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Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Autor: J. Power

Número de Páginas: 129

Traces the history of Amnesty International from its beginnings in 1961, describing the difficulties and disappointments, how the organization works, and its special campaigns. Includes case studies focusing on the Soviet Union, China, Africa, Brazil and South America and first hand information on current activities in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The book is illustrated by photographs from Amnesty's archives

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 68

Organizations that Help the World is a unique series that fills an important niche for educationalists. These organizations and the topical issues that they address are in the news almost everyday. Each book tells the compelling story of the birth and development of an organisation and looks at its global role.

Diplomacy of Conscience

Diplomacy of Conscience

Autor: Ann Marie Clark

Número de Páginas: 196

A small group founded Amnesty International in 1961 to translate human rights principles into action. Diplomacy of Conscience provides a rich account of how the organization pioneered a combination of popular pressure and expert knowledge to advance global human rights. To an extent unmatched by predecessors and copied by successors, Amnesty International has employed worldwide publicity campaigns based on fact-finding and moral pressure to urge governments to improve human rights practices. Less well known is Amnesty International's significant impact on international law. It has helped forge the international community's repertoire of official responses to the most severe human rights violations, supplementing moral concern with expertise and conceptual vision. Diplomacy of Conscience traces Amnesty International's efforts to strengthen both popular human rights awareness and international law against torture, disappearances, and political killings. Drawing on primary interviews and archival research, Ann Marie Clark posits that Amnesty International's strenuously cultivated objectivity gave the group political independence and allowed it to be critical of all governments...

Réfugiés, un scandale planétaire

Réfugiés, un scandale planétaire

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 159

Très nombreux sont les États qui ont ratifié la Convention de Genève de 1951 relative au droit d'asile. Pourtant, les pratiques ne suivent pas : on ne compte plus les épisodes dramatiques aux frontières d'États forteresses, à Sangatte, à Patras en Grèce, à Lampedusa, en Israël... Des murs s'érigent. Dans les discours officiels, les demandeurs d'asile sont de plus en plus assimilés à des criminels. L'Union européenne sous-traite le refoulement des réfugiés comme pour se protéger d'un afflux massif, alors que très majoritairement, les réfugiés fuient dans des pays proches des leurs : Pakistan, Syrie, Soudan... Aujourd'hui, les demandeurs d'asile sont bienvenus... nulle part. Une synthèse unique d'Amnesty International qui formule 10 propositions concrètes pour que le droit d'asile redevienne une réalité.

Amnesty International Report

Amnesty International Report

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 308

Repression, poverty and war dominated the lives of hundreds of millions of people at the turn of the century. Governments all over the world used imprisonment, torture and murder to silence opposition and maintain their hold on power. Lack of political freedom and a widening gap between rich and poor fuelled protests which were met with brutality and violence in many countries. The Amnesty International report 2000 bears witness to the human rights abuses suffered by people in more than 140 countries and territories around the world.In some countries instability degenerated into opened armed conflict or lawlessness which cost the lives of countless men, women and children. International military interventions in Kosovo and East Timor, and the muted international response to the Russian bombing of Chechnya, intensified the debate over how the international community should respond to mass human rights abuses.This report reflects not only the failures of human rights protection but also the creativity, determination and successes of the human rights movement.

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Éduquer aux droits de l'homme avec Amnesty international

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 24
The Amnesty International Handbook

The Amnesty International Handbook

Autor: Amnesty International Usa.

Número de Páginas: 168

"Published on Amnesty's 30th anniversary"--Cover.

Amnesty International Report 2008

Amnesty International Report 2008

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 406

This annual report documents human rights abuses by governments and armed opposition groups in 150 countries across the world. It provides an invaluable reference guide to international human rights developments.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Autor: Ann Parry

Número de Páginas: 32

Introduces the group Amnesty International, providing information about their history, national and international goals and campaigns, and the people who work and volunteer for the group.

Amnesty International Report 2007

Amnesty International Report 2007

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 356

This annual report documents human rights abuses by governments and armed opposition groups in 150 countries across the world. It provides an invaluable reference guide to international human rights developments.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Autor: Reg Grant

Número de Páginas: 32

World Organizations is a series that examines the role key international organizations play in improving the lives of people around the world. Each title includes case studies revealing how each organization functions.

La gestión policial de la protesta en Argentina y Chile

La gestión policial de la protesta en Argentina y Chile

Autor: Michelle D. Bonner

Número de Páginas: 348

Mediante un análisis de cómo la gente habla de la policía y de las protestas en Argentina y Chile, Michelle Bonner ofrece una nueva perspectiva sobre la reforma policial y la rendición de cuentas democrática. En lugar de una investigación de la reforma policial tomada como algo técnico e institucional, la autora se centra sobre el contexto social y político dentro del cual trabaja la policía y responde lo que se interpreta que el público y los políticos quieren.

Human Rights are Women's Right

Human Rights are Women's Right

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 16

For millions of women the 1990's have meant terror, deprivation, and the imperative of fighting for justice. Today, what unites women internationally - transcending class, race, culture, religion, nationality and ethnic origin - is their vulnerability to abuse of their fundamental human rights, and their dedicated efforts to claim those rights.Every year millions of women suffer every abuse and violation known to the modern world. Certain violations, such as rape, are primarily directed at women. The report highlights the situation of women in some 75 countries and shows how much work must be done if we are indeed to have Equality by the Year 2000.

Amnesty International Report 2016/17

Amnesty International Report 2016/17

Autor: Amnesty International Sektion Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland E. V.

Número de Páginas: 1139

Der ›Amnesty International Report 2016/17‹ ist das essentielle Handbuch zur weltweiten Lage der Menschenrechte. Bewaffnete Konflikte, Terror und mangelnder staatlicher Schutz haben 65 Millionen Menschen weltweit in die Flucht getrieben. Doch immer mehr Staaten riegeln ihre Grenzen ab und verwehren den Geflüchteten ihre Rechte auf Leben, Freiheit und Sicherheit. Gleichzeitig gefährden Zensur, Repressionen und autoritäre Praktiken die vermeintlich sicheren zivilisatorischen Errungenschaften. Der ›Amnesty International Report‹ gibt anhand von circa 160 Länderberichten – unter anderem aus der Volksrepublik China, Nigeria, der Türkei und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika – einen Überblick über die weltweite Situation der Menschenrechte und ist eine wichtige Grundlage für alle, die sich für die Menschenrechte interessieren und sie durch politische Entscheidungen oder freiwilliges Engagement verändern wollen.

Informe 2009 Amnistía Internacional. El estado de los derechos humanos en el mundo

Informe 2009 Amnistía Internacional. El estado de los derechos humanos en el mundo

Autor: Amnistía Internacional,

Número de Páginas: 482
Like Water on Stone

Like Water on Stone

Autor: Jonathan Power

Número de Páginas: 364

Published in Amnesty International's 40th anniversary year, this objective history tells how the controversial yet highly influential organization put human rights on the international agenda.

Informe 2010 Amnistia Internacional: el Estado de los Derechos Humanos en el Mundo

Informe 2010 Amnistia Internacional: el Estado de los Derechos Humanos en el Mundo

Autor: Amnistía Internacional

Número de Páginas: 465

Se documentan los abusos cometidos en 159 países y se pone de manifiesto el bloqueo que gobiernos poderosos están poniendo a los avances que se han hecho en la justicia internacional, al actuar por encima de ley con respecto a los derechos humanos, proteger a sus aliados frente a las críticas y tomar medidas sólo cuando les interesa políticamente.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Autor: Amnesty International Sektion Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland E. V.

Número de Páginas: 1386

In vielen Staaten gehören Unterdrückungsmaßnahmen schon fast zur Routine: Regierungen unterbinden freie Meinungsäußerungen in der Presse und im Internet unter Hinweis auf die nationale Sicherheit. Sie gehen gegen Kritiker vor, verhaften Journalisten und andere, bedrohen sie mit Folter und manchmal mit Tod. Diese Politik, die das Menschenrecht der Meinungsfreiheit massiv verletzt, gab es in dem weiterhin von Kriegen und Flüchtlingsnot gekennzeichneten Jahr 2017 auf allen Kontinenten. Der neue Report von Amnesty International gibt Auskunft über die Situation der Menschenrechte in ca. 160 Staaten und ist eine wichtige Grundlage für alle, die sich für die Menschenrechte interessieren und sie durch politische Entscheidungen oder freiwilliges Engagement verändern wollen. Zugleich fordert der Report dazu auf, die Menschenrechte zu respektieren und für sie einzustehen. Eine Bestandsaufnahme zur weltweiten Lage der Menschenrechte

Informe 2008 de Amnistía Internacional

Informe 2008 de Amnistía Internacional

Autor: Amnistía Internacional

Número de Páginas: 452

El Informe 2008 de Amnistía Internacional pone de manifiesto, 60 años después de haber sido adoptada la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos por las Naciones Unidas, que en al menos 81 países todavía se infligen torturas o malos tratos a las personas, que en al menos 54 se las somete a juicios sin las garantías debidas, y que en al menos 77 no se les permite hablar con libertad.

Keepers of the Flame

Keepers of the Flame

Autor: Stephen Hopgood

Número de Páginas: 219

"If one organization is synonymous with keeping hope alive, even as a faint glimmer in the darkness of a prison, it is Amnesty International. Amnesty has been the light, and that light was truth—bearing witness to suffering hidden from the eyes of the world."—from the Preface The first in-depth look at working life inside a major human rights organization, Keepers of the Flame charts the history of Amnesty International and the development of its nerve center, the International Secretariat, over forty-five years. Through interviews with staff members, archival research, and unprecedented access to Amnesty International's internal meetings, Stephen Hopgood provides an engrossing and enlightening account of day-to-day operations within the organization, larger decisions about the nature of its mission, and struggles over the implementation of that mission. An enduring feature of Amnesty's inner life, Hopgood finds, has been a recurrent struggle between the "keepers of the flame" who seek to preserve Amnesty's accumulated store of moral authority and reformers who hope to change, modernize, and use that moral authority in ways that its protectors fear may erode the organization's ...

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Amnesty International

Autor: Amnesty International

Número de Páginas: 472

Guerre en Irak, crise de légitimité des Nations unies, violations flagrantes des droits fondamentaux dans certains États, impunité... L'année 2003 a lancé bien des défis au mouvement international de défense des droits humains. Au nom de la " guerre contre le terrorisme ", les normes internationales en matière de droits humains ont continué d'être bafouées. Des milliers d'hommes et de femmes ont subi des détentions illégales, des procès inéquitables ou des tortures, bien souvent pour leurs seules convictions religieuses ou leur appartenance ethnique. Dans le monde entier, plus d'un milliard de personnes ont vu leur vie dévastée par la pauvreté et l'injustice sociale, tandis que les gouvernements continuaient d'investir sans restriction dans les programmes d'armement. Ce Rapport d'Amnesty International, qui détaille la situation des droits humains dans 155 pays et territoires pour l'année 2003, donne une vue d'ensemble de l'évolution de cette situation par région. Il présente les thèmes prioritaires de l'action d'Amnesty International - violence contre les femmes, droits sociaux, économiques et culturels, justice, protection des réfugiés et des migrants...

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