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Wagner eterno

Autor: El PaÍs

Número de Páginas: 864

Año 2013, bicentenario del nacimiento de Richard Wagner. EL PAÍS celebra el comienzo de esta gran fiesta cultural del año con el suplemento Babelia dedicado al gran revolucionario musical de la ópera. Rafel Argullol, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Juan Ángel Vela del Campo, Lus Gago, Javier Pérez Senz, Gerard Mortier, Peter Sellars, entre otros, se encargan de actualizar el significado, siempre vivo y polémico, del gran compositor alemán. EL PAÍS, desde que salió a la calle el 4 de mayo de 1976, siempre ha mantenido en sus páginas un espacio destacado para Wagner. La presencia informativa wagneriana en el periódico ha sido y es una constante a lo largo de su historia. El libro contiene prácticamente todas las informaciones y crónicas musicales dedicadas a Wagner desde 1976 hasta la actualidad. Las funciones operísticas de Wagner en los teatros de Bayreuth, Salzburgo, Barcelona (la ciudad española wagneriana por excelencia), Madrid, Milán, París... han sido puntualmente interpretadas por los periodistas, críticos musicales y enviados especiales de EL PAÍS, como en un obligado leitmotiven informativo y cultural cada año. Juan Ángel Vela del Campo, Enrique Franco, Luis...

Wolfgang Wagner

Autor: Laurence B. Lueck

Número de Páginas: 348

20 essays by well-known singers, conductors and producers on work of Wolfgang Wagner as Intendant of the Bayreuther Festspiele since 1951

Mi vida con Wagner

Autor: Christian Thielemann

Número de Páginas: 262

Desde su muerte, Wagner ha sido objeto a partes iguales de veneración y animosidad, en ambos casos de manera apasionada, y si hay alguien en la actualidad que lo conoce como pocos ése es Christian Thielemann. En las páginas de este libro, no sólo cuenta cómo, de la mano del compositor, se ha ido configurando su trayectoria profesional, desde sus inicios en Berlín hasta Bayreuth, pasando por Venecia, Hamburgo o Chicago, sino que se convierte en cicerone de lujo para guiar al lector por el rico e intrincado universo wagneriano, presentándole a esos héroes situados entre lo mítico y lo humano, y permitiéndole echar un vistazo al taller alquímico en el que Wagner mezcló los narcóticos sonidos de su mundo. Y todo ello con la mirada única y peculiar del director de orquesta, haciendo gala de una gran erudición histórica y de plena comprensión musical: ¿en qué hay que fijarse si se quiere revelar la magia de Wagner?; ¿de qué hay que protegerse?; ¿en qué radica el carácter especial de Bayreuth? Al final, todos, tanto aficionados entusiastas como recién llegados, tendrán claro por qué merece la pena una vida con Wagner.

Richard Wagner

Autor: Michael Saffle

Número de Páginas: 478

Richard Wagner: A Research and Information Guide is an annotated bibliography concerning both the nature of primary sources related to the composer and the scope and significance of the secondary sources which deal with him, his compositions, and his influence as a composer and performer.

The Wagner Clan

Autor: Jonathan Carr

Número de Páginas: 434

For over a century the Wagners have presided over the Bayreuth Festival, playing host to many of the greatest and ghastliest figures in the arts and politics amidst family in-fighting and political controversy. Drawing on extensive interviews with members of the family and on both archive and recent material, Jonathan Carr presents a balanced but gripping portrait of the Wagners and their circle; a story which presents a mirror of Germany's rise, fall and resurrection.


Autor: Wolfgang Wagner

Número de Páginas: 324

"When Wolfgang Wagner was growing up, the Bayreuth Festival was at its pre-war apogee. Under the aegis of Wolfgang's English mother, Winifred, the festival devoted to the works of Richard Wagner had become the jewel in the crown of Nazi cultural life. Behind the scenes, there was artistic tension and personal conflict as the name of Wagner became coopted to a cause which he had never espoused. Wolfgang Wagner recounts his own extraordinary encounters with prominent Nazi figures, including Hitler, and traces the tangle of music and politics which, with the defeat of the Third Reich, left the Festival discredited and almost destroyed."--Book Jacket.

Richard Wagner

Autor: Raymond Furness

Número de Páginas: 226

With their complex textures, rich harmonies, and elaborate use of leitmotifs, the operas of German composer Richard Wagner (1813–83) remain some of the most influential—and contentious—in the history of the genre. But while he won renown with what he achieved on the stage, his life was marked by political exile, turbulent love affairs, and poverty. And because Wagner and his music are exceedingly intertwined with the great upheavals of his time, it is difficult to produce an impartial assessment of his output. Appearing at the bicentennial of his birth, Richard Wagner provides a clear and balanced view of both Wagner’s great successes and the controversies generated by his life and art. Using Wagner’s wide-ranging engagement with mythology as a starting point, Raymond Furness explores the composer’s music and prose writings. He delves deeply into Wagner’s essential operas, such as The Ring and Tristan and Isolde, offering fascinating insight into these works. Because the great operatic pieces often overshadow the rest of Wagner’s compositions, Furness also considers neglected fragments like “Wieland the Smith,” “The Mines at Falun,” and “The Visitors,”...

Le Destin juif et la musique

Autor: Frans C. Lemaire

Número de Páginas: 666

Survol de quelque trois mille ans de musique juive, ce livre, le premier du genre, retrace l'histoire des liens qu'a noués au fil des siècles la musique avec la religion et la culture juives. Une manière de revivre, selon un angle d'approche inédit, la trajectoire du peuple juif, depuis les temps bibliques jusqu'à nos jours avec ses temps de gloire, de grandeur mystique et de paix comme avec ses moments d'humiliation, d'exil et de larmes, d'horreur tragique et en final de dignité reconquise. Du Jubal de la Genèse, père des instrumentistes, à David, roi et musicien-poète, des cérémonies grandioses et festives du Temple au rigorisme et à l'austérité des synagogues, la musique des temps bibliques n'a laissé d'autre trace que des évocations. C'est la diaspora qui va donner à la musique juive ses formes et sa diversité au sein des communautés séfarades et ashkénazes. Celles-ci vont connaître une histoire jalonnée de moments dramatiques dont la musique porte témoignage (Croisades, expulsion d'Espagne...) suivis de périodes d'épanouissement heureux au sein de quelques oasis de tolérance (Cordoue, Ferrare..). Mais stimulés par la Réforme, d'innombrables...

My Life with Wagner

Autor: Christian Thielemann

Número de Páginas: 345

'Idiosyncratic, humorous, enlightening and written by one of the finest conductors alive ... This is the book to buy if you are going to see Wagner or listen to him at home' LITERARY REVIEW Over a distinguished career conducting some of the world's finest orchestras, Christian Thielemann has earned a reputation as the leading modern interpreter of Richard Wagner. MY LIFE WITH WAGNER chronicles his ardent personal and professional engagement with the composer whose work has shaped his thinking and feeling from early childhood. Thielemann retraces his journey with Wagner - from Berlin to Bayreuth via Venice, Hamburg and Chicago. Next he takes each opera in turn, his appraisal illuminated by a deep affinity for the music, an intimate knowledge of the scores and the inside perspective of an outstanding practitioner. And yet for all the adulation Wagner's art inspires in him, Thielemann does not shy away from unpalatable truths about the man himself, explaining why today he is venerated and reviled in equal measure. The result is a richly rewarding read for admirers of a composer who continues to fascinate long after his death.

My Travels with Wagner

Autor: Chris Mcquaid

Número de Páginas: 292

Want a true balm for the soul? My Travels with Wagner tells the story of how author Chris McQuaid’s journey took him from young Irish soldier suffering from PTSD, to the finest opera houses in Europe and a passion for the music of Richard Wagner. The 19th-century composer produced dramatic operas and musical works that greatly influenced the course of Western music. “I was a lover of Wagner’s music long before I came to Ireland and listened for hours on the floor of my brother’s flat in Putney, in the early 1950s. Soon afterwards I went to Bayreuth – and went on going. When I came to Ireland, I joined the Wagner Society and met Ireland's supreme Wagnerian, Chris McQuaid. I left the society when he did, in deep sympathy, and sharing his unparalleled love and knowledge. It is reflected, over again, in this book, rich in passionate concern for Richard Wagner and his unique place in Music.” – Bruce Arnold, author and journalist

Wagner's Theatre

Autor: Patrick Carnegy

Número de Páginas: 182

In Wagner’s Theatre, Patrick Carnegy presents the turbulent story of Wagner and his interpreters over the course of the twentieth century. Carnegy gives vivid accounts of Gustav Mahler's radical reinvention of the Wagnerian stage, and of the post-war rehabilitation of Wagner and his work after Hitler's appropriation. He also offers sharply written reappraisals of those great Wagnerian conductors Klemperer, Toscanini, Karajan and Solti. Carnegy provides revealing accounts of the inside-workings of the Royal Opera House and of English National Opera at troubled points in their recent history. In a fascinating conversation with Sir Michael Tippett, the composer talks with unique authority about the problems facing would-be musical dramatists today. Wagner’s Theatre is an essential insight into how interpretations of Wagner have developed, and how we can respond to them.

Friedelind Wagner

Autor: Eva Rieger

Número de Páginas: 366

The first-ever biography of Richard Wagner's artistically gifted granddaughter who fought against Hitler's Germany but achieved no personal success for her troubles. She was not the 'black sheep' of her family, as often claimed, but a heroic rebel. Friedelind Wagner (1918-1991), Richard Wagner's independent-minded granddaughter, daughter of Siegfried and Winifred Wagner, despised her mother'sclose liaison with Adolf Hitler and was the only member of the Wagner clan who fled Germany in protest. Although Winifred warned her that the Nazis would 'exterminate' her, should she continue her open opposition, she travelled toLondon and published articles pillorying the Nazi élite. All the same, her former proximity to Hitler & Co. made her suspicious in the eyes of the authorities, who promptly interned her. Even the British Parliament debated her fate. Only with the help of the world-famous conductor Arturo Toscanini was she able to gain an exit visa. Once she arrived in New York she broadcast, lectured and published against the Nazis, wrote an autobiography, and became friends with many other emigrants including singers who had themselves abandoned Bayreuth. After the war the Mayor of...

A Companion to Wagner's Parsifal

Autor: William Kinderman , Katherine Rae Syer

Número de Páginas: 376

New essays demonstrating and exploring the abiding fascination of Wagner's controversial work.

Richard Wagner

Autor: Barry Millington

Número de Páginas: 575

Published for the 200th anniversary of Richard Wagners birth, and written by one of the most distinguished Wagner scholars in the world, this in-depth and highly readable account of Wagners life, work and times will be the book of the bicentenary. Richard Wagner (18131883) is one of the most influential and also one of the most polarizing composers in the history of music. Over the course of his long career, he produced a stream of spellbinding operas that challenged musical convention through their richness and tonal experimentation, paving the way for modernism. This richly illustrated overview of Wagners life, work and times makes use of the very latest scholarship much of it undertaken by the author in connection with his editorship of The Wagner Journal. The book reassesses received notions, demolishing ill-informed opinion in favour of proper critical understanding. It is a radical and occasionally controversial reappraisal of this most perplexing of composers. A wide range of themes include the composers original sources of inspiration; his fetish for exotic silks; his relationship with his wife, Cosima, and with his mistress; his anti-semitism; and the turbulent legacy...

Unis Vers Cythère

Autor: Josef Chytry

Número de Páginas: 276

Unis vers Cythère forms a continuation of the ongoing project to disseminate a new faculty of thought called cytherics, which is defined as the sighting and siting of aphrodisian - aesthetic-erotic - environments. The first part of the book proposes «polis thought» as a subdivision within political theory that would encourage attention to the polis element - the openness furnished by the classical polis/city for disputation, rhetoric, performance, ceremony, and the carnivalesque - for political theory and history. The second part develops the concept of the «artful firm», derived from contemporary firm and management theories on «the art firm» and «artful making», to argue for further convergences in related areas of aesthetics and management. Unis vers Cythère begins and ends with essays on the ancient Hellenic twin concepts of «thalassocracy» and «theatrocracy» in their relations to orthodox contemporary theories of political democracy.

Wagner Without Fear

Autor: William Berger

Número de Páginas: 466

Do you cringe when your opera-loving friends start raving about the latest production of Tristan? Do you feel faint just thinking about the six-hour performance of Parsifal you were given tickets to? Does your mate accuse you of having a Tannhäuser complex? If you're baffled by the behavior of Wagner worshipers, if you've longed to fathom the mysteries of Wagner's ever-increasing popularity, or if you just want to better understand and enjoy the performances you're attending, you'll find this delightful book indispensable. William Berger is the most helpful guide one could hope to find for navigating the strange and beautiful world of the most controversial artist who ever lived. He tells you all you need to know to become a true Wagnerite--from story lines to historical background; from when to visit the rest room to how to sound smart during intermission; from the Jewish legend that possibly inspired Lohengrin to the tragic death of the first Tristan. Funny, informative, and always a pleasure to read, Wagner Without Fear proves that the art of Wagner can be accessible to everyone. Includes: - The strange life of Richard Wagner--German patriot (and exile), friend (and enemy) of...

Los músicos de Hitler

Autor: Pedro González Mira

Número de Páginas: 257

Que Europa quedara destrozada durante medio siglo por las dos grandes guerras no fue razón suficiente para que la música continuara alcanzando un formidable desarrollo. Alemania, una de las protagonistas esenciales de la contienda, prosiguió su glorioso camino iniciado con Bach y transitado luego por Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, Bruckner, Wagner... para desembocar, en pleno hitlerismo, en una nueva explosión creativa que rompió con una tradición que ya se había tensionado hasta el límite en las últimas creaciones de la etapa romántica: la armonía tradicional. Las dos figuras clave en esa dialéctica entre pasado y futuro, Richard Strauss y Arnold Schönberg, hijos no deseados pero muy queridos de Wagner, constituyen la base de este libro, que sin embargo no olvida que los nazis llegaron a otros países. A Francia y Hungría, por ejemplo, donde oficiaron Messiaen y Bartók, respectivamente. Figuras de culto, como la de Hans Pfitzner, o el gran listado que Hitler construyó con lo que sus servidores definieron como «músicos degenerados», forman parte de sus páginas, que también recalan en una parte de los intérpretes de primera línea que ...

The Art of Insight

Autor: Alberto Cairo

Número de Páginas: 326

Learn how expert data visualization designers reason about their craft In The Art of Insight: How Great Visualization Designers Think, renowned visualization designer and educator Alberto Cairo, in conversation with several leaders in the field, delivers an inspiring exploration of how they make design choices. The book is a celebration of visualization, and a personal journey that dives into subjects like: How the professional background and life experiences of every designer shape their choices of what to visualize and how to visualize it. What designers from different countries and cultures, and working in different fileds, such as data art, data analytics, or data journalism, have in common, or how they differ from each other. How designers reflect on research, ethical reasoning, and also aesthetic judgments, to make decisions such as selecting the most appropriate ways to encode data, or the most appealing visual style. Perfect for data scientists and data journalists, The Art of Insight will also inspire artists, analysts, statisticians, and any other professional who uses data visualizations.

Wagner and the Art of the Theatre

Autor: Patrick Carnegy

Número de Páginas: 492

Chapitre 6, p. 175-207, consacré à Adolphe Appia.

Sounds Like Helicopters

Autor: Matthew Lau

Número de Páginas: 186

Explores how modernist films use classical music in ways that restore the music’s original subversive energy. Classical music masterworks have long played a key supporting role in the movies—silent films were often accompanied by a pianist or even a full orchestra playing classical or theatrical repertory music—yet the complexity of this role has thus far been underappreciated. Sounds Like Helicopters corrects this oversight through close interpretations of classical music works in key modernist films by Francis Ford Coppola, Werner Herzog, Luis Buñuel, Stanley Kubrick, Jean-Luc Godard, Michael Haneke, and Terrence Malick. Beginning with the famous example of Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” in Apocalypse Now, Matthew Lau demonstrates that there is a significant continuity between classical music and modernist cinema that belies their seemingly ironic juxtaposition. Though often regarded as a stuffy, conservative art form, classical music has a venerable avant-garde tradition, and key films by important directors show that modernist cinema restores the original subversive energy of these classical masterworks. These films, Lau argues, remind us of what this music...

Les femmes d'Hitler

Autor: Guido Knopp , Collectif

Número de Páginas: 284

Magda Goebbels, Eva Braun, Winifred Wagner, Leni Riefenstahl, Zarah Leander, Marlene Dietrich : six femmes ayant compté dans la vie du Führer, soit en l'ayant admiré, soutenu voire aimé, soit, dans le cas de Marlene Dietrich, en s'étant opposé à lui. Adolf Hitler disait toujours n'avoir pour seule épouse que la nation allemande. Si on lui connaît Eva Braun pour compagne, sans doute ne fut-il vraiment amoureux que de sa nièce, Geli Raubal. Mais dès avant sa prise du pouvoir, il noua des liens de profonde amitié avec quelques femmes tout acquises à sa cause. Il les admirait, comme il en admira plus tard quelques autres qui œuvrèrent à la propagande du régime, ou qu'il eût voulu convertir au nazisme, comme Marlene Dietrich. Guido Knopp a rassemblé dans cet ouvrage six portraits féminins, depuis la disciple inconditionnelle jusqu'à l'adversaire incorruptible. Magda Goebbels, Eva Braun, Winifred Wagner, Leni Riefenstahl, Zarah Leander et Marlene Dietrich

Modern Germany

Autor: Wendell G. Johnson , Katharina Barbe

Número de Páginas: 361

This thematic encyclopedia presents a broad overview of contemporary Germany, spanning such topics as geography, pop culture, the media, and gender roles. Themes in the book cover geography; history; politics and government; economy; religion and thought; social classes and ethnicity; gender, marriage, and sexuality; education; language; etiquette; literature and drama; art and architecture; music and dance; food; leisure and sports; and media and pop culture. Within each theme, short topical entries cover a wide array of key concepts and ideas, from LGBTQ issues in Germany to linguistic dialects to the famous Oktoberfest.

Great Wagner Conductors

Autor: Jonathan Brown

Número de Páginas: 818

This is the Ebook version of the award-winning "Great Wagner Conductors" published in 2012, now scarce in print. It contains corrections to the hardback edition, and remedies some omissions to the discographies. It also contains all 723 illustrations in the book, brilliantly illuminated, many showing the conductors at work. Some of these are rare, some are in colour. (These are not displayed in the free sample.) "Great Wagner Conductors" is the first in-depth study to bring the great historical Wagner conductors to life - through anecdote, their own views on Wagner’s music, reports of their performances throughout the world, and their recordings. There is a substantial introductory chapter on Wagner - what he was like as a conductor of his own works and what he wanted of his conductors – then follow chapters on Hans von Bülow, Hans Richter, Anton Seidl, Hermann Levi, Felix Mottl, Karl Muck, Artur Nikisch, Albert Coates, Gustav Mahler, Felix Weingartner, Bruno Walter, Arturo Toscanini, Artur Bodanzky, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Fritz Busch, Erich Kleiber, Hans Knappertsbusch, Clemens Krauss, Karl Böhm, Richard Strauss, Otto Klemperer, and Fritz Reiner. Thousands of reviews of...

Challenging Executive Dominance

Autor: Tapio Raunio , Wolfgang Wagner

Número de Páginas: 253

Bringing together scholars from Europe and North America, this book examines the engagement of legislatures across the world in foreign and security policy. The articles are specifically chosen to cover the whole range of foreign affairs questions from crisis management and military missions, arms trade, the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU), international energy agreements, to international trade negotiations. Drawing on a principal-agent framework, the book challenges the conventional wisdom of ‘executive autonomy’ in foreign affairs, with parliaments using multiple ex ante and ex post instruments to monitor, oversee and control governments in external relations. Moving beyond the ‘politics stops at the water’s edge’ image, the articles highlight the role of party-political contestation instead of consensus in the name of national interest structuring parliamentary debates and decision-making in this increasingly politicized issue area. Considering the lack of research on parliamentary participation in foreign affairs beyond the specific case of the U.S. Congress, the book will also contribute to theory building and will deepen our...

The Democratic Politics of Military Interventions

Autor: Wolfgang Wagner

Número de Páginas: 190

According to a widely shared notion, foreign affairs are exempted from democratic politics, i.e. party-political divisions are overcome-and should be overcome-for the sake of a common national interest. This book shows that this is not the case. Examining votes in the US Congress and several European parliaments, the book demonstrates that contestation over foreign affairs is barely different from contestation over domestic politics. Analyses of a new collection of deployment votes, of party manifestos, and of expert survey data show that political parties differ systematically over foreign policy and military interventions in particular. The left/right divide is the best guide to the pattern of party-political contestation: support is weakest at the far left of the spectrum and increases as one moves along the left/right axis to green, social democratic, liberal and conservative parties; amongst parties of the far right, support is again weaker than amongst parties of the centre. An analysis of parliamentary debates in Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom about the interventions in Afghanistan and against Daesh in Iraq and Syria shows that political parties also differ...

Pierre Boulez

Autor: Christian Merlin

Número de Páginas: 566

Adulé ou détesté, Pierre Boulez a passé sa vie à diviser les esprits en deux camps irréconciliables. Visionnaire et fer de lance de la modernité pour les uns, dictateur ayant imposé une esthétique unique en régnant par la terreur pour les autres, peu d’artistes auront ainsi polarisé, voire hystérisé la vie musicale française. Et ce dès l’immédiat après-guerre où il se donna pour mission de mettre à l’heure de l’avant-garde une France jugée rétrograde et sclérosée. Il fut un musicien hors norme, tout à la fois créateur, interprète, intellectuel et homme d’action, au point de donner parfois l’impression de mener plusieurs vies en une. Trois ans après sa mort, il était temps de revenir sereinement sur les neuf décennies de cette existence multiple : le compositeur, le chef d’orchestre, le penseur, le fondateur d’institutions sont passés au crible dans cette biographie pour laquelle ont été exploitées des archives souvent inédites. On y pénètre les coulisses de ses combats (le Domaine musical, l’IRCAM, l’Ensemble Intercontemporain, l’Opéra Bastille, la Cité de la musique, la Philharmonie de Paris). On le voit renouveler la...


Autor: Frederic Spotts

Número de Páginas: 348

Providing an overall account of the history of the Wagner festival, a critical analysis of its performers, productions, and enthusiasts establishes its remarkable beginnings, controversial associations, and surprising successes


Autor: Alex Ross

Número de Páginas: 548

Alex Ross, renowned New Yorker music critic and author of the international bestseller and Pulitzer Prize finalist The Rest Is Noise, reveals how Richard Wagner became the proving ground for modern art and politics—an aesthetic war zone where the Western world wrestled with its capacity for beauty and violence. For better or worse, Wagner is the most widely influential figure in the history of music. Around 1900, the phenomenon known as Wagnerism saturated European and American culture. Such colossal creations as The Ring of the Nibelung, Tristan und Isolde, and Parsifal were models of formal daring, mythmaking, erotic freedom, and mystical speculation. A mighty procession of artists, including Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann, Paul Cézanne, Isadora Duncan, and Luis Buñuel, felt his impact. Anarchists, occultists, feminists, and gay-rights pioneers saw him as a kindred spirit. Then Adolf Hitler incorporated Wagner into the soundtrack of Nazi Germany, and the composer came to be defined by his ferocious antisemitism. For many, his name is now almost synonymous with artistic evil. In Wagnerism, Alex Ross restores the magnificent confusion of what it means to be a Wagnerian. A...

German Foreign Policy Since Unification

Autor: Volker Rittberger

Número de Páginas: 410

This book examines the extent to which German foreign policy has changed since unification, and analyzes the fundamental reasons behind this change. The book has three main aims. The essays develop theories of foreign policy to predict and explain Germany's foreign policy behavior. They test competing predictions about German foreign policy behavior since unification in several issue areas. They also assess the much-debated question as to whether post-unification Germany's foreign policy is marked by continuity or change.

The New Grove Guide to Wagner and His Operas

Autor: Barry Millington

Número de Páginas: 209

The most controversial musical figure of the 19th century, Richard Wagner was a great literary, philosophical, and political activist. Drawing from contemporary scholarship, this biography provides different insights into his life and works.

Wagner, a Case History

Autor: Martin Van Amerongen

Número de Páginas: 184

Examines the life and music of Richard Wagner and analyzes the controversy concerning the composer's anti-Semitism and political views.

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