinero y los derechos de propiedad, proporcionando al lector ejemplos prácticos y relevantes. Esta obra es una herramienta esencial para quienes desean entender y aplicar la economía en el contexto moderno.

D.N. BOERII. DECISIONES BVRDEGALENSES SVMMA DILIGENTIA ET ERVDITIONE COLLECTAE, ET EXPLICATAE. VNA CVM EIVSDEM BOERII CONSILIIS, TRACTATIBVS DE STATV ET VITA HEREMITARVM, de Seditiosis, de Custodia clauium portarum cinitatis, [et] Additionibus in tractatum Ioan. Montani de Authoritate magni consilij. Collatis vetustissimis exemplaribus omnia recognita, á Guill: Nepote in Curia Lugdunensi Aduocato. Accesserunt huic editioni, nunc primum é Gallico in Latinum conuersae, Decisiones insignes D. AEgidij Magistri, Equitis, [et] in suprem Parisiensi Curia primi Praesidis. Cum rerum ac verborum locupletissimo Indice

Autor: Nicolas Bohier

Número de Páginas: 1088

D.N. Boerii Decisiones Burdegalenses summa diligentia et erudutione collectae et explicatae

Autor: Nicolas Bohier

Número de Páginas: 1086

Able Muse, Summer 2017 (No. 23 - print edition)

Autor: Emily Grosholz , Terese Coe , Frederick Wilbur , Catharine Savage Brosman

Número de Páginas: 136

La méthode Make time

Autor: Jake Knapp , John Zeratsky

Número de Páginas: 292

"Obsédé par le temps et par la manière de l'employer efficacement, j'ai adoré ce livre à la fois drôle et utile. Le temps passé à le lire est largement rentabilisé !" Ev Williams, PDG de Medium et cofondateur de Twitter Ne vous demandez-vous jamais : "Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai vraiment fait aujourd'hui ?" N'avez-vous aucun projet en tête que vous comptez faire "bientôt", sans que cela n'arrive ? Chaque jour, les heures filent, les réunions s'enchaînent, la liste des mails à traiter s'allonge, sans compter les sollicitations permanentes des réseaux sociaux... Vous voulez arrêter de vous sentir comme un hamster dans sa roue? Vous voulez reprendre le contrôle de votre temps et de votre concentration ? Avec La méthode Make Time, Jake Knapp et John Zeratsky vous livrent 87 tactiques issues de leurs expériences, qui leur ont permis d'optimiser leur énergie, leur concentration et leur temps. Choisir ses priorités : highlight. Rester concentré et éviter les distractions : laser. Augmenter son niveau d'énergie quotidienne : energize. Faire le point en fin de journée : reflect.

Hardware and Software Support for Virtualization

Autor: Edouard Bugnion , Jason Nieh , Dan Tsafrir

Número de Páginas: 202

This book focuses on the core question of the necessary architectural support provided by hardware to efficiently run virtual machines, and of the corresponding design of the hypervisors that run them. Virtualization is still possible when the instruction set architecture lacks such support, but the hypervisor remains more complex and must rely on additional techniques. Despite the focus on architectural support in current architectures, some historical perspective is necessary to appropriately frame the problem. The first half of the book provides the historical perspective of the theoretical framework developed four decades ago by Popek and Goldberg. It also describes earlier systems that enabled virtualization despite the lack of architectural support in hardware. As is often the case, theory defines a necessary—but not sufficient—set of features, and modern architectures are the result of the combination of the theoretical framework with insights derived from practical systems. The second half of the book describes state-of-the-art support for virtualization in both x86-64 and ARM processors. This book includes an in-depth description of the CPU, memory, and I/O...

Enterprise Cloud Security and Governance

Autor: Zeal Vora

Número de Páginas: 406

Build a resilient cloud architecture to tackle data disasters with ease About This Book Gain a firm grasp of Cloud data security and governance, irrespective of your Cloud platform Practical examples to ensure you secure your Cloud environment efficiently A step-by-step guide that will teach you the unique techniques and methodologies of Cloud data governance Who This Book Is For If you are a cloud security professional who wants to ensure cloud security and data governance no matter the environment, then this book is for you. A basic understanding of working on any cloud platform would be beneficial. What You Will Learn Configure your firewall and Network ACL Protect your system against DDOS and application-level attacks Explore cryptography and data security for your cloud Get to grips with configuration management tools to automate your security tasks Perform vulnerability scanning with the help of the standard tools in the industry Learn about central log management In Detail Modern day businesses and enterprises are moving to the Cloud, to improve efficiency and speed, achieve flexibility and cost effectiveness, and for on-demand Cloud services. However, enterprise Cloud...

“ Ioan. Bertrachini Firmani I. V. D. præstantiss.” Repertorivm [juris utriusque], Olim Qvidem Io. Thierry Lingonensis Ivrivm Interpretis Clarissimi opera locupletatum: Nvper Etiam Æmilii Mariæ Manolessi I. V. D. excellentiß. studio magna parte auctum: Nvnc Vero' ab innumeris erroribus at[que] mendis doctiss. uirorum industria & labore ita repurgatum, ut iam nihil ferè in eo magnoperè Studiosi desiderare possint ; Prima [- Quinta] Pars

Autor: Giovanni Bertachini

Número de Páginas: 484

Communes Conclusiones Antonii Gabrielii Romani, Sacrae Aulae Consistorialis Advocatorum Decani, Ac Fisci Apostolici Advocati, in septem libros distributae ...

Autor: Antonius Gabrieli

Número de Páginas: 918

Advanced Methods and Deep Learning in Computer Vision

Autor: E. R. Davies , Matthew Turk

Número de Páginas: 584

Advanced Methods and Deep Learning in Computer Vision presents advanced computer vision methods, emphasizing machine and deep learning techniques that have emerged during the past 5–10 years. The book provides clear explanations of principles and algorithms supported with applications. Topics covered include machine learning, deep learning networks, generative adversarial networks, deep reinforcement learning, self-supervised learning, extraction of robust features, object detection, semantic segmentation, linguistic descriptions of images, visual search, visual tracking, 3D shape retrieval, image inpainting, novelty and anomaly detection. This book provides easy learning for researchers and practitioners of advanced computer vision methods, but it is also suitable as a textbook for a second course on computer vision and deep learning for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. - Provides an important reference on deep learning and advanced computer methods that was created by leaders in the field - Illustrates principles with modern, real-world applications - Suitable for self-learning or as a text for graduate courses

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