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Le catalogage : méthode et pratiques

Le catalogage : méthode et pratiques

Autor: Marie-renée Cazabon , Isabelle Dussert-carbone

Número de Páginas: 397

Un manuel qui aide les bibliothécaires et les documentalistes à appliquer les normes Afnor de catalogage en s'appuyant sur des exemples choisis dans la production éditoriale. Cette édition propose de nouveaux exercices.

Studies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics

Studies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics

Autor: Philip Baldi , Pietro U. Dini

Número de Páginas: 358

This collection of twenty-nine research papers is dedicated to the eminent Balticist, Slavicist and Indo-Europeanist, William R. Schmalstieg in commemoration of his seventy-fifth birthday. It contains contributions by specialists of mainly Baltic and Indo-European linguistics which are reflective of Schmalstieg's own scholarly interests over the decades of his career, including technical aspects of Baltic and Indo-European phonology, morphology and syntax, etymology, language universals, the history of linguistics and the Baltic text tradition. Contributors include prominent scholars from the United States and Europe, both east and west. All papers are in English, and all linguistic material in less commonly known languages is provided with an English translation, making the contents accessible to a wider audience of readers.

The Ruthwell Cross and its Texts

The Ruthwell Cross and its Texts

Autor: Kerstin Majewski

Número de Páginas: 424

The Ruthwell Cross is one of the finest Anglo-Saxon high crosses that have come down to us. The longest epigraphic text in the Old English Runes Corpus is inscribed on two sides of the monument: it forms an alliterative poem, in which the Cross itself narrates the crucifixion episode. Parts of the inscription are irrevocably lost. This study establishes a historico-cultural context for the Ruthwell Cross’s texts and sculptures. It shows that The Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem is an integral part of a Christian artefact but also an independent text. Although its verses match closely with lines of The Dream of the Rood in the Vercelli Book, a comparative analysis gives new insight into their complex relationship. An annotated transliteration of the runes offers intriguing information for runologists. Detailed linguistic and metrical analyses finally yield a new reconstruction of the lost runes. All in all, this study takes a fresh look at the Ruthwell Cross and provides the first scholarly edition of the reconstructed Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem—one of the earliest religious poems of Anglo-Saxon England. It will be of interest to scholars and students of historical linguistics,...

Historical, Indo-European, and Lexicographical Studies

Historical, Indo-European, and Lexicographical Studies

Autor: Hans H. Hock

Número de Páginas: 401

TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as well as in its social contexts as important sources of insight for a better understanding of the design of linguistic systems and the ecology and evolution of language. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS publishes monographs and outstanding dissertations as well as edited volumes, which provide the opportunity to address controversial topics from different empirical and theoretical viewpoints. High quality standards are ensured through anonymous reviewing.

Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European

Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European

Autor: Jens Elmegård Rasmussen , Thomas Olander

Número de Páginas: 290

With text in English & German, this book contains papers from the XVI International Conference on Historical Linguistics held at the University of Copenhagen.

Runes and Roman Letters in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts

Runes and Roman Letters in Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts

Autor: Victoria Symons

Número de Páginas: 236

This book presents the first comprehensive study of Anglo-Saxon manuscript texts containing runic letters. To date there has been no comprehensive study of these works in a single volume, although the need for such an examination has long been recognized. This is in spite of a growing academic interest in the mise-en-page of early medieval manuscripts. The texts discussed in this study include Old English riddles and elegies, the Cynewulfian poems, charms, Solomon and Saturn I, and the Old English Rune Poem. The focus of the discussion is on the literary analysis of these texts in their palaeographic and runological contexts. Anglo-Saxon authors and scribes did not, of course, operate within a vacuum, and so these primary texts are considered alongside relevant epigraphic inscriptions, physical objects, and historical documents. Victoria Symons argues that all of these runic works are in various ways thematically focused on acts of writing, visual communication, and the nature of the written word. The conclusion that emerges over the course of the book is that, when encountered in the context of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, runic letters consistently represent the written word in a...

External Influences on English

External Influences on English

Autor: D. Gary Miller

Número de Páginas: 350

This book provides the fullest account ever published of the external influences on English during the first thousand years of its formation. In doing so it makes profound contributions to the history of English and of western culture more generally. English is a Germanic language but altogether different from the other languages of that family. Professor Miller shows how and why the Anglo-Saxons began to borrow and adapt words from Latin and Greek. He provides detailed case studies of the processes by which several hundred of them entered English. He also considers why several centuries later the process of importation was renewed and accelerated. He describes the effects of English contacts with the Celts, Vikings, and French, and the ways in which these altered the language's morphological and syntactic structure. He shows how loanwords from French, for example, not only increased the richness of English derivation but resulted in a complex competition between native and borrowed suffixes. Gary Miller combines historical, cultural, and linguistic perspectives. His scholarly, readable, and always fascinating account will be of enduring value to everyone interested in the history ...

Sound Law and Analogy

Sound Law and Analogy

Número de Páginas: 392

From the contents: Old Frisian 'fendsen' and 'hwendsen' (Alfred Bammesberger).- Puzzling datives in Old Frisian (Dirk Boutkan).- Vowel raising in the anonymous Lithuanian catechism of 1605 (Rick Derksen).- Laryngeals and Vedic metre (Jost Gippert).- Indo-European initial yod in Greek (Eric P. Hamp).- Vedic denominatives to thematic a-stems (Stanley Insler).- Syncope and anaptyxis in Hittite (H. Craig Melchert).

Travelling Texts – Texts Travelling

Travelling Texts – Texts Travelling

Autor: Renate Bauer , Christine Elsweiler , Ulrike Krischke , Kerstin Majewski

Número de Páginas: 443

This Gedenkschrift celebrates the memory of Professor Hans Sauer and his passion for travelling. The contributions in this volume explore different kinds of textual and temporal travels from various linguistic, literary, and philological perspectives.

Early Medieval English Life Courses

Early Medieval English Life Courses

Número de Páginas: 381

How did the life course, with all its biological, social and cultural aspects, influence the lives, writings, and art of the inhabitants of early medieval England? This volume explores how phases of human life such as childhood, puberty, and old age were identified, characterized, and related in contemporary sources, as well as how nonhuman life courses were constructed. The multi-disciplinary contributions range from analyses of age vocabulary to studies of medicine, name-giving practices, theology, Old English poetry, and material culture. Combined, these cultural-historical perspectives reveal how the concept and experience of the life course shaped attitudes in early medieval England. Contributors are Jo Appleby, Debby Banham, Darren Barber, Caroline R. Batten, James Chetwood, Katherine Cross, Amy Faulkner, Jacqueline Fay, Elaine Flowers, Daria Izdebska, Gale R. Owen-Crocker, Thijs Porck, and Harriet Soper.

Noun Valency

Noun Valency

Autor: Olga Spevak

Número de Páginas: 231

Despite a recent spate of publications, the valency of nouns is a topic that still remains in the shadow of the valency of verbs. This volume aims to contribute to the discussion of noun valency not only from a theoretical point of view, as is often the case, but also from an empirical one by presenting a series of studies focusing on particular questions and based on data-driven research. It explores properties of valency nouns in a variety of languages, including Bulgarian, Czech, German, Latin, Romanian, and Spanish. The specificity of this book consists in the diversity of the methodological approaches used. It includes empirical studies and it explores different theoretical frameworks: Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), the Minimalist Program within Generative Grammar, Functional Generative Description (FGD), and Construction Grammar. Special attention is paid to deverbal nouns, but nouns expressing quantity and “compound-like” constructions involving relationship and interactivity are also dealt with.

Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology

Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology

Autor: Philip Baldi

Número de Páginas: 768

TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks, as well as studies that provide new insights by approaching language from an interdisciplinary perspective. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as well as in its social contexts as important sources of insight for a better understanding of the design of linguistic systems and the ecology and evolution of language. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS publishes monographs and outstanding dissertations as well as edited volumes, which provide the opportunity to address controversial topics from different empirical and theoretical viewpoints. High quality standards are ensured through anonymous reviewing.

Old English Runes

Old English Runes

Autor: Gaby Waxenberger , Kerstin Kazzazi , John Hines

Número de Páginas: 358

This volume presents contributions to the conference Old English Runes Workshop, organised by the Eichstätt-München Research Unit of the Academy project Runic Writing in the Germanic Languages (RuneS) and held at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in March 2012. The conference brought together experts working in an area broadly referred to as Runology. Scholars working with runic objects come from several different fields of specialisation, and the aim was to provide more mutual insight into the various methodologies and theoretical paradigms used in these different approaches to the study of runes or, in the present instance more specifically, runic inscriptions generally assigned to the English and/or the Frisian runic corpora. Success in that aim should automatically bring with it the reciprocal benefit of improving access to and understanding of the runic evidence, expanding and enhancing insights gained within such closely connected areas of study of the Early-Mediaeval past.

Languages and Cultures

Languages and Cultures

Autor: Edgar C. Polomé , Mohammad Ali Jazayery , Werner Winter

Número de Páginas: 818

This collection of 64 papers by contributors throughout the world presents work from a variety of fields, primarily Indo-European linguistics and philology, and thus reflects the broad interests of Edgar C. Polomé.

Words, Lexemes, Concepts, Approaches to the Lexicon

Words, Lexemes, Concepts, Approaches to the Lexicon

Autor: Wolfgang Falkner , Hans-jörg Schmid

Número de Páginas: 446
Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts

Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts

Autor: Ursula Lenker , Lucia Kornexl

Número de Páginas: 386

In this volume, scholars from different disciplines – Old English and Anglo-Latin literature and linguistics, palaeography, history, runology, numismatics and archaeology – explore what are here called ‘micro-texts’, i.e. very short pieces of writing constituting independent, self-contained texts. For the first time, these micro-texts are here studied in their forms and communicative functions, their pragmatics and performativity.

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office

Autor: United States. Patent Office

Número de Páginas: 1766
Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office

Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office

Autor: United States. Patent Office

Número de Páginas: 1846
Romanitas - Filología Románica - Romanística

Romanitas - Filología Románica - Romanística

Autor: Günter Holtus , Fernando Sánchez-miret

Número de Páginas: 293

The volume aims to convey an impression of the richness and fascination of Romance Philology and the infinite variety of the contours and contents of the field of Romance Studies. The author was less concerned with developing novel theoretical models, but rather wanted to trace the manifestations of the most important stages in the development of the subject area and – wherever possible – to complement them with his own contributions.

Inside Old English

Inside Old English

Autor: John Walmsley

Número de Páginas: 320

Inside Old English: Essays in Honour of Bruce Mitchell offers readers a comprehensive insight into the world of Old English. Brings together original essays written by prominent specialists in the field in honour of Bruce Mitchell, the eminent Oxford scholar and co-author of the bestselling A Guide to Old English, 6th edition Encourages readers to engage with the literary, cultural, intellectual, religious and historical contexts of Old English texts Explores the problems scholars face in interpreting and editing Old English texts Contributors provide authoritative and informative perspectives, drawing out connections between different contexts and pointing readers towards the essential secondary literature for each topic

Sound Change and the History of English

Sound Change and the History of English

Autor: Jeremy J. Smith

Número de Páginas: 213

This book addresses the question: why do sound changes happen, when and where they do? Jeremy Smith discusses the origins of a series of sound changes in English. He relates his arguments to larger questions about the nature of explanation in history and historical linguistics, and examines the interplay between sound change and social change. Drawing on the latest research in linguistics and history he shows how insights in one field illuminate the other. After the opening chapter describing the book's approach and a general theoretical framework for the study of sound-change, the author discusses problems of evidence and considers the nature of phonological processes. He then presents detailed investigations of major sound-changes from three transitional periods: first, when English emerged as a language distinct from the other West Germanic varieties; secondly, during the transition from Old to Middle English; and thirdly during the time when Middle English evolved into Early Modern English. The book is written with minimal use of jargon and offers clear definitions of complex notions. It will appeal to all serious students of English historical linguistics, from advanced...

Death in Medieval Europe

Death in Medieval Europe

Autor: Joelle Rollo-koster

Número de Páginas: 257

Death in Medieval Europe: Death Scripted and Death Choreographed explores new cultural research into death and funeral practices in medieval Europe and demonstrates the important relationship between death and the world of the living in the middle ages. This volume explores overarching topics such as burials, commemorations, revenants, mourning practices and funerals, capital punishment, suspiscious death and death registrations using case studies from across Europe including England, Iceland and Spain. Drawing together and building upon the latest scholarship, this book is essential reading for all students and academics of death in the medieval period.

Borrowed Words

Borrowed Words

Autor: Philip Durkin

Número de Páginas: 512

The rich variety of the English vocabulary reflects the vast number of words it has taken from other languages. These range from Latin, Greek, Scandinavian, Celtic, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian to, among others, Hebrew, Maori, Malay, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, andYiddish. Philip Durkin's full and accessible history reveals how, when, and why. He shows how to discover the origins of loanwords, when and why they were adopted, and what happens to them once they have been. The long documented history of English includes contact with languages in a variety of contexts, including: the dissemination of Christian culture in Latin in Anglo-Saxon England, and the interactions of French, Latin, Scandinavian, Celtic, and English during the Middle Ages; exposure to languages throughout the world during the colonial era; and the effects of using English as an international language of science. Philip Durkin describes these and other historical inputs, introducing the approaches each requires, from the comparative method for the earliest period to documentary and corpus research in the modern. The discussion is illustrated at every point with examples taken from a variety of different...

The Germanic Strong Verbs

The Germanic Strong Verbs

Autor: Robert Mailhammer

Número de Páginas: 273

As a contribution to the ongoing discussion of the genesis of the Germanic language, this book investigates the strong verbs of Proto-Germanic using a new approach that combines historical and typological morphology with quantitative etymology. It reveals that the morphological peculiarities and the etymological problems of the strong verbs have been considerably underestimated. The first part of the book explains how drastically the inherited verb system was transformed when it was uniformized and simplified around a functionalized verbal ablaut. In particular, it is shown that the systemic position of ablaut is typologically different from that in the verb morphology of the Indo-European parent language. Moreover, the origin of the lengthened grade preterits and other well-known morphological problems of the strong verbs are discussed. After developing a methodological framework, the second part of the book presents a quantitative analysis of the etymological situation of the strong verbs. It demonstrates that the etymological relations of the strong verbs are significantly less clear than commonly assumed, as almost half of them have no accepted etymology. A comparative...

Language Change and Language Structure

Language Change and Language Structure

Autor: Toril Swan , Endre Mørck , Olaf Jansen

Número de Páginas: 361

TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as well as in its social contexts as important sources of insight for a better understanding of the design of linguistic systems and the ecology and evolution of language. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS publishes monographs and outstanding dissertations as well as edited volumes, which provide the opportunity to address controversial topics from different empirical and theoretical viewpoints. High quality standards are ensured through anonymous reviewing.

The Cambridge History of the English Language

The Cambridge History of the English Language

Autor: Richard M. Hogg , Norman Francis Blake , Suzanne Romaine , Roger Lass , R. W. Burchfield

Número de Páginas: 652

The Cambridge History of the English Language is the first multi-volume work to provide a full account of the history of English. Its authoritative coverage extends from areas of central linguistic interest and concern to more specialised topics such as personal and place names. The volumes dealing with earlier periods are chronologically based, whilst those dealing with more recent periods are geographically based, thus reflecting the spread of English over the last 300 years. Volume 1 deals with the history of English up to the Norman Conquest, and contains chapters on Indo-European and Germanic, phonology and morphology, syntax, semantics and vocabulary, dialectology, onomastics, and literary language. Each chapter, as well as giving a chronologically-oriented presentation of the data, surveys scholarship in the area and takes full account of the impact of developing and current linguistic theory on the interpretation of the data. The chapters have been written with both specialists and non-specialists in mind; they will be essential reading for all those interested in the history of English.

Comparative-historical Linguistics

Comparative-historical Linguistics

Autor: Bela Brogyanyi , Reiner Lipp

Número de Páginas: 584

This volume offers an important contribution to the comparative historical study of languages. Most of the articles deal with topics concerning the Indo-European proto-language as well as the individual languages descended from it. Essays in Finno-Ugric philology complete the volume. The book is divided in 8 sections: I. Indo-European, II. Anatolian, III. Indic, IV. Iranian and Armenian, V. Celtic, VI. Germanic Languages, VII. Slavic and Albanian, VIII. Fennougrica and Altaica.

The Concepts of Time in Anglo-Saxon England

The Concepts of Time in Anglo-Saxon England

Autor: Kaifan Yang

Número de Páginas: 218

The book examines the diachronic change of time perception throughout Anglo-Saxon England, with the conversion as a turning point. It draws evidence from a variety of sources, in particular from a close reading of Bede’s historical writings and his treatises on time, from Old English poetry, especially The Dream of the Rood, The Phoenix, The Wanderer, Beowulf, The Ruin, Deor, from the literature of the Alfredian period, and from the lexical and statistical analysis of Old English time words. It offers insights into the complexity of time in the Anglo-Saxon context, and shows how the change of time can help to understand the conceptual system of the Anglo-Saxons.

Balto-Slavic Accentual Mobility

Balto-Slavic Accentual Mobility

Autor: Thomas Olander

Número de Páginas: 287

Why does the accent jump back and forth in Russian words like golová 'head', acc. gólovu, gen. golový, dat. golové etc.? How come we find similar alternations in other Slavic languages and in a Baltic language like Lithuanian? The quest for the origin of the so-called "mobile accent paradigms" of Baltic and Slavic leads the reader through other Indo-European language branches such as Indo-Iranian, Greek and Germanic, all of which are relevant to the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European accentuation system. After the examination of the evidence for the reconstruction of the Proto-Indo-European accentuation system, focus is moved to the Baltic and Slavic accentuation systems and their relationship to each other and to Proto-Indo-European. A comprehensive history of research and numerous bibliographical references to earlier pieces of scholarship throughout the book make it a useful tool for anybody who is interested in Balto-Slavic and Indo-European accentology. Written in a simple style and constantly aiming at presenting old and new opinions on the various problems, the volume may serve as an introduction to this complicated field.

Nordic Runes

Nordic Runes

Autor: Paul Rhys Mountfort

Número de Páginas: 330

A comprehensive and practical guide to the ancient oracle based on the runic alphabet of the Norse • Reveals the symbolism and divinatory significance of the 24 rune "staves" • Provides clear instructions on how to craft your own rune stones • Explains the role of runes in the Norse wisdom tradition and its influence on such works as Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Nordic runes are a potent and profoundly transformative magic system that gives contemporary readers access to the ancient wisdom tradition of Northern European cultures. The runes have deep resonances within the pagan Norse world of gods and goddesses, giants, dwarves, warriors, and wizards, which have greatly influenced the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, among others. Norse tradition attributes the discovery of the runes to the "All-Father" Odin--a god of inspiration and secret wisdom and the mythical prototype for runecasters, who established the pattern for gaining his knowledge. Nordic Runes addresses three major areas: Runelore, the history of this 2000-year-old Norse oracle; Runestaves, the meaning of the individual runes of the Elder Futhark alphabet and their powerful mythological, magical, and practical lessons for ...

Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 12

Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 12

Autor: Peter Clemoes , Michael Lapidge , Simon Keynes

Número de Páginas: 358

Four very different kinds of Anglo-Saxon thinking are clarified in this volume: traditions, learned and oral, about the settlement of the country, study of foreign-language grammar, interest in exotic jewels as reflections of the glory of God, and a mainly rational attitude to medicine. Publication of no less than three discoveries augments our corpus of manuscript evidence. The nature of Old English poetry is illuminated, and a useful summary of the editorial treatment of textual problems in Beowulf is provided. A re-examination of the accounts of the settlement in Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle yields insights into the processes of Anglo-Saxon learned historiography and oral tradition. A thorough-going analysis of an under-studied major work, Bald's Leechbook, demonstrates that the compiler, perhaps in King Alfred's reign, translated selections from a wide range of Latin texts in composing a well-organized treatise directed against the diseases prevalent in his time. The usual comprehensive bibliography of the previous year's publications in all branches of Anglo-Saxon studies rounds off the book.

Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics

Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics

Autor: Winfred P. Lehmann

Número de Páginas: 340

This book presents, for the first time in English, a complete critical survey of the theory and methodology of Indo-European linguistics, from its origins two centuries ago to the present day.

A History of Old English Meter

A History of Old English Meter

Autor: R. D. Fulk

Número de Páginas: 489

In A History of Old English Meter, R. D. Fulk offers a wide-ranging reference on Anglo-Saxon meter. Fulk examines the evidence for chronological and regional variation in the meter of Old English verse, studying such linguistic variables as the treatment of West Germanic parasite vowels, contracted vowels, and short syllables under secondary and tertiary stress, as well as a variety of supposed dialect features. Fulk's study of such variables points the way to a revised understanding of the role of syllable length in the construction of early Germanic meters and furnishes criteria for distinguishing dialectal from poetic features in the language of the major Old English poetic codices. On this basis, it is possible to draw conclusions about the probable dialect origins of much verse, to delineate the characteristics of at least four discrete periods in the development of Old English meter, and with some probability to assign to them many of the longer poems, such as Genesis A, Beowulf, and the works of Cynewulf. A History of Old English Meter will be of interest to scholars of Anglo-Saxon, historians of the English language, Germanic philologists, and historical linguists.

Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik.

Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik.

Autor: Erika Langbroek , Arend Quak , Annelies Roeleveld

Número de Páginas: 317

InhaltFrederik Kortlandt: The Origin of the Vestjysk St(c)dHarry Perridon: How old is the Vestjysk St(c)dWolfgang Beck: Neues zur Runeninschrift auf dem Goldbrakteaten Schonen II CDietrich Schrr: Zu Z. 50 des HiltibrantliedesValentine A. Pakis: The Literary Status of Muspilli in the History of Scholarship: Two Peculiar TrendsKenny Louwen: Zur Lesart und Hybriditnt der altniederlnndischen FederprobeJeremy Bergerson: Observations on a, o in unstressed Syllables in Middle DutchLudo Jongen: The Emperor, the Saint and the Poet. For whom did Heinrich von Veldeke write the Sint-Servaaslegende?Martin Baisch: Gahmuret und Belakane. Textkritik und InterpretationAndreas Wutz: Der doppelte Loys - ein Vergleich der KAnigsgestalt in Wolframs von Eschenbach Willehalm mit der altfranzAsischen Vorlage AliscansAlbrecht Classen: Objects of Memory as Hermeneutic Media in Medieval German Literature. Hartmann von Aues Gregorius, Wolfram von Eschenbachs Parzival, Thring von Ringoltingens Melusine, and FortunatusRasma Lazda-Cazers: Landscape as Other in the Livlnndische ReimchronikEdward G. Fichtner: The Trojanerkrieg and the Composition of Ulrich Fetrers Buch der AbenteuerRianne Mus: 'Ik han mynen heren ...

Ritual and the Rood

Ritual and the Rood

Autor: Éamonn Ó Carragáin

Número de Páginas: 492

In bringing together these scattered witnesses to the sustained brilliance of Anglo-Saxon artistic achievement across several centuries, ?amonn ? Carrag?in has produced a study of great significance to Anglo-Saxon history.

Old English

Old English

Autor: Laurel Brinton , Alexander Bergs

Número de Páginas: 258

The volume provides an in-depth account of Old English, organized by linguistic level. Individual chapters investigate the state-of-the art in the linguistics of Old English and explore key areas of debate such as dialectology, language contact, standardization, and literary language. The volume sets the scene with a chapter on pre-Old English and ends with a chapter discussing textual resources available for the study of earlier English.

Britain and its Neighbours

Britain and its Neighbours

Autor: Dirk H. Steinforth , Charles C. Rozier

Número de Páginas: 242

Britain and its Neighbours explores instances and periods of cultural contact and exchanges between communities in Britain with those in other parts of Europe between c.500 and 1700. Collectively, the twelve case studies highlight certain aspects of cultural contact and exchange and present neglected factors, previously overlooked evidence, and new methodological approaches. The discussions draw from a broad range of disciplines including archaeology, history, art history, iconography, literature, linguistics, and legal history in order to shine new light on a multi-faceted variety of expressions of the equally diverse and long-standing relations between Britain and its neighbours. Organised chronologically, the volume accentuates the consistency and continuity of social, cultural, and intellectual connections between Britain and Continental Europe in a period that spans over a millennium. With its range of specialised topics, Britain and its Neighbours is a useful resource for undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars interested in cultural and intellectual studies and the history of Britain’s long-standing connections to Europe.

The Art of Anglo-Saxon England

The Art of Anglo-Saxon England

Autor: Catherine E. Karkov

Número de Páginas: 350

Providing a fresh appraisal of the art of Anglo-Saxon England, this text looks at its influence upon the creation of an identity as a nation.

English Historical Linguistics. Volume 1

English Historical Linguistics. Volume 1

Autor: Alexander Bergs , Laurel J. Brinton

Número de Páginas: 1196

No detailed description available for "HIST. LINGUISTICS (BERGS/BRINTON) 1.TLBD HSK 34.1 E-BOOK".

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