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Gran colección de libros en lengua castellana

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Les Révoltes du ciel

Autor: Jean-baptiste Fressoz , Fabien Locher

Número de Páginas: 218

De l’aube de l’époque moderne au milieu du XXe siècle, les sociétés occidentales ont débattu du changement climatique, de ses causes et de ses effets sur les équilibres écologiques, sociaux, politiques. On ne se préoccupait alors ni de CO2 ni d’effet de serre. On pensait par contre que couper les forêts et transformer la planète modifieraient les pluies, les températures, les saisons. Cette question fut posée partout où l’histoire avançait à grands pas : par les Conquistadors au Nouveau Monde, par les révolutionnaires de 1789, par les savants et les tribuns politiques du XIXe siècle, par les impérialistes européens en Asie et en Afrique jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Cette enquête magistrale raconte pour la première fois les angoisses et les espoirs de sociétés qui, soumises aux aléas du ciel, pensent et anticipent les changements climatiques. Elle montre que la transformation du climat fût au coeur de débats fondamentaux sur la colonisation, Dieu, l'Etat, la nature et le capitalisme et que de ces batailles ont émergé certains concepts-clés des politiques et des sciences environnementales contemporaines. Si, pendant un bref laps de...

Chaos in the Heavens

Autor: Jean-baptiste Fressoz , Fabien Locher

Número de Páginas: 289

"If you want to understand the long path to the climate crisis, read this book." –Deborah Coen, Professor of History and the History of Science and Medicine, Yale University Politicians and scientists have debated climate change for centuries in times of rapid change Nothing could seem more contemporary than climate change. Yet, in Chaos in the Heavens, Jean-Baptiste Fressoz and Fabien Locher show that we have been thinking about and debating the consequences of our actions upon the environment for centuries. The subject was raised wherever history accelerated: by the Conquistadors in the New World, by the French revolutionaries of 1789, by the scientists and politicians of the nineteenth century, by the European imperialists in Asia and Africa until the Second World War. Climate change was at the heart of fundamental debates about colonisation, God, the state, nature, and capitalism. From these intellectual and political battles emerged key concepts of contemporary environmental science and policy. For a brief interlude, science and industry instilled in us the reassuring illusion of an impassive climate. But, in the age of global warming, we must, once again, confront the...

Les maîtres de l'erreur

Autor: Stéphane Callens

Número de Páginas: 579

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.

Mëmoires d'agriculture, d'ëconomie rurale et domestique

Autor: Académie D'agriculture De France

Número de Páginas: 602

Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, arts et belles lettres de Dijon

Autor: Académie Des Sciences, Arts Et Belles Lettres De Dijon (france)

Número de Páginas: 360

Séance publique

Autor: Académie Des Sciences, Arts Et Belles Lettres De Dijon (france)

Número de Páginas: 362

L'ère du chiffre / The Age of Numbers

Autor: Jean-guy Prévost , Jean-pierre Beaud

Número de Páginas: 510

Quel effet ont sur nous les classements et mesures statistiques ? Exerçons-nous, en retour, une action sur ces mesures ? C'est en prenant en compte les différences nationales et les barrières entre les diverses disciplines que les auteurs répondent à ces questions. Ils font le point sur l'évolution de la statistique comme mode de connaissance et de gestion du monde social et évaluent les outils mathématiques ou formels qui en constituent le fonds technique, les assises matérielles qui en assurent le déploiement et les demandes d'information qui en légitiment l'existence.

Estadistica de España ... puesta en castellano por D. J. Garriga y Baucis ... Acompañan á esta obra dos mapas

Autor: Alexandre Moreau De JonnÈs

Número de Páginas: 396

Monographie historique et médicale de la fièvre jaune des Antilles

Autor: Alexandre Moreau De Jonnès

Número de Páginas: 406

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Autor: Royal Society Of Edinburgh

Número de Páginas: 548

List of fellows for 1908- in v. 25.

Diaspora Conversions

Autor: Paul Christopher Johnson

Número de Páginas: 343

"I'm extremely impressed by Johnson's book. Diaspora Conversions offers an outstanding combination of theoretical acuity, erudition, and ethnographic prowess. It is bound to become highly influential in the study of religion in motion."—Manuel A. Vasquez, co-author of Globalizing the Sacred: Religion Across the Americas "Johnson's work bursts through the present conversations on African diaspora and brings us onto entirely new ground, shattering simplistic ideas and replacing them with critical distinctions. This smart and talented ethnographer succeeds in combining detailed and rich ethnographic fieldwork with an unrelentingly critical and sophisticated analysis. Johnson's work brings to life one of the most central, perhaps the most central, classic question of African American anthropology: "How is Black culture constituted, even through dislocation and displacement?"—Elizabeth McAlister, author of Rara! Vodou, Power, and Performance in Haiti and Its Diaspora "Diasporic Conversions convincingly breaks new ground by showing how the meaning of 'homeland' is fundamentally a product of historically situated and contested forms of collective imagination. What will make Johnson's ...

Demos Rising

Autor: Stephen W. Sawyer

Número de Páginas: 325

A political history exploring the concept of demos in the French government during the period of 1800 to 1850. In his previous book, Demos Assembled, historian Stephen W. Sawyer offered a transatlantic account of the birth and transformation of the modern democratic state. In Demos Rising, he presents readers of political history with a prequel whose ambitious claim is that a genuine demos became possible in France only with the development of government regulation and administration. Focusing on democracy as a form of administration rather than as a form of sovereignty allows Sawyer to explore urban planning, work and private enterprise, health administration, and much more as cornerstones of a self-governing society of equals. Examining the period between 1800 and 1850, Sawyer studies a set of thinkers who debated at length over the material problems of everyday life, sparking calls for political action and social reform in the face of conflict wreaked by deforestation, urbanization, health crises, labor relations, industrial capitalism, religious tensions, and imperial expansion. The solutions to these problems, Sawyer argues, were sought—and sometimes found—not through...

Les libres de couleur en Martinique: De septembre 1802 aux débuts de la Restauration

Autor: Abel A. Louis

Número de Páginas: 234

"La confrontation entre la théorie et la pratique quotidienne des actes relevant des curés, officiers d'état civil et notaires, a démontré comment la ségrégation perdure à cause du maintien de l'esclavage en Martinique entre septembre 1802 et les années 1815-1822. Aucune remise en cause de l'ordre social ne pouvant être admise dans la société coloniale, les libres de couleur sont demeurés dans un entre-deux discriminatoire et ségrégatif."--Publisher.

Catalogue de l'histoire de France: Biographie (suite) Supplément

Autor: Bibliothèque Nationale (france). Département Des Imprimés

Número de Páginas: 802

Memoires de l'Academie imperiale des sciences de Saint Petersbourg avec l'histoire de l'academie pour les annees ...

Número de Páginas: 916

Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg

Autor: Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk (sankt-peterburg)

Número de Páginas: 922

[Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg / Sciences politiques, histoire et philologie ] ; Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Sciences politiques, histoire et philologie

Autor: Imperatorskaja Akademija Nauk

Número de Páginas: 926

The Great Nation in Decline

Autor: Professor Sean M Quinlan

Número de Páginas: 292

This book studies how doctors responded to – and helped shape – deep-seated fears about nervous degeneracy and population decline in France between 1750 and 1850. It uncovers a rich and far-ranging medical debate in which four generations of hygiene activists used biomedical science to transform the self, sexuality and community in order to regenerate a sick and decaying nation; a programme doctors labelled 'physical and moral hygiene'. Moreover, it is shown how doctors imparted biomedical ideas and language that allowed lay people to make sense of often bewildering socio-political changes, thereby giving them a sense of agency and control over these events. Combining a chronological and thematic approach, the six chapters in this book trace how doctors began their medical crusade during the middle of the Enlightenment, how this activism flowered during the French Revolution, and how they then revised their views during the period of post-revolutionary reaction. The study concludes by arguing that medicine acquired an unprecedented political, social and cultural position in French society, with doctors becoming the primary spokesmen for bourgeois values, and thus helped to...

Les libres de couleur en Martinique (Tome 3)

Autor: Abel A. Louis

Número de Páginas: 236

La confrontation entre la théorie et la pratique quotidienne des actes relevant des curés, officiers d'état civil et notaires, a démontré comment la ségrégation perdure à cause du maintien de l'esclavage en Martinique entre septembre 1802 et les années 1815-1822. Aucune remise en cause de l'ordre social ne pouvant être admise dans la société coloniale, les libres de couleur sont demeurés dans un entre-deux discriminatoire et ségrégatif.

Colonizing the Body

Autor: David Arnold

Número de Páginas: 370

In this innovative analysis of medicine and disease in colonial India, David Arnold explores the vital role of the state in medical and public health activities, arguing that Western medicine became a critical battleground between the colonized and the colonizers. Focusing on three major epidemic diseases—smallpox, cholera, and plague—Arnold analyzes the impact of medical interventionism. He demonstrates that Western medicine as practiced in India was not simply transferred from West to East, but was also fashioned in response to local needs and Indian conditions. By emphasizing this colonial dimension of medicine, Arnold highlights the centrality of the body to political authority in British India and shows how medicine both influenced and articulated the intrinsic contradictions of colonial rule.

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