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Autor: Therese Fuhrer , Felix Mundt , Jan Stenger

Número de Páginas: 328

The term ‘cityscaping’ is here introduced to characterise the creative process through which the image of the city is created and represented in various media – text, film and artefacts. It thus turns attention away from built urban spaces and onto mental images of cities. One focus is on the question of which literary, visual and acoustic means prompt their recipients’ spatial imagination; another is to inquire into the semantics and functions that are ascribed to the image of a city as constructed in various media. The examples of ancient texts and works of art, and modern literature and films, are used to elucidate the artistic potential of images of the city and the techniques by which they are semanticised. With its interdisciplinary approach, the volume for the first time makes clear how strongly mental images of urban space, both ancient and modern, have been shaped by the techniques of their representation in media.

Arqueología y proyecto de arquitectura

Arqueología y proyecto de arquitectura

Autor: Francesco Cellini , Paolo Desideri , Luigi Franciosini , Elisabetta Pallottino , Paola Porretta , María Margarita Segarra Lagunes

Número de Páginas: 119

Il volume, catalogo in lingua spagnola della mostra Archeologia e progetto di architettura, ospitata dall’Universidad Iberoamericana a Città del Messico nel febbraio 2016, raccoglie una parte delle esperienze di studio e di progetto che il Dipartimento di Architettura ha svolto nel tempo in questo ambito di ricerca e di sperimentazione didattica. In particolare sono pubblicati i lavori già esposti a Roma alla III edizione della Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico nel 2015 e dedicati all’Area Archeologica Centrale di Roma(AACR) e a Strade e paesaggi antichi. Ad essi si aggiunge la sezione Fuori da Roma che raccoglie le esperienze internazionali promosse dal Master ArchitetturaStoria Progetto di Roma Tre. DOI: 10.13134/978-88-97524-55-7

La decoración arquitectónica en las ciudades romanas de Occidente

La decoración arquitectónica en las ciudades romanas de Occidente

Autor: Sebastián F. Ramallo Asensio

Número de Páginas: 600

Architekturschmuck - Baudekoration - Fries - Gebälk - Gesims - Kapitell - Marmor.

The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity

The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity

Autor: Gregor Kalas

Número de Páginas: 621

In The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity, Gregor Kalas examines architectural conservation during late antiquity period at Rome’s most important civic center: the Roman Forum. During the fourth and fifth centuries CE—when emperors shifted their residences to alternate capitals and Christian practices overtook traditional beliefs—elite citizens targeted restoration campaigns so as to infuse these initiatives with political meaning. Since construction of new buildings was a right reserved for the emperor, Rome’s upper echelon funded the upkeep of buildings together with sculptural displays to gain public status. Restorers linked themselves to the past through the fragmentary reuse of building materials and, as Kalas explores, proclaimed their importance through prominently inscribed statues and monuments, whose placement within the existing cityscape allowed patrons and honorees to connect themselves to the celebrated history of Rome. Building on art historical studies of spolia and exploring the Forum over an extended period of time, Kalas demonstrates the mutability of civic environments. The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity maps the...

History, Casuistry and Custom in the Legal Thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)

History, Casuistry and Custom in the Legal Thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)

Número de Páginas: 168

The thought and work of the Jesuit Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) is widely acknowledged as the culmination point of the contribution of the theologians and jurists of the so-called School of Salamanca to the development of modern Western law. This collection of studies on the legal work of Suárez explores some of his major forays into the law. Both his theoretical system-building as well as his interventions in practical questions are covered. Next to discussions on the nature of law and its different categorisations, they extend to various subbranches of the law including family law, property law, the law of obligations, criminal law and international law. Contributors are: Dominique Bauer, Daniel Schwartz, João Manuel Azevedo Alexandrino Fernandes, Lisa Brunori, Wim Decock, Bart Wauters, Gaëlle Demelemestre, Jean-Paul Coujou, and Cintia Faraco.

The Routledge Handbook on the Reception of Classical Architecture

The Routledge Handbook on the Reception of Classical Architecture

Autor: Nicholas Temple , Andrzej Piotrowski , Juan Manuel Heredia

Número de Páginas: 586

This is the first comprehensive study of the reception of classical architecture in different regions of the world. Exploring the impact of colonialism, trade, slavery, religious missions, political ideology and intellectual/artistic exchange, the authors demonstrate how classical principles and ideas were disseminated and received across the globe. By addressing a number of contentious or unresolved issues highlighted in some historical surveys of architecture, the chapters presented in this volume question long-held assumptions about the notion of a universally accepted ‘classical tradition’ and its broadly Euro-centric perspective. Featuring thirty-two chapters written by international scholars from China, Europe, Turkey, North America, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, the book is divided into four sections: 1) Transmission and re-conceptualisation of classical architecture; 2) Classical influence through colonialism, political ideology and religious conversion; 3) Historiographical surveys of geographical regions; and 4) Visual and textual discourses. This fourfold arrangement of chapters provides a coherent structure to accommodate different perspectives of classical...

Perspectives on Public Space in Rome, from Antiquity to the Present Day

Perspectives on Public Space in Rome, from Antiquity to the Present Day

Autor: Jan Gadeyne

Número de Páginas: 423

This volume provides readers interested in urban history with a collection of essays on the evolution of public space in that paradigmatic western city which is Rome. Scholars specialized in different historical periods contributed chapters, in order to find common themes which weave their way through one of the most complex urban histories of western civilization. Divided into five chronological sections (Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Modern and Contemporary) the volume opens with the issue of how public space was defined in classical Roman law and how ancient city managers organized the maintenance of these spaces, before moving on to explore how this legacy was redefined and reinterpreted during the Middle Ages. The third group of essays examines how the imposition of papal order on feuding families during the Renaissance helped introduce a new urban plan which could satisfy both functional and symbolic needs. The fourth section shows how modern Rome continued to express strong interest in the control and management of public space, the definition of which was necessarily selective in this vastly extensive city. The collection ends with an essay on the...

The Pantheon

The Pantheon

Autor: Tod A. Marder , Mark Wilson Jones

Número de Páginas: 689

The Pantheon is one of the most important architectural monuments of all time. Thought to have been built by Emperor Hadrian in approximately AD 125 on the site of an earlier, Agrippan-era monument, it brilliantly displays the spatial pyrotechnics emblematic of Roman architecture and engineering. The Pantheon gives an up-to-date account of recent research on the best preserved building in the corpus of ancient Roman architecture from the time of its construction to the twenty-first century. Each chapter addresses a specific fundamental issue or period pertaining to the building; together, the essays in this volume shed light on all aspects of the Pantheon's creation, and establish the importance of the history of the building to an understanding of its ancient fabric and heritage, its present state, and its special role in the survival and evolution of ancient architecture in modern Rome.

Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean

Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean

Autor: Thomas Galoppin , Elodie Guillon , Max Luaces , Asuman Lätzer-lasar , Sylvain Lebreton , Fabio Porzia , Jörg Rüpke , Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli , Corinne Bonnet

Número de Páginas: 1080

Ancient religions are definitely complex systems of gods, which resist our understanding. Divine names provide fundamental keys to gain access to the multiples ways gods were conceived, characterized, and organized. Among the names given to the gods many of them refer to spaces: cities, landscapes, sanctuaries, houses, cosmic elements. They reflect mental maps which need to be explored in order to gain new knowledge on both the structure of the pantheons and the human agency in the cultic dimension. By considering the intersection between naming and mapping, this book opens up new perspectives on how tradition and innovation, appropriation and creation play a role in the making of polytheistic and monotheistic religions. Far from being confined to sanctuaries, in fact, gods dwell in human environments in multiple ways. They move into imaginary spaces and explore the cosmos. By proposing a new and interdiciplinary angle of approach, which involves texts, images, spatial and archeaeological data, this book sheds light on ritual practices and representations of gods in the whole Mediterranean, from Italy to Mesopotamia, from Greece to North Africa and Egypt. Names and spaces enable...

On the Cusp of an Era

On the Cusp of an Era

Autor: Doris Srinivasan

Número de Páginas: 554

South Asian religious art became codified during the Kuṣāṇa Period (ca. beginning of the 2nd to the mid 3rd century). Yet, to date, neither the chronology nor nature of Kuṣāṇa Art, marked by great diversity, is well understood. The Kuṣāṇa Empire was huge, stretching from Uzbekistan through northern India, and its multicultural artistic expressions became the fountainhead for much of South Asian Art. The premise of this book is that Kuṣāṇa Art achieves greater clarity through analyses of the arts and cultures of the Pre- Kuṣāṇa World, those lands becoming the Empire. Fourteen papers in this book by leading experts on regional topography and connective pathways; interregional, multicultural comparisons; art historical, archaeological, epigraphic, numismatic and textual studies represent the first coordinated effort having this focus.

Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms

Art of the Hellenistic Kingdoms

Autor: Seán Hemingway , Kiki Karoglou , Dorothy H. Abramitis , Sophie Descamps-lequime , Ariel Herrmann , Marsha Hill , Christine Kondoleon , Christopher S. Lightfoot , Carmelo Malacrino , Joan R. Mertens , Olga Palagia , Dominique Robcis , Susan I. Rotroff , Andreas Scholl , Agnes Schwarzmaier , R. R. R. Smith , Jeffrey Spier , Karen Stamm , Lillian Bartlett Stoner , Alessandro Viscogliosi , Ute Wartenberg , Mark Wypyski , Paul Zanker

Número de Páginas: 228

This handsome newly designed addition to The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s symposia series furthers the study of one of the most influential but less known periods of Greek art and culture. It is based on papers given at a two-day scholarly symposium held in conjunction with the award-winning exhibition “Pergamon and the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Ancient World,” on view at the Metropolitan in 2016. The twenty diverse essays exemplify the international scope of the Hellenistic arts, which cover the three centuries between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. and the suicide of Cleopatra in 30 B.C. Subjects range from twenty-first century approaches to museum displays of archaeological material to the circulation of artists and works of art throughout the Mediterranean and the influence of Hellenistic art and its legacy in the ancient Roman world. Among the topics discussed are aspects of royal self-presentation and important elements of iconography and style in coins, gems, mosaics, sculpture, vessels, and wall paintings, in mediums including bronze, faience, glass, marble, silver, and terracotta. Authored by a number of internationally renowned scholars, the essays...

Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage

Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage

Autor: Inglese, Carlo , Ippolito, Alfonso

Número de Páginas: 505

Cultural heritage identifies and preserves past achievements for the benefit of future generations. Examining the extent to which heritage preservation is feasible in an era governed by modernism and globalization is essential for both regional development and cultural conservation. Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage provides innovative insights into digital technologies that have produced important methodological changes in the documentation, analysis, and conservation of cultural heritage. The content within this publication represents the work of digital restoration, inclusive communication, and reality-based representation. It is a vital reference source for software developers, sociologists, policymakers, tourism managers, and academicians seeking coverage on digital technologies and data processing in cultural heritage.

Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement

Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement

Autor: David L. Balch

Número de Páginas: 355

In this book, the author draws on two original sources, on a Greek biographer, historian, and rhetorician, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, as well as on Pompeian domestic art and architecture. Generally, NT scholars read texts, but Greeks and ancient Romans loved beauty. The walls and floors of their houses were decorated with thousands of colorful frescoes and mosaics, art that two millennia later is still on display in Pompeii. Christians lived and worshipped in those typical houses; relating the art to NT texts generates many intriguing new questions! What stories/myths did Greeks and Romans see every day? What were their sports, and how violent were they? Many NT scholars know as much or more Latin than they do Greek, and they therefore cite the Latin historian Livy rather than the Greek Dionysius, who wrote a century before the first Christian historian, Luke. Dionysius' rhetoric expressed values shared across cultures, by Greeks, Romans, and Jews (e.g., by the historian--and rhetorician--Josephus), some values that Luke also shares. Dionysius makes clear that cities and ethnic groups had to praise how they treated emigrant foreigners, questions handled differently by Josephus...

Decoration and Display in Rome's Imperial Thermae

Decoration and Display in Rome's Imperial Thermae

Autor: Maryl B. Gensheimer

Número de Páginas: 449

Across the Roman Empire, ubiquitous archaeological, art historical, and literary evidence attests to the significance of bathing for Romans' routines and relationships. Public baths were popularly viewed as necessities of daily life and important social venues. Given the importance of bathing to the Roman style of living, by endowing eight magnificent baths (the so-called imperial thermae) in the city of Rome between 25 BCE - 315 CE, imperial patrons greatly enhanced their popular and political stature. Decoration and Display in Rome's Imperial Thermae presents a detailed analysis of the extensive decoration of the best preserved of these bathing complexes, the Baths of Caracalla (inaugurated 216 CE). Maryl B. Gensheimer takes an interdisciplinary approach to existing archaeological data, textual and visual sources, and anthropological theories in order to generate a new understanding of the visual experience of the Baths of Caracalla and show how the decoration played a critical role in advancing imperial agendas. This reassessment of one of the most ambitious and sophisticated examples of large-scale architectural patronage in Classical antiquity examines the specific mechanisms ...

Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design

Putting Tradition into Practice: Heritage, Place and Design

Autor: Giuseppe Amoruso

Número de Páginas: 1595

This book gathers more than 150 peer-reviewed papers presented at the 5th INTBAU International Annual Event, held in Milan, Italy, in July 2017. The book represents an invaluable and up-to-date international exchange of research, case studies and best practice to confront the challenges of designing places, building cultural landscapes and enabling the development of communities. The papers investigate methodologies of representation, communication and valorization of historic urban landscapes and cultural heritage, monitoring conservation management, cultural issues in heritage assessment, placemaking and local identity enhancement, as well as reconstruction of settlements affected by disasters. With contributions from leading experts, including university researchers, professionals and policy makers, the book addresses all who seek to understand and address the challenges faced in the protection and enhancement of the heritage that has been created.

The Building Program of Herod the Great

The Building Program of Herod the Great

Autor: Duane W. Roller

Número de Páginas: 470

Herod the Great, King of Judaea from 444 B.C., is known as one of the world's great villains. This notoriety has overshadowed his actual achievements, particularly his role as a client king of Rome during Augustus's reign as emperor. An essential aspect of Herod's responsibilities as king of Judaea was his role as a builder. Remarkably innovative, he created an astonishing record of architectural achievement, not only in Judaea but also throughout Greece and the Roman east. Duane W. Roller systematically presents and discusses all the building projects known to have been initiated by Herod, and locates this material in a broad historical and cultural context. Bringing together previously inaccessible material, Roller enriches our understanding of the enigmatic Herod and provides new insights into Roman architecture. Herod was instrumental in the diffusion of the Augustan architectural revolution into the provinces and was the first to build outside Italy such Italian architectural forms as the basilica, amphitheater, villa, and Italian temple. Herod's legacy provided a groundwork for the architectural Romanization of the east, influencing the construction of the great temple...

Arts et culture

Arts et culture

Autor: Marianne Barrucand

Número de Páginas: 186

Ces actes illustrent la diversité des approches menées aujourd'hui en histoire de l'art. 4 grands thèmes sont abordés : la sculpture et son cadre ; la transmission et la reproduction de l'image imprimée ; le centralisme artistique ; les échanges et courants en Méditerranée occidentale.

Diseños geométricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus

Diseños geométricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus

Autor: Sebastián Vargas Vázquez

Número de Páginas: 353

This volume focuses on the study of the geometric designs documented in the mosaics of the Conventus Astigitanus, one of the four conventi iuridici of Roman Baetica.

La Colonne Trajane et les Forums impériaux

La Colonne Trajane et les Forums impériaux

Autor: Martin Galinier

Número de Páginas: 389

Inaugurée en 113 après J.-C., la colonne Trajane, seul élément intact du somptueux Forum de Trajan, est, depuis le XIXe siècle, au centre de débats quant à la lisibilité de ses deux cents mètres de bas-reliefs relatant les guerres daciques. Les qualificatifs à son endroit allant de « sommet de l'art romain » à « échec artistique », il a semblé nécessaire de faire le point historiographique sur ce monument, puis d’examiner la frise dans ses structures iconographiques (lecture horizontale, mais aussi lecture verticale appuyée sur un relevé photographique intégral), optiques (théorie de la vision antique) et idéologiques, puis de confronter ces analyses à l’environnement spatial et politique du monument. À partir des documents contemporains (textes, monnaies, archéologie, art, faits religieux, etc.), est proposée une synthèse qui dresse le portrait de Marcus Ulpius Trajanus, considéré par ses contemporains comme l’Optimus Princeps. Cette « Rhétorique de l’Excellence » s’appuyait sur des comparaisons délibérées avec les empereurs antérieurs (citations architecturales et statuaires aux Forums adjacents), établissait un lien privilégié...

Divine Interiors

Divine Interiors

Autor: Eric M. Moormann

Número de Páginas: 268

"Divine interiors" is een onderzoek naar de aankleding van Griekse en Romeinse heiligdommen met wandschilderingen. Machtige marmeren façades, beeldhouwwerken en schilderingen speelden een belangrijke rol in het aanzien van deze monumenten. Terwijl de officiële tempels, die met de steden of de staat waren verbonden, meestal een plechtige maar sobere uitstraling hadden, waren de gebouwen die gericht waren op meer volkse uitingen van religiositeit juist bont beschilderd. Scènes uit het leven van de vereerde godheid, aanhangers en beoefenaren van de cultus, planten en dieren konden de bezoekers van deze heiligdommen in hogere sferen brengen. Het valt op dat er in de uitgestrekte Grieks-Romeinse wereld veel overeenkomsten te vinden zijn tussen vaak ver van elkaar gelegen tempels. De muurschilderkunst kende net als andere kunstvormen stijl- en smaakveranderingen, maar die hadden wel overal dezelfde uitstraling.



Autor: Alberto Angela

Número de Páginas: 533

Il giorno dopo il Grande incendio, Roma offre uno spettacolo di desolazione e distruzione. Tutto è irriconoscibile: gli edifici collassati sono diventati grandi ammassi di macerie, le strade e i vicoli ora sono degli avvallamenti, mentre nell’aria aleggia un acre odore di bruciato. Molti hanno perso tutto ciò che avevano e i campi per gli sfollati diventano la loro unica casa. Tutti guardano all’imperatore per ripartire, aspettano la sua guida per andare verso il futuro. Ma lui non è né un conquistatore di terre come Cesare, né un costruttore di imperi come Augusto. Dalle ceneri di Roma, Nerone emergerà come il Joker della Storia... Intrecciando fonti storiche, dati archeologici e studi moderni, Alberto Angela ne ricostruisce la vita e indaga i suoi diversi aspetti umani, fatti di debolezze, passioni e follie. Quella che emerge è la figura di un artista poliedrico (cantante, musicista, poeta e attore), un audace auriga, un amante appassionato, un raffinato collezionista d’arte... Ma al contempo un abile negoziatore, un cinico assassino e un feroce repressore, come dimostra la persecuzione dei cristiani incolpati di aver causato proprio il Grande incendio, il fil rouge ...

Painting in Stone

Painting in Stone

Autor: Fabio Barry

Número de Páginas: 449

A sweeping history of premodern architecture told through the material of stone Spanning almost five millennia, Painting in Stone tells a new history of premodern architecture through the material of precious stone. Lavishly illustrated examples include the synthetic gems used to simulate Sumerian and Egyptian heavens; the marble temples and mansions of Greece and Rome; the painted palaces and polychrome marble chapels of early modern Italy; and the multimedia revival in 19th-century England. Poetry, the lens for understanding costly marbles as an artistic medium, summoned a spectrum of imaginative associations and responses, from princes and patriarchs to the populace. Three salient themes sustained this “lithic imagination”: marbles as images of their own elemental substance according to premodern concepts of matter and geology; the perceived indwelling of astral light in earthly stones; and the enduring belief that colored marbles exhibited a form of natural—or divine—painting, thanks to their vivacious veining, rainbow palette, and chance images.

Rethinking the Roman City

Rethinking the Roman City

Autor: Dunia Filippi

Número de Páginas: 272

The spatial turn has brought forward new analytical imperatives about the importance of space in the relationship between physical and social networks of meaning. This volume explores this in relation to approaches and methodologies in the study of urban space in Roman Italy. As a consequence of these new imperatives, sociological studies on ancient Roman cities are flourishing, demonstrating a new set of approaches that have developed separately from "traditional" historical and topographical analyses. Rethinking the Roman City represents a convergence of these different approaches to propose a new interpretive model, looking at the Roman city and one of its key elements: the forum. After an introductory discussion of methodological issues, internationally-know specialists consider three key sites of the Roman world – Rome, Ostia and Pompeii. Chapters focus on physical space and/or the use of those spaces to inter-relate these different approaches. The focus then moves to the Forum Romanum, considering the possible analytical trajectories available (historical, topographical, literary, comparative and sociological), and the diversity of possible perspectives within each of...

The Origins of Greek Temple Architecture

The Origins of Greek Temple Architecture

Autor: Alessandro Pierattini

Número de Páginas: 351

In this book, Alessandro Pierattini offers a comprehensive study of the evolution of pre-archaic Greek temple architecture from the eleventh to mid-seventh century BCE. Demystifying the formative stages of Greek architecture, he traces how temples were transformed from unassuming shrines made of perishable materials into large stone and terracotta monuments. Grounded in archaeological evidence, the volume analyzes the design, function, construction, and aesthetic of the Greek temple. While the book's primary focus is architectural, it also draws on non-architectural material culture, ancient cult practice, and social history, which also defined the context that fostered the Greek temple's initial development. In reconstituting this early history, Pierattini also draws attention to new developments as well as legacies from previous eras. Ultimately, he reveals why the temple's pre-Archaic development is not only of interest in itself, but also a key to the origins of the Greek monumental architecture of the Archaic period.

Venise et Rome 1500-1600

Venise et Rome 1500-1600

Autor: Michel Hochmann

Número de Páginas: 676

La rivalite entre Venise et Rome, deux des principaux poles de la creation pendant la Renaissance, est l'un des themes les plus frequemment abordes par la theorie et l'histoire de l'art. Elle a donne, en particulier, naissance a certaines notions fondamentales, comme l'opposition entre le dessin et la couleur, celle entre Michel-Ange et Titien, la definition des ecoles regionales et nationales. Pourtant, ce sujet n'avait pas encore ete l'objet d'une veritable synthese. C'est ce que Michel Hochmann tente ici, en essayant de montrer dans quel contexte concret, historique et culturel, cette querelle a pris place. Il insiste notamment sur le role des grands mecenes, comme les Corner et les Grimani, et sur celui des voyages ou des sejours d'artistes, comme Giorgio Vasari et Francesco Salviati, a Venise, ou Girolamo Muziano, a Rome. Il etudie comment la rivalite entre les deux centres a amene les peintres a essyer de definir ce qui faisait la specificite de leur langue artistique. Titien elabora certains caracteres de son art en rivalite directe avcec Michel-Ange ou Raphael, Tintoret et ses contemporains reagirent face aux experiences manieristes, et Girolamo Muziano imposa certains...

Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit

Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit

Autor: Michael Blömer , Benedikt Eckhardt

Número de Páginas: 292

Die jüngere Forschung zur Religionsgeschichte der Kaiserzeit hat deutlich gezeigt, dass die vermeintliche Transformation des „römischen Paganismus“ durch „orientalische Religionen“ eine Fehlkonzeption gewesen ist. Weniger deutlich ist der positive Ertrag dieser Kritik. Die Beiträge des Bandes greifen die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Reichs- und Religionsentwicklung im vorchristlichen Imperium Romanum aus verschiedenen Perspektiven wieder auf.

A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World

A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World

Autor: Rubina Raja , Jörg Rüpke

Número de Páginas: 516

A Companion to the Archaeology of Religion in the Ancient World presents a comprehensive overview of a wide range of topics relating to the practices, expressions, and interactions of religion in antiquity, primarily in the Greco-Roman world. • Features readings that focus on religious experience and expression in the ancient world rather than solely on religious belief • Places a strong emphasis on domestic and individual religious practice • Represents the first time that the concept of “lived religion” is applied to the ancient history of religion and archaeology of religion • Includes cutting-edge data taken from top contemporary researchers and theorists in the field • Examines a large variety of themes and religious traditions across a wide geographical area and chronological span • Written to appeal equally to archaeologists and historians of religion

The Architecture of the Roman Triumph

The Architecture of the Roman Triumph

Autor: Maggie L. Popkin

Número de Páginas: 297

This book offers the first critical study of the architecture of the Roman triumph, ancient Rome's most important victory ritual. Through case studies ranging from the republican to imperial periods, it demonstrates how powerfully monuments shaped how Romans performed, experienced, and remembered triumphs and, consequently, how Romans conceived of an urban identity for their city. Monuments highlighted Roman conquests of foreign peoples, enabled Romans to envision future triumphs, made triumphs more memorable through emotional arousal of spectators, and even generated distorted memories of triumphs that might never have occurred. This book illustrates the far-reaching impact of the architecture of the triumph on how Romans thought about this ritual and, ultimately, their own place within the Mediterranean world. In doing so, it offers a new model for historicizing the interrelations between monuments, individual and shared memory, and collective identities.



Autor: Antonio Giangrande

Número de Páginas: 914

E’ comodo definirsi scrittori da parte di chi non ha arte né parte. I letterati, che non siano poeti, cioè scrittori stringati, si dividono in narratori e saggisti. E’ facile scrivere “C’era una volta….” e parlare di cazzate con nomi di fantasia. In questo modo il successo è assicurato e non hai rompiballe che si sentono diffamati e che ti querelano e che, spesso, sono gli stessi che ti condannano. Meno facile è essere saggisti e scrivere “C’è adesso….” e parlare di cose reali con nomi e cognomi. Impossibile poi è essere saggisti e scrivere delle malefatte dei magistrati e del Potere in generale, che per logica ti perseguitano per farti cessare di scrivere. Devastante è farlo senza essere di sinistra. Quando si parla di veri scrittori ci si ricordi di Dante Alighieri e della fine che fece il primo saggista mondiale. Le vittime, vere o presunte, di soprusi, parlano solo di loro, inascoltati, pretendendo aiuto. Io da vittima non racconto di me e delle mie traversie. Ascoltato e seguito, parlo degli altri, vittime o carnefici, che l’aiuto cercato non lo concederanno mai. “Chi non conosce la verità è uno sciocco, ma chi, conoscendola, la chiama bugia,...

Studi sui Fontana

Studi sui Fontana

Autor: Giuseppe Bonaccorso , Marcello Fagiolo , Anna Bedon , Mario Bevilacqua , Wojciech Boberski , Sabina De Cavi , Giuliana De Tommaso , William Eisler , Lorenzo Finocchi Ghersi , Margherita Fratarcangeli , Hellmut Hager , Alessandro Ippoliti , Marius Karpowicz , Michela Lucci , Tommaso Manfredi , Silvia Mangiasciutto , Nicoletta Marconi , Lucia Palmisano , Mimma Pasculli Ferrara , Stefano Pierguidi , Cristina Ruggero , Józef Skrabski , Mila Spicola , Andrea Spiriti , Christina Strunck , Saverio Sturm , Marisa Tabarrini , Dimitri Ticconi , Paola Carla Verde , Alessandro Viscogliosi , Simona Zani

Número de Páginas: 509

Il volume attraverso le vicende dei Fontana racconta da un punto di vista ravvicinato l'epopea della cultura architettonica tra Manierismo e Barocco. Si tratta di una sorta di storia enciclopedica dei Fontana, dove sono confluite le ricerche più recenti sulle opere di questi architetti, nel quadro sociale della migrazione delle maestranze ticinesi a Roma e con l'aggiunta di alcuni correlati sull'Europa orientale. La prima parte del volume è dedicata all'attività professionale dei Fontana tra Roma e Napoli. La seconda parte fornisce nuovi contributi sulle biografie, declinati attraverso un'analisi delle vicende patrimoniali e familiari. La terza parte presenta il quadro dei repertori biografici, primo tentativo di sistemazione di una complessa e intrigata genealogia familiare, che tende a definire e decodificare un puzzle di nomi che partendo dall'area del Mendrisiotto si estese in tutta Europa. Contributi di ANNA BEDON, MARIO BEVILACQUA, WOJCIECH BOBERSKI, GIUSEPPE BONACCORSO, SABINA DE CAVI, GIULIANA DE TOMMASO,WILLIAM EISLER, MARCELLO FAGIOLO, LORENZO FINOCCHI GHERSI,MARGHERITA FRATARCANGELI, HELLMUT HAGER, ALESSANDRO IPPOLITI,MARIUS KARPOWICZ, MICHELA LUCCI, SILVIA...

God's Bounty?

God's Bounty?

Autor: Ecclesiastical History Society , Ecclesiastical History Society. Summer Meeting

Número de Páginas: 488

"Papers read at the 2008 summer meeting and the 2009 winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society."

Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente, Volume 96, 2018

Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente, Volume 96, 2018

Número de Páginas: 660

L’Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente è pubblicato dal 1914. Presenta articoli originali e di sintesi sull’arte, l’archeologia, l’architettura, la topografia, la storia, le religioni, l’antropologia del mondo antico, l’epigrafia e il diritto. L’interesse è rivolto alla Grecia e alle aree della grecità attraverso il tempo, dalla preistoria all’età bizantina e oltre, nonché alle interazioni con l’Oriente, l’Africa e l’Europa continentale. L’Annuario è composto da tre sezioni: Saggi, Scavi e Ricerche e Atti della Scuola 2017, a cura di Emanuele Papi. Gli articoli vengono approvati dal Comitato Editoriale e da due valutatori anonimi. I contributi sono pubblicati in una delle seguenti lingue: italiano, greco, inglese, spagnolo e tedesco, con riassunti in italiano, greco e inglese.



Autor: Antonio Giangrande

Número de Páginas: 1213

E’ comodo definirsi scrittori da parte di chi non ha arte né parte. I letterati, che non siano poeti, cioè scrittori stringati, si dividono in narratori e saggisti. E’ facile scrivere “C’era una volta….” e parlare di cazzate con nomi di fantasia. In questo modo il successo è assicurato e non hai rompiballe che si sentono diffamati e che ti querelano e che, spesso, sono gli stessi che ti condannano. Meno facile è essere saggisti e scrivere “C’è adesso….” e parlare di cose reali con nomi e cognomi. Impossibile poi è essere saggisti e scrivere delle malefatte dei magistrati e del Potere in generale, che per logica ti perseguitano per farti cessare di scrivere. Devastante è farlo senza essere di sinistra. Quando si parla di veri scrittori ci si ricordi di Dante Alighieri e della fine che fece il primo saggista mondiale. Le vittime, vere o presunte, di soprusi, parlano solo di loro, inascoltati, pretendendo aiuto. Io da vittima non racconto di me e delle mie traversie. Ascoltato e seguito, parlo degli altri, vittime o carnefici, che l’aiuto cercato non lo concederanno mai. “Chi non conosce la verità è uno sciocco, ma chi, conoscendola, la chiama bugia,...

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