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Towards Marine Ecosystem-based Management in the Wider Caribbean

Towards Marine Ecosystem-based Management in the Wider Caribbean

Autor: Lucia Fanning , Robin Mahon , Patrick Mcconney

Número de Páginas: 426

An approach that encompasses the human and natural dimensions of ecosystems is one that the Wider Caribbean Region knows it must adopt and implement, in order to ensure the sustainable use of the region's shared marine resources. This volume contributes towards that vision, bringing together the collective knowledge and experience of scholars and practitioners within the Wider Caribbean to begin the process of assembling a road map towards marine ecosystem based management (EBM) for the region. It also serves a broader purpose of providing stakeholders and policy actors in each of the world's sixty-four Large Marine Ecosystems, with a comparative example of the challenges and information needs required to implement principled ocean governance generally and marine EBM in particular, at multiple levels. Additionally, the volume serves to supplement the training of graduate level students in the marine sciences by enhancing interdisciplinary understanding of challenges in implementing marine EBM.

Informe de la Decimocuarta Reunión de la Comisión

Informe de la Decimocuarta Reunión de la Comisión

Autor: Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. Session

Número de Páginas: 122

The Fourteenth Session of the ESTERN Central Atlantic Fishery Commission, which was held in Panama City, adopted a resolution on strengthening the implementation of international fisheries instruments in the Caribbean region, approved the Programme of Work (2012-13), agreed on the WECAFC logo and endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Regional Policy and Planning Workshop on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

Activities of Regional Fishery Bodies and Other International Organizations Concerned with Fisheries

Activities of Regional Fishery Bodies and Other International Organizations Concerned with Fisheries

Autor: S. H. Marashi , Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations

Número de Páginas: 64
Rapport de la Sixième Session Du Comité Pour Le Développement Et L'Aménagement Des Pêches Dans Le Sud-Ouest de L'Océan Indien

Rapport de la Sixième Session Du Comité Pour Le Développement Et L'Aménagement Des Pêches Dans Le Sud-Ouest de L'Océan Indien

Autor: Indian Ocean Fishery Commission. Committee For The Development And Management Of Fisheries In The Southwest Indian Ocean

Número de Páginas: 1026
Informe de la Tercera Sesión Del Grupo Asesor Científico

Informe de la Tercera Sesión Del Grupo Asesor Científico

Autor: Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. Scientific Advisory Group. Session

Número de Páginas: 118

This is the final report of the third session of the Commission, and issues discussed include: the status and trends of fisheries and aquaculture in the Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission region; and the main decisions of the eleventh session of the Commission, including the recommendation for the strengthening of the Commission.

Sin imagen

Report of the ... Session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission and the ... Session of the Committee for the Development and Management of the Fisheries in the Lesser Antilles

Autor: Food And Agriculture Organization. Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission

Número de Páginas: 98

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