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Gran colección de libros en lengua castellana

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Stefanie Zweig et l'exil juif au Kenya sous le Troisème Reich

Autor: Lucile Bourcet-salenson

Número de Páginas: 382

La lecture du roman autobiographique de Stefanie Zweig est pour Lucile Bourcet-Salenson le point de départ d'une étude - sur trois plans : littéraire, civisationnel et psychologique - de la problématique de l'émigration forcée. En explorant la vie d'une famille juive allemande qui choisit, en 1938, l'exil au Kenya, terre d'asile de sept cents judéo-allemands, puis le retour dans l'Allemagne dévastée de 1947, l'auteure rappelle la situation historique et géographique de cette époque-là et étudie les témoignages des personnes qui ont souffert du IIIe Reich.

En un lugar de África

Autor: Stefanie Zweig

Número de Páginas: 384

Una novela autobiográfica ambientada en Kenia que relata, en primera persona, la historia de una de las muchas familias judías que tuvieron que huir de Alemania durante el Holocausto. En este caso, los Redlich viajan al continente africano en busca de una nueva oportunidad. Su hija, Regina, todavía es una niña pero no tardará en sucumbir a la magia de Kenia.Los libros de esta autora siguen siendo best sellers en Alemania, su país de origen.

Stefanie Zweig et l'exil juif au Kenya sous le Troisième Reich

Autor: Lucile Bourcet-salenson

Número de Páginas: 382

La lecture du roman autobiographique de Stefanie Zweig est pour Lucile Bourcet-Salenson le point de départ d'une étude - sur trois plans : littéraire, civisationnel et psychologique - de la problématique de l'émigration forcée. En explorant la vie d'une famille juive allemande qui choisit, en 1938, l'exil au Kenya, terre d'asile de sept cents judéo-allemands, puis le retour dans l'Allemagne dévastée de 1947, l'auteure rappelle la situation historique et géographique de cette époque-là et étudie les témoignages des personnes qui ont souffert du IIIe Reich.

The Young Victims of the Nazi Regime

Autor: Simone Gigliotti , Monica Tempian

Número de Páginas: 369

During the Nazi regime many children and young people in Europe found their lives uprooted by Nazi policies, resulting in their relocation around the globe. The Young Victims of the Nazi Regime represents the diversity of their experiences, covering a range of non-European perspectives on the Second World War and aspects of memory. This book is unique in that it places the experiences of children and youth in a transnational context, shifting the conversation of displacement and refuge to countries that have remained under-examined in a comparative context. Featuring essays from an international range of experts, this book analyses the key themes in three sections: the migration of children to countries including England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, and Brazil; the experiences of young people who remained in Nazi Europe and became victims of war, displacement and deportation; and finally the challenges of rebuilding lives and representing traumas in the aftermath of war. In its comparisons between Jewish and non-Jewish experiences and how these intersected and diverged, it revisits debates about cultural genocide through the separation of families and communities, as...

Stefan Zweig

Autor: Luis Fernando Moreno Claros

Número de Páginas: 602

«Quizá desde los días de Erasmo ningún otro escritor haya sido tan célebre como Zweig». Thomas Mann Stefan Zweig fue un gigante de la literatura del siglo xx, y aún hoy, ochenta años después de su muerte, son incontables los lectores que se sienten cautivados por sus obras. Con sus relatos eróticos y psicológicos, como Carta de una desconocida o Amok, sus incisivas biografías, como las de María Antonieta y María Estuardo, o sus excelentes retratos literarios de autores de la talla de Nietzsche y Casanova, el escritor austriaco se ha convertido en un indiscutible «clásico moderno». Pese al hermetismo que mostró sobre sí mismo —incluso en su célebre autobiografía El mundo de ayer—, Zweig fue un hombre abierto, inquieto y curioso. Leal a sus amigos, se relacionó con los grandes autores de su tiempo: Rilke, Joseph Roth, Thomas Mann, H. G. Wells o Tagore lo trataron y apreciaron; Toscanini, Busoni o Bruno Walter le brindaron su amistad... Admiró a las personas de valía y vivió con pasión el mundo de la cultura de Occidente, porque creía que defendiéndolo llegaría antes la anhelada realidad de una Europa unida y sin fronteras. Partiendo de testimonios de ...

Networks of Refugees from Nazi Germany

Número de Páginas: 303

This volume focuses on coalitions and collaborations formed by refugees from Nazi Germany in their host countries. Exile from Nazi Germany was a global phenomenon involving the expulsion and displacement of entire families, organizations, and communities. While forced emigration inevitable meant loss of familiar structures and surroundings, successful integration into often very foreign cultures was possible due to the exiles’ ability to access and/or establish networks. By focusing on such networks rather than on individual experiences, the contributions in this volume provide a complex and nuanced analysis of the multifaceted, interacting factors of the exile experience. This approach connects the NS-exile to other forms of displacement and persecution and locates it within the ruptures of civilization dominating the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Contributors are: Dieter Adolph, Jacob Boas, Margit Franz, Katherine Holland, Birgit Maier-Katkin Leonie Marx, Wolfgang Mieder, Thomas Schneider, Helga Schreckenberger, Swen Steinberg, Karina von Tippelskirch, Jörg Thunecke, Jacqueline Vansant, and Veronika Zwerger

Projecting the Holocaust into the Present

Autor: Lawrence Baron

Número de Páginas: 322

Most Holocaust scholars and survivors contend that the event was so catastrophic and unprecedented that it defies authentic representation in feature films. Yet it is precisely the extremity of 'the Final Solution' and the issues it raised that have fueled the cinematic imagination since the end of World War II. Recognizing that movies reach a greater audience than eyewitness, historical, or literary accounts, Lawrence Baron argues that they mirror changing public perceptions of the Holocaust over time and place. After tracing the evolution of the most commonly employed genres and themes in earlier Holocaust motion pictures, he focuses on how films from the l990s made the Holocaust relevant for contemporary audiences. While genres like biographical films and love stories about doomed Jewish-Gentile couples remained popular, they now cast Jews or non-Jewish victims like homosexuals in lead roles more often than was the case in the past. Baron attributes the recent proliferation of Holocaust comedies and children's movies to the search for more figurative and age-appropriate genres for conveying the significance of the Holocaust to generations born after it happened. He contends...

Three Lives

Autor: Oliver Matuschek

Número de Páginas: 294

Drawing on a great wealth of newly available sources, this definitive biography recounts the eventful life of a great writer spoilt by success-a life lived in the shadow of two world wars, and which ended tragically in a suicide pact. Matuschek examines three major phases in the life of the world-famous Austrian author-his years of apprenticeship, his years of success as a professional working writer in Salzburg, and finally his years of exile in Britain, the USA and Brazil. Including the sort of personal detail conspicuously absent from Zweig's memoir, and incorporating newly discovered documents, Matuschek's biography offers us a privileged view into the private world of the master of psychological insight.

​Veinticuatro horas en la vida de una mujer

Autor: Stefan Zweig

Número de Páginas: 109

Veinticuatro horas en la vida de una mujer (alemán: Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau) es una novela escrita en 1927 por el escritor austriaco Stefan Zweig. "La novela describe a una mujer durante un solo día de su existencia, un día a la vez maravilloso y, al fin, terrible. Ella es una viuda inglesa y se enamora por azar o imprudencia de un diplomático polaco una noche infausta en Monte Carlo. A partir de esa primera chispa de interés, la novela se introduce en sus problemas, en una vida inesperada e inestable."...

Migrations, intégrations et identités multiples

Autor: Collectif

Número de Páginas: 205

Au vingtième siècle, l’Allemagne est passée du statut de pays d’émigration à celui de pays d’immigration. L’objet de cet ouvrage est d’analyser, à travers le prisme de l’identité multiple, l’intégration des immigrés allemands à l’étranger ou des immigrés étrangers en Allemagne de manière comparative dans leurs rapports au pays d’origine ou au pays d’accueil, pour déterminer les facteurs d’intégration ou les difficultés rencontrées. Peut-on dégager, en partant d’exemples représentatifs pris dans les divers types de migrations, dans les divers pays d’accueil ou d’origine, des lignes de force communes ? Quels facteurs favorisent un équilibre entre pays d’origine et pays d’accueil ? Quels sont les aspects juridiques, linguistiques, sociologiques, culturels, identitaires qui entrent en jeu ? Les expériences du vingtième siècle peuvent-elles éclairer les problématiques actuelles, en Allemagne comme en France ?

En un lugar de África

Autor: Stefanie Zweig

Número de Páginas: 304

El best seller internacional basado en la infancia africana de Stefanie Zweig.

Lessons and Legacies XV

Autor: Erin Mcglothlin , Avinoam Patt

Número de Páginas: 226

The fifteenth volume in the Lessons & Legacies series, featuring multidisciplinary research in the Holocaust and Jewish cultural history on the theme of Global Perspectives and National Narratives. The fourteen chapters included in this volume manifest three broad categories: history, literature, and memory. These chapters continue the recent trend in Holocaust Studies of a focus on local history, integrating specific regional and national narratives into a more global approach to the event. Newer studies have continued to incorporate what was once termed the periphery into a more global examination of the experiences of Jewish refugees in flight to Latin America, Africa, and the Soviet Union. At the same time, very specific local studies deepen our knowledge of the mechanics of genocide, along with the experiences of refugees in flight, and the subsequent dimensions of Holocaust memory and representation. New research on Holocaust literature continues to unearth unexamined texts from the period of the war itself, which can shed light on Jewish responses to persecution and strategies for survival. The study of Holocaust testimonies continues to grapple with the challenge of...

Somewhere in Germany

Autor: Stefanie Zweig

Número de Páginas: 269

Follows the Redlichs as they return to Germany in 1947 after 10 years in exile from National Socialism on a Kenyan farm. Walter is so desperate to practice law again that he uproots his complaining wife, Jettel, his clever, nurturing daughter, Regina, and baby Max to Frankfurt, where gentiles either make snide anti-Semitic comments or claim that they saved Jews and used to have many Jewish friends. Zweig has a deft hand with telling anecdotes.

Processes of Transposition

Número de Páginas: 384

The essays collected in this book focus on the multi-faceted relationship between German/Austrian literature and the cinema screen. Scholars from Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Portugal, USA and Canada present critical readings of a wide range of transpositions of German-language texts to film, while also considering the impact of cinema on German literature, exploring intertextualities as well as intermedialities. The forum of discussion thus created encompasses cinematic narratives based on Goethe’s Faust, Kleist’s Marquise of O..., Kubrick’s film version of Schnitzler’s Dream Story and Caroline Link’s Oscar-winning adaptation of Stefanie Zweig’s novel Nowhere in Africa. The wide-ranging analyses of the complex interaction between literature and film presented here focus on literary works by Anna Seghers, Hans-Magnus Enzensberger, Nicola Rhon, Günter Grass, Heinrich Böll, Elfriede Jelinek, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Erich Hackl, Thomas Brussig, Sven Regener, Frank Goosen and Robert Schneider, as well as on adaptations by filmmakers such as Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Max Mack, Josef von Sternberg, Max W. Kimmich, Fred Zinnemann, Paul Wegener,...

Remembering Africa

Autor: Dirk Göttsche

Número de Páginas: 496

"This is the first comprehensive study of contemporary German literature's intense engagement with German colonialism and with Germany's wider involvement in European colonialism. Building on the author's decade of research and publication in the field, the book discusses some fifty novels by German, Swiss, and Austrian writers, among them Hans Christoph Buch, Alex Capus, Christof Hamann, Lukas Hartmann, Ilona Maria Hilliges, Giselher W. Hoffmann, Dieter Kühn, Hermann Schulz, Gerhard Seyfried, Thomas von Steinaecker, Uwe Timm, Ilija Trojanow, and Stephan Wackwitz. Drawing on international postcolonial theory, the German tradition of cross-cultural literary studies, and on memory studies, the book brings the hitherto neglected German case to the international debate in postcolonial literary studies"--Publisher website, July 5, 2013.

Fleeing from the Fuhrer

Autor: Charmian Brinson , William Kaczynski

Número de Páginas: 289

The exodus of men, women and children fleeing from the Nazi regime was one of the largest diasporas the world has ever seen. It sparked an international refugee crisis that changed society and continues to shape our culture and community today. The years between 1933 and 1945, the Nazi era in Germany, and the war years, 1939 to 1945, were a time of destruction, upheaval and misery throughout Europe and beyond. Displacement and death, whether in war or civilian life, became everyday experiences, for young and old alike. Families were torn apart by enforced emigration or deportation. Parents were separated from their children, husbands from wives, brothers from sisters. Interned in camps that spread across the globe from Shanghai to the United States of America to the Isle of Man, they became strangers in a foreign land and often the only link they had to their former lives were letters exchanged with friends and family. These scarce postal communications, therefore, assumed huge significance in the lives of both sender and receiver, one that is hard to imagine today in the age of instant communication. Fleeing from the Führer is an unusual collection of correspondence that shows...

Home in Transition

Autor: Meike Watzlawik

Número de Páginas: 266

This book presents an integrative perspective on home or Heimat showing that it is much more than the place we were born or where we live. This book brings fresh theoretical and empirical perspectives on what home is and can be from different viewpoints. The chapters invite the reader to face challenging questions of what we learn about Heimat, when it is taken from us, threatened, left on purpose or when we set out on the journey to find one. The chapters are written by psychologists throughout, but are expanded in perspective by comments from the groups of people featured in the chapters, who are thus given their own voice. The book concludes with a suggestion on how to unite all the different perspectives within a general model rooted in cultural psychology. All in all, the reader of this volume gains an access to the most complex phenomenon of human existence—that of home. Impossible to define in terms of the scientific lore of psychology, intuitively understandable in everyday life, and basis for deep desires if the feeling of home is lost. This book will be a rewarding read for professionals and students from cultural psychology, cultural and psychological anthropology,...

Hermann Hesse Today / Hermann Hesse Heute

Número de Páginas: 221

In November 2002, an international conference was held at the Institute of Germanic Studies in London in order to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Hermann Hesse’s birth. Twenty distinguished speakers from North and South America, Russia, Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom attended the three-day conference with the specific aim of exploring the continuing importance of this widely read German-language author. This volume brings together the various responses to the complex challenge that Hesse, whose sheer success is sometimes seen as detracting from his status, presents to literary scholarship around the world. The author’s current image among readers and scholars is approached from several distinct thematic and theoretical perspectives, with the objective of providing a concise overview of current research. The volume offers new readings of a number of Hesse’s seminal works and makes a significant contribution to academic research into his past and present standing as a global icon. As the title suggests, the focus is on ‘Hermann Hesse Today’. The book investigates his current significance for a modern readership, taking account of his importance in the...

Historical Dictionary of Holocaust Cinema

Autor: Robert C. Reimer , Carol J. Reimer

Número de Páginas: 403

Some 80 years after the end of World War two and Nazi Germany’s attempt to annihilate European Jews and the Jewish culture, the story of the Holocaust continues to be told in novels, paintings, music, sculpture and film. Over the past eight decades, close to a thousand documentaries, narrative shorts and features, television miniseries and filmed statements from survivors, have confronted the horrors of the past, creating a recognizable iconography of persecution, suffering, and genocide. While arguably, movies and television have a tendency to overly simply, if not trivialize, historical events, popular culture artists also keep the past from being forgotten. Historical Dictionary of Holocaust Cinema, Second Edition contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has more than 175 cross-referenced entries on films, directors, and historical figures. Foreign-language, experimental, and canonical films are included. This book is an excellent resource for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about holocaust cinema.

A Book of European Writers

Autor: Dr. Badal W. Kariye

Número de Páginas: 721

A Book of European Writers A-Z By Country Published on June 12, 2014 in USA.

Vorstufen des Exils / Early Stages of Exile

Autor: Reinhard Andress

Número de Páginas: 247

Exile is usually defined as the time one lives elsewhere, involuntarily separated from home. However, exile can also be conceptualized more broadly as a process already starting at home, while traveling into exile and/or before arriving in the place of exile. These are the early stages of exile. They include the sense of alienation at home for political, racist, religious, cultural or linguistic reasons, also for reasons of sexual orientation or censorship. Pondering the pros and cons of exile, establishing networks of resistance, matters of bureaucracy or learning a new language are just some of the additional aspects. Based on a conference held at Loyola University Chicago in 2018, this volume attempts to shed detailed light on those early stages of exile. Exil wird gewöhnlich als die Zeit definiert, in der man unfreiwillig getrennt von der Heimat anderswo lebt. Exil kann aber weiter gefasst auch als Prozess begriffen werden, der bereits in der Heimat, unterwegs und/oder vor der Ankunft im Exilland anfängt. Es sind Vorstufen des Exils. Sie schließen das Gefühl der Entfremdung von der Heimat aus politischen, rassistischen, religiösen, kulturellen oder sprachlichen Gründen...

KENYA 2025/2026 Petit Futé

Autor: Dominique Auzias , Jean-paul Labourdette

Número de Páginas: 443

Les deux grands pôles d'attraction du Kenya sont sa côte et ses réserves naturelles. Les grandes réserves du Sud, le Kilimandjaro, la vallée du Rift, les sites préhistoriques de Kariandusi et de Hyrax Hill. Le grand ouest, le mont Elgon Sawa Samp. La forêt de Kakamega, le lac Victoria, les plantations de thé de Kericho, les Aberdares, le mont Kenya, les régions désertiques du Nord; la côte, avec Monbasa, l'île de Lamu, paradis au milieu de l'Océan Indien.

Allemagne d'aujourd'hui, n° 236/avril-juin 2021

Autor: Paul Maurice , Hans Stark , Jérôme Vaillant

Número de Páginas: 244

Quelles impulsions l'Allemagne a-t-elle pu donner à l'Union européenne le temps de sa présidence du Conseil de l’UE.

L'Afrique post/coloniale. Das post/koloniale Afrika

Autor: Dotsé Yigbe , Amatso O. Assemboni , Kuassi A. Akakpo

Número de Páginas: 484

Vom Gedachtnis an den deutschen Kolonialismus bis hin zur deutsch-deutschen Systemkonkurrenz Anfang der 1960er Jahre in Afrika, von der literarischen Darstellung des Genozids in Rwanda bis hin zum "Afropolitanisme" im frankophonen Raum, von der Intertextualitat beim beninischen Autor Olympe Bhély-Quenum bis zum "cultural turn" in den literaturwissenschaftlichen Studien an afrikanischen Universitaten - in insgesamt 24 Aufsatzen prasentieren FreundInnen, KollegInnen und ehemalige StudentInnen von Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon einen wichtigen Beitrag zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Debatte in der afrikanischen Literatur und Geschichte. De la mémoire du colonialisme allemand à la concurrence entre les deux Etats allemands au début des années 1960 en Afrique, de la représentation littéraire du génocide rwandais à " l'Afropolitanisme " dans l'espace francophone, de l'intertextualité chez l'auteur béninois Olympe Bhély-Quenum au " cultural turn " dans les études littéraires dans les universités africaines - les 24 articles écrits par des ami(e)s, collègues et anciens étudiants de Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon représentent une importante contribution au débat sur les...

Nirgendwo in Afrika

Autor: Kirstin Gouverneur

Número de Páginas: 36

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2004 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: 1,0, Universitat de València (Facultat de Filologia alemana), Veranstaltung: Literatura alemana en el contexto interdisciplianrio, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Geburt des Films liegt in der so genannten Epoche des Fin de Siècle, bereits 1927 wird der erste Tonfilm gezeigt. Beinahe gleichzeitig entsteht auch die Debatte um den Film. Während der Fortschritt bezüglich Mechanik und Technik einerseits große Bewunderung hervorruft, ist es andererseits aber gerade das Maschinelle, das immer wieder Anlass zur Kritik gibt. „Der Film wird als geistloses Massenprodukt abgewiesen.“ Er gilt als minderwertige Ersatzkunst. In Form von Verfilmungen kann durch das neue Medium Hochkultur in gekürzter und summarischer Form präsentiert und somit auch popularisiert werden. Die damit verbundene Rezeption durch die breite Masse lässt keinen Raum mehr für eine Elite. Nicht verwunderlich also die These, dass „[ein] so lustvolles Medium [unmöglich] echte Kultur sein [kann].“ „Die sogenannten Autorenfilme [basieren auf der Idee], daß die Verfasser selbst ihre Werke an die Bedürfnisse des...

Stefan Zweig, le voyageur et ses mondes

Autor: Serge Niémetz

Número de Páginas: 587

" Écrit comme un roman à lire en prenant son temps, le livre de Niémetz embrasse avec clarté les grands mouvements d'une époque dont Zweig fut la victime offerte, bâti qu'il était pour la douceur de l'ancienne Autriche. " Télérama " Niémetz a écrit le plus inoubliable volet du roman du monde moderne : des valses de Strauss à la solution finale. Son livre est sans prix. " Madame Figaro " L'érudition disparaît au profit d'un récit alerte et passionnant : de l'enfance viennoise au suicide brésilien, le parcours d'un maître de la nouvelle et d'un humaniste qui mit son existence au service de la culture classique européenne. " Lire " L'ouvrage de Niémetz, aussi pénétrant que magistralement documenté, apparaît d'ores et déjà comme une étude incontournable, indispensable à tout zweiguien. " La Libre Belgique Devenu un auteur classique, Zweig apparaît, de nouveau et comme toujours, d'une actualité brûlante. La biographie française de référence est enfin rééditée, augmentée d'un avertissement et d'une postface incluant un survol critique du paysage zweiguien de ces dernières années. Serge Niémetz est né en 1946. Normalien, agrégé de lettres, il a...

Environments of Exile

Autor: Swen Steinberg , Helga Schreckenberger

Número de Páginas: 201

Forced migration always takes place within specific cultural, social, political, and spatial environments. This volume focuses on the interaction between those forced to migrate and their environments in the contexts of escape and exile from Nazi-occupied Europe. Forced emigration from Nazi Germany was a global phenomenon that took refugees to regions they often knew very little about. Not only did they have to adapt to foreign cultures, but also to unfamiliar natural environments that often exposed them to severe temperature conditions, droughts, rainy seasons, and diseases. While some refugees prepared for the natural conditions of their exile destination, others acquired environmental knowledge at their host countries or were able to adapt prior knowledge to the new environment. Consequently, specific knowledge about the environment had a large influence on the forced migration experience.

La libertad del compromiso

Autor: Hernán Zin

Número de Páginas: 281

¿Es posible cambiar el mundo? En una sociedad globalizada ¿es posible ayudar a los más pobres y paliar las desigualdades sociales? A estas preguntas responde este libro aportando para ello la experiencia humana, personal y vital de siete personas: José María en África; Belén en Filipinas; Fabiola en el Tibet; Alan en Argentina; Urmi, Alison y David en la India. Todos ellos dejaron sus respectivos países y vidas acomodadas para ayudar a los demás, a los más pobres, al margen de las grandes organizaciones, con proyectos personales y modestos. Y además de ayudar, resulta que son más felices y se sienten útiles. Aquí nos enseñan cómo afrontar la vida de otra manera, contagiándonos de su coraje, mostrándonos las posibilidades que todos tenemos de "comprometernos". Nos demuestran, en fin, que es posible salirse de una rueda que, como dice Rosa Regàs en la última parte del libro, te convierte en un hombre mutilado «y un día te encuentras bajo un cielo estrellado y eres incapaz de verlo». Reflexión a la que se incorporan voces relevantes de nuestra sociedad como Fernando Savater, Ramiro Calle, Concha García-Campoy, Pilar Bardem, Javier García Sánchez, Carlos...

Historicizing Colonial Nostalgia

Autor: P. Lorcin

Número de Páginas: 321

Comparative study of the writings and strategies of European women in two colonies, French Algeria and British Kenya, during the twentieth century. Its central theme is women's discursive contribution to the construction of colonial nostalgia.

La novela histórica como recurso didáctico para las ciencias sociales

Autor: Covadonga Bertrand Baschwitz , Susana Montemayor Ruiz , Luis Arias Argüelles-meres

Número de Páginas: 274

Esta obra propone una manera diferente de enseñar, de sentir y de comprender la historia, que complementa, nunca sustituye, el texto oficial, revelando las numerosas posibilidades didácticas que ofrece la novela histórica. El libro ofrece la novela histórica no sólo como diversión sino como fuente de conocimiento de valores que enseñará al alumno a convivir en el presente con el aprendizaje de las formas de vida del pasado. A lo largo de sus páginas nos adentramos , en un principio, en la novela juvenil donde el joven se inicia en la lectura del relato histórico, y terminamos en la propuesta de lectura del hecho más dramático de la historia del siglo XX: la Shoá, el mal llamado holocausto judío. A través de los siguientes capítulos se hace un recorrido por las distintas etapas históricas de la humanidad: La historia de las historias: historia novelada y novela histórica; Paisajes histórico en la literatura de jardines; La novela histórica juvenil; El código de honor del capitán Alatriste en la España desmoronada del Siglo de Oro; Novelas históricas sobre las dos repúblicas como unidades didácticas en el bachillerato; El impacto emocional de la literatura...

Black and White in Colour

Autor: Vivian Bickford-smith , Richard Mendelsohn

Número de Páginas: 388

Black and White in Colour considers how the African past has been represented in a wide range of historical films. Written by an eminent team of scholars, the volume provides extensive coverage of issues that have been prominent in the written history of Africa. Among the themes dealt with are the slave trade, imperialism and colonialism, racism and anti-colonial resistance. Many of the films will be familiar to readers: they include Out of Africa, Hotel Rwanda, Lumumba, Cry Freedom, The Battle of Algiers, and Ceddo. VIVIAN BICKFORD-SMITH works in the Historical Studies Department at the University of Cape Town; RICHARD MENDELSOHN is currently the head of the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Cape Town. North America: Ohio U Press; Southern Africa: Double Storey/Juta

Germans Against Germans

Autor: Moshe Zimmermann

Número de Páginas: 261

Among the many narratives about the atrocities committed against Jews in the Holocaust, the story about the Jews who lived in the eye of the storm—the German Jews—has received little attention. Germans against Germans: The Fate of the Jews, 1938–1945, tells this story—how Germans declared war against other Germans, that is, against German Jews. Author Moshe Zimmermann explores questions of what made such a war possible? How could such a radical process of exclusion take place in a highly civilized, modern society? What were the societal mechanisms that paved the way for legal discrimination, isolation, deportation, and eventual extermination of the individuals who were previously part and parcel of German society? Germans against Germans demonstrates how the combination of antisemitism, racism, bureaucracy, cynicism, and imposed collaboration culminated in "the final solution."

Leonard Maltin's 2015 Movie Guide

Autor: Leonard Maltin

Número de Páginas: 2520

NEARLY 16,000 ENTRIES INCLUDING 300+ NEW ENTRIES AND MORE THAN 13,000 DVD LISTINGS Summer blockbusters and independent sleepers; masterworks of Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, and Martin Scorsese; the timeless comedy of the Marx Brothers and Buster Keaton; animated classics from Walt Disney and Pixar; the finest foreign films ever made. This 2015 edition covers the modern era, from 1965 to the present, while including all the great older films you can’t afford to miss—and those you can—from box-office smashes to cult classics to forgotten gems to forgettable bombs, listed alphabetically, and complete with all the essential information you could ask for. NEW: • Nearly 16,000 capsule movie reviews, with 300+ new entries • More than 25,000 DVD and video listings • Up-to-date list of mail-order and online sources for buying and renting DVDs and videos MORE: • Official motion picture code ratings from G to NC-17 • Old and new theatrical and video releases rated **** to BOMB • Exact running times—an invaluable guide for recording and for discovering which movies have been edited • Reviews of little-known sleepers, foreign films, rarities, and classics •...

Women in European Holocaust Films

Autor: Ingrid Lewis

Número de Páginas: 275

This book considers how women’s experiences have been treated in films dealing with Nazi persecution. Focusing on fiction films made in Europe between 1945 and the present, this study explores dominant discourses on and cinematic representation of women as perpetrators, victims and resisters. Ingrid Lewis contends that European Holocaust Cinema underwent a rich and complex trajectory of change with regard to the representation of women. This change both reflects and responds to key socio-cultural developments in the intervening decades as well as to new directions in cinema, historical research and politics of remembrance. The book will appeal to international scholars, students and educators within the fields of Holocaust Studies, Film Studies, European Cinema and Women’s Studies.

Language and Development in Africa

Autor: H. Ekkehard Wolff

Número de Páginas: 375

Development is based on communication through language. With more than two thousand languages being used in Africa, language becomes a highly relevant factor in all sectors of political, social, cultural and economic life. This important sociolinguistic dimension hitherto remains underrated and under-researched in 'Western' mainstream development studies. The book discusses the resourcefulness of languages, both local and global, in view of the ongoing transformation of African societies as much as for economic development. From a novel 'applied African sociolinguistics' perspective it analyses the continuing effects of linguistic imperialism on postcolonial African societies, in particular regarding the educational sector, through imposed hegemonic languages such as Arabic and the ex-colonial languages of European provenance. It offers a broad interdisciplinary scientific approach to the linguistic dimensions of sociocultural modernisation and economic development in Africa, written for both the non-linguistically trained reader as much as for the linguistically trained researcher and language practitioner.

The Great Gatsby

Autor: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Número de Páginas: 99

Mercurial Jay Gatsby's destructive passion for Daisy Buchanan is played out against the background of Long Island high society. Viewed through the eyes of an outsider, Gatsby's life is the story of a generation – glitz and glamour turning sour, and the high life turning to ashes. Immersing you in the decadence of America's Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby is brought to life in this sizzling new stage adaptation. Recreating the sights, sounds and feel of America's 'Roaring Twenties' as seen through the eyes of Nick Carraway, F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece is a brilliant evocation of a society obsessed with wealth and status. This masterful adaptation by Stephen Sharkey was first published to coincide with the premiere and national tour by Blackeyed Theatre, opening in September 2015.

Book Lust to Go

Autor: Nancy Pearl

Número de Páginas: 322

Adventure is just a book away as bestselling author Nancy Pearl returns with recommended reading for more than 120 destinations — both worldly and imagined — around the globe. From Las Vegas to the Land of Oz, Naples to Nigeria, Philadelphia to Provence, Nancy Pearl guides readers to the very best fiction and nonfiction to read about each destination. Even within one country, she traverses decades to suggest titles that effortlessly capture the different eras that make up a region’s unique history. This enthusiastic literary globetrotting guide includes stops in Korea, Sweden, Afghanistan, Albania, Parma, Patagonia, Texas, and Timbuktu. Book Lust To Go connects the best fiction and nonfiction to particular destinations, whether your bags are packed or your armchair is calling. From fiction to memoir, poetry to history, Nancy Pearl’s Book Lust to Go takes the reader on a globetrotting adventure — no passport required.

Africanizing Knowledge

Autor: Toyin Falola

Número de Páginas: 643

Nearly four decades ago, Terence Ranger questioned to what extent African history was actually African, and whether methods and concerns derived from Western historiography were really sufficient tools for researching and narrating African history. Despite a blossoming and branching out of Africanist scholarship in the last twenty years, that question is still haunting. The most prestigious locations for production of African studies are outside Africa itself, and scholars still seek a solution to this paradox. They agree that the ideal solution would be a flowering of institutions of higher learning within Africa which would draw not only Africanist scholars, but also financial resources to the continent. While the focus of this volume is on historical knowledge, the effort to make African scholarship "more African" is fundamentally interdisciplinary. The essays in this volume employ several innovative methods in an effort to study Africa on its own terms. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1, "Africanizing African History," offers several diverse methods for bringing distinctly African modes of historical discourse to the foreground in academic historical research. Part...

Rainer Werner Fassbinder and the German Theatre

Autor: David Barnett

Número de Páginas: 324

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