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Liderazgo canalla

Autor: David Asensio García

Número de Páginas: 280

David Asensio asienta, en 'Liderazgo Canalla', las bases de un nuevo estilo de liderazgo personal y empresarial basado en la disrupción, la autenticidad, la responsabilidad, la creatividad y los valores, y que cuestiona el actual status quo imperante en la sociedad y el mundo del management actuales. Para ello se sirve de su propia experiencia personal y profesional, y de las más de 250 entrevistas que ha realizado a personalidades nacionales e internacionales que han triunfado en su ámbito de actividad, desde Jordan Belfort, pasando por Mario Alonso Puig, Pilar Jericó, los cocineros David Muñoz o Ferrán Adrià, entre otros. En ellas, los entrevistados nos muestran el lado "menos bonito" del éxito y de qué manera llegaron a él, sus comienzos, los miedos y retos que han tenido que superar en el camino y sus experiencias más inspiradoras. Gracias a este estudio en profundidad, David Asensio, se dio cuenta de que las personas que conseguían eso que todos buscamos como locos, que se llama felicidad y éxito, tenían características en común. Características que ha ido desgranando a lo largo del libro para que podamos aprender y aplicarnos a nosotros mismos en nuestro...

¡Abre tu negocio... y vivirás en abundancia!

Autor: Omar R. Perdomo

Número de Páginas: 208

“La presente obra es un deseo hondamente sentido para servir a aquellas personas que de alguna manera se sienten inclinados al mundo de los negocios, pero la organización, los recursos, y la dinámica empresarial con el conocimiento del mercado les hace sentir intimidados, y es mi deseo y propósito alentarlos y prepararlos a que se animen con el conocimiento, y la aventura de ir acumulando experiencias, para Abrir sus negocios y definitivamente vivir en la abundancia.” Al abrir y correr tu negocio, debes estar consciente de que vas a tener muchos roles para mantenerlo de pie y en la competencia, como dicen en inglés, tendrás "many hats" para salir airoso y exitoso. Harás tareas de mercadeo para encontrar más clientes, proveerás servicios a los clientes inconformes, administrarás el negocio de arriba a abajo, en todas las fases y divisiones, dirigirás a tus empleados, y tendrás contactos profesionales con tus proveedores, así de la contabilidad del negocio, la promoción, y harás que fluya lo que le da vida atrayendo a los clientes para que corra el dinero en la estabilidad del negocio, hacia afuera y hacia adentro. Debes estar listo o lista para dar todo lo que...

El libro de los baños sagrados

Autor: Paulette Kouffman Sherman

Número de Páginas: 282

• Aprende a purificar tu energía a través del baño, recuperando lo mejor de las tradiciones ancestrales. • La autora nos ofrece unas recetas adaptadas a la necesidad emocional o espiritual de cada uno para conseguir el bienestar general. • Rituales de purificación y renovación al alcance de todos. Además de aportar instantes de tranquilidad y relax, un baño puede ofrecer un espacio privilegiado de meditación y contacto con nuestros aspectos más inconscientes con el fin de mejorar todos los aspectos de la vida, incluidos la autoestima, la vida amorosa, la salud, el éxito profesional y el crecimiento espiritual. Paulette Kouffman Sherman, doctorada en psicología clínica y sanadora con larga experiencia en terapias alternativas, combina el antiguo arte del baño con cristales, aceites esenciales, velas y colores para construir rituales y meditaciones que elevarán nuestras vibraciones, favorecerán el contacto con el guía interior y amplificarán la capacidad creativa que todos poseemos para hacer nuestros deseos realidad. Son cincuenta y dos recetas, una para cada semana del año, confeccionadas a medida de nuestras necesidades físicas, emocionales o...


Autor: Elainne Ourives

Número de Páginas: 253

"Entrar en un estado de armonía es la clave cuántica para sintonizar con su nuevo yo y co-crear el futuro de sus sueños". - Elainne Ourives + DE 30 MIL COPIAS VENDIDAS EN LA PREVENTA BEST-SELLER! DESCUBRA EL MÉTODO REVOLUCIONARIO PARA DAR UN DOBLE SALTO CUÁNTICO HACIA SU FUTURO, SINTONIZANDO UNA NUEVA VERSIÓN SUYA. ¡Hay otra realidad en la cual usted ya es lo que sueña! Está en superposición cuántica, esperando a que usted la cocree. Es su doble cuántico, usted en estado de perfección y frecuencia, su ADN original, plenamente realizado, viviendo infinitas posibilidades. El ADN DE LA COCREACIÓN es su Eu Holográfico® [Yo Holográfico], que unos llaman "yo gemelo" o yo cuántico. Su yo ideal, sintonizado con la frecuencia vibratoria de armonía desde el inicio de su creación como consciencia. Usted puede acceder a él cuando entra en la coherencia cardíaca armónica, alineando mente, corazón y cuerpo. Él rompe la barrera del espacio-tiempo y puede traer todas las respuestas y soluciones directamente desde el futuro. Su Eu Holográfico® [Yo Holográfico] le ayudará a concretar la vida de sus sueños, lo que hará que se convierta en el dueño de su futuro. CON...

Entra en Frecuencia

Autor: Penney Peirce

Número de Páginas: 0

Todo es vibración. Acostumbrados a fiarnos únicamente de la percepción sensorial, no solemos ser conscientes de que somos energía, incluyendo en ello cuerpo, espíritu, pensamientos, y emociones. Cada persona posee una frecuencia particular que comunica al

Potencie su ADN

Autor: Sol Luckman

Número de Páginas: 396

La Potenciación, primera activación de esta «revolucionaria ciencia de sanación» (NEXUS) del Método de la Regenética, emplea códigos lingüísticos especiales--producidos vocal y mentalmente--para estimular la capacidad autosanadora y transformadora en el ADN. En esta magistral exploración de sanación con sonido por Sol Luckman, aclamado autor de superventas (SANACIÓN CONSCIENTE), aprenda cómo activar su potencial genético--en una sola sesión de treinta minutos. Además de enseñarle una técnica de vanguardia que puede realizar para su familia, amigos e incluso mascotas, POTENCIE SU ADN también: 1. Ofrece abundantes herramientas complementarias, probadas y certeras, para maximizar sus resultados. 2. Expone una teoría pionera que vincula la genética, la energía y la conciencia, que indudablemente inspirará tanto a sanadores tradicionales como alternativos.

El Camino de la Intuicion

Autor: Penney Peirce

Número de Páginas: 0

Alamah means "place of peace, tranquility, and healing". Through Alamah we will explore current themes in the fields of spirituality, religion, oriental traditions, sacred psychology, astrology, and the arts of magic. Books by Alamah help cultivate well-being and spiritual unity. The intuitive process as a new way of life and its practical applications: from speeding decision making to expanding personal growth. El camino de la intuicion will be a good guide whether you're just beginning to search for a richer, fuller life experience or are looking for more sophisticated insights into your spiritual path.

À la recherche d’une méthode

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 268

C. S. Peirce, (1839-1914), philosophe et logicien américain, est l'un des grands penseurs du XXe siècle. À la recherche d'une méthode est l'un des nombreux projets de livres que Peirce soumit à ses éditeurs. Il en établit le texte en 1893, il y a tout juste cent ans. et jusqu'en 1907 ne cessa d'envisager corrections et modifications dont les articles du Monist de 1905 tiennent compte en très grande partie. C'est ce texte, qui n'a jamais paru en anglais sous cette forme, que nous publions en traduction française. D'autres projets qui ne virent pas non plus le jour se rapportaient aux innovations que Peirce avait introduites en logique. À la recherche d'une méthode est à la fois traité de l'interprétation, discours de la méthode et méditation philosophique. Sa modernité est frappante, qu'il s'agisse de la nouvelle liste de catégories, que Peirce substitue à celle de Kant, ou de la méthode pragmatique, qu'il développe pour remplacer le doute méthodologique de Descartes, et de la métaphysique scientifique qu'il en dégage, et dont on appréciera l'actualité : l'architecture triadique des théories, la critique de la doctrine de la nécessité, la loi de...

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: 1879-1884

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 778

This series contains large sections of previously unpublished material in addition to selected published works. Each volume includes a brief historical and biographical introduction, extensive editorial and textual notes, and a full chronological list of all of Peirce's writings, published and unpublished, during the period covered.

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 1

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 680

Volume 8 of this landmark edition follows Peirce from May 1890 through July 1892 -- a period of turmoil as his career unraveled at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The loss of his principal source of income meant the beginning of permanent penury and a lifelong struggle to find gainful employment. His key achievement during these years is his celebrated Monist metaphysical project, which consists of five classic articles on evolutionary cosmology. Also included are reviews and essays from The Nation inches.

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 3

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 672

The PEIRCE EDITION contains large sections of previously unpublished material in addition to selected published works. Each volume includes a brief historical and biographical introduction, extensive editorial and textual notes, and a full chronological list of all of Peirce's writings, published and unpublished, during the period covered.

The Essential Peirce, Volume 1

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 444

A convenient two-volume reader's edition makes accessible to students and scholars the most important philosophical papers of the brilliant American thinker Charles Sanders Peirce. Volume 1 presents twenty-five key texts, chronologically arranged, beginning with Peirce's 'On a New List of Categories' of 1867, a highly regarded alternative alternative to Kantian philosophy, and ending with the first sustained and systematic presentation of his evolutionary metaphysics in the Monist Metaphysical Series of 1891-1893.

The Essential Peirce, Volume 1

Autor: Nathan Houser , Christian J.w. Kloesel

Número de Páginas: 444

" . . . a first-rate edition, which supersedes all other portable Peirces. . . . all the Peirce most people will ever need." —Louis Menand, The New York Review of Books "The Monist essays are included in the first volume of the compact and welcome Essential Peirce; they are by Peirce's standards quite accessible and splendid in their cosmic scope and assertiveness." —London Review of Books A convenient two-volume reader's edition makes accessible to students and scholars the most important philosophical papers of the brilliant American thinker Charles Sanders Peirce. This first volume presents twenty-five key texts from the first quarter century of his writing, with a clear introduction and informative headnotes. Volume 2 will highlight the development of Peirce's system of signs and his mature pragmatism.

The Essential Peirce, Volume 2

Autor: Peirce Edition Project

Número de Páginas: 626

Praise for Volume 1: " . . . a first-rate edition, which supersedes all other portable Peirces. . . . all the Peirce most people will ever need." —Louis Menand, The New York Review of Books Volume 2 of this convenient two-volume chronological reader's edition provides the first comprehensive anthology of the brilliant American thinker Charles Sanders Peirce's mature philosophy. A central focus of Volume 2 is Peirce's evolving theory of signs and its appplication to his pragmatism.

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 4

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 771

"The volumes are handsomely produced and carefully edited, . . . For the first time we have available in an intelligible form the writings of one of the greatest philosophers of the past hundred years . . . " —The Times Literary Supplement " . . . an extremely handsome and impressive book; it is an equally impressive piece of scholarship and editing." —Man and World

The Essential Peirce, Volume 2

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 626

"A convenient two-volume reader's edition makes accessible to students and scholars the most important philosophical papers of the brilliant American thinker Charles Sanders Peirce."--Back cover.

The Cambridge Companion to Peirce

Autor: Cheryl Misak

Número de Páginas: 388

Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) is generally considered the most significant American philosopher. He was the founder of pragmatism, the view popularized by William James and John Dewey, that our philosophical theories must be linked to experience and practice. The essays in this volume reveal how Peirce worked through this idea to make important contributions to most branches of philosophy. The topics covered include Peirce's influence; the famous pragmatic maxim and the view of truth and reality arising from it; the question as to whether mathematical, moral and religious hypotheses might aspire to truth; his theories of inquiry and perception; and his contribution to semiotics, statistical inference and deductive logic. New readers will find this the most convenient and accessible guide to Peirce currently available. Advanced students and specialists will find a conspectus of recent developments in the interpretation of Peirce.

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 8

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 826

Volume 8 of this landmark edition follows Peirce from May 1890 through July 1892—a period of turmoil as his career unraveled at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The loss of his principal source of income meant the beginning of permanent penury and a lifelong struggle to find gainful employment. His key achievement during these years is his celebrated Monist metaphysical project, which consists of five classic articles on evolutionary cosmology. Also included are reviews and essays from The Nation in which Peirce critiques Paul Carus, William James, Auguste Comte, Cesare Lombroso, and Karl Pearson, and takes part in a famous dispute between Francis E. Abbot and Josiah Royce. Peirce's short philosophical essays, studies in non-Euclidean geometry and number theory, and his only known experiment in prose fiction complete his production during these years. Peirce's 1883-1909 contributions to the Century Dictionary form the content of volume 7 which is forthcoming.

Charles S. Peirce, Selected Writings

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 480

Science, material, idealism, pragmaticism, history of scientific thought. With Buchler's book, best way to approach notoriously cryptic philosopher. Features 24 selections including "The Place of Our Age in the History of Civilization."

Peirce on Signs

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 298

Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is rapidly becoming recognized as the greatest American philosopher. At the center of his philosophy was a revolutionary model of the way human beings think. Peirce, a logician, challenged traditional models by describin

Philosophical Writings of Peirce

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 416

Arranged and integrated to reveal epistemology, phenomenology, theory of signs, other major topics. Includes "The Fixation of Beliefs," "How to Make Our Ideas Clear," and "The Criterion of Validity in Reasoning."

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 2

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 700

"For anyone seriously interested in Peirce, or in nineteenth-century American philosophy, or in American intellectual history, or in philosophy in general, or in semiotics and its philosophical import, these volumes should be required reading." —Murray G. Murphey, Semiotica

Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 1

Autor: Charles S. Peirce

Número de Páginas: 792

Volume 8 of this landmark edition follows Peirce from May 1890 through July 1892 -- a period of turmoil as his career unraveled at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The loss of his principal source of income meant the beginning of permanent penury and a lifelong struggle to find gainful employment. His key achievement during these years is his celebrated Monist metaphysical project, which consists of five classic articles on evolutionary cosmology. Also included are reviews and essays from The Nation inches.

Peirce: A Guide for the Perplexed

Autor: Cornelis De Waal

Número de Páginas: 140

Charles Sanders Peirce, the founder of pragmatism, is a hugely important and influential thinker in the history of American philosophy. His philosophical interests were broad and he made significant contributions in several different areas of thought. Moreover, his contributions are intimately connected and his philosophy designed to form a coherent and systematic whole. Peirce: A Guide for the Perplexed is a clear and thorough account of Peirce's life and thought, his major works and ideas, providing an ideal guide to this important and complex thinker. The book introduces all the key concepts and themes in Peirce's thought, exploring his contributions to logic, pragmatism, truth, semiotics and metaphysics and demonstrating how his ideas developed into a coherent system of thought. Geared towards the specific requirements of students who need to reach a sound understanding of Peirce's ideas, the book serves as a clear and concise introduction to his philosophy. This is the idea companion to study of this most influential and challenging of thinkers.

The Philosophy of Peirce

Autor: Justus Buchler

Número de Páginas: 404

First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Continuity of Peirce's Thought

Autor: Kelly A. Parker

Número de Páginas: 300

In The Continuity of Peirce's Thought, Kelly Parker shows how the principle of continuity functions in phenomenology and semeiotic, the two most novel and important of Peirce's philosophical sciences, which mediate between mathematics and metaphysics. Parker argues that Peirce's concept of continuity is the central organizing theme of the entire Peircean philosophical corpus. He explains how Peirce's unique conception of the mathematical continuum shapes the broad sweep of his thought, extending from mathematics to metaphysics and in religion. This new book should appeal to all who seek a fuller, unified understanding of the career and overarching contributions of Peirce, one of the key figures in the American philosophical tradition.

Conceptualizing Metaphors

Autor: Ivan Mladenov

Número de Páginas: 210

The enigmatic thought of Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914), considered by many to be one of the great philosophers of all time, involves inquiry not only into virtually all branches and sources of modern semiotics, physics, cognitive sciences, and mathematics, but also logic, which he understood to be the only useful approach to the riddle of reality. This book represents an attempt to outline an analytical method based on Charles Peirce’s least explored branch of philosophy, which is his evolutionary cosmology, and his notion that the universe is made of an ‘effete mind.’ The chief argument conceives of human discourse as a giant metaphor in regard to outside reality. The metaphors arise in our imagination as lightning-fast schemes for acting, speaking, or thinking. To illustrate this, each chapter will present a well-known metaphor and explain how it is unfolded and conceptualized according to the new method for revealing meaning. This original work will interest students and scholars in many fields including semiotics, linguistics and philosophy.

A General Introduction to the Semiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce

Autor: James JakÃ3b Liszka

Número de Páginas: 174

"This definitive text is the single best work on Peirce's semeiotic (as Peirce would have spelled it) allowing scholars to extrapolate beyond Peirce or to apply him to new areas..." -- Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Newsletter "... indispensable introduction to Peirce's semiotics." -- Teaching Philosophy "Both for students new to Peirce and for the advanced student, this is an excellent and unique reference book. It should be available in libraries at all... colleges and universities." -- Choice "The best and most balanced full account of Peirce's semiotic which contributes not only to semiotics but to philosophy. Liszka's book is the sourcebook for scholars in general." -- Nathan Houser Although 19th-century philosopher and scientist Charles Sanders Peirce was a prolific writer, he never published his work on signs in any organized fashion, making it difficult to grasp the scope of his thought. In this book, Liszka presents a systematic and comprehensive acount of Peirce's theory, including the role of semiotic in the system of sciences, with a detailed analysis of its three main branches -- grammar, critical logic, and universal rhetoric.

Living Doubt

Autor: G. Debrock , M. Hulswit

Número de Páginas: 317

Charles Sanders Peirce (1839--1914) has often been referred to as one of the most important North American philosophers, but the real extent of his philosophical importance is only now beginning to emerge. Peirce's `pragmaticism' (his own term) may provide the key to an epistemological theory which avoids both the Scylla of foundationalism and the Charybdis of relativism. Peirce's `Logic', linked to a conception of knowledge and of science, is increasingly coming to be recognised as the only possible one. In Living Doubt, 26 papers are presented by some of the world's leading philosophers, demonstrating the rich and cosmopolitan variety of approach to Peirce's epistemology. The contributions are grouped under three general headings: Knowledge, truth and the pragmatic principle; Peirce and the epistemological tradition; and Knowledge, language and semeiotic.

Obra filosófica reunida. Tomo I (1867-1893)

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 867

Edición crítica que expone de manera cabal y cronológica las ideas centrales de la filosofía de Charles Sanders Peirce, el mejor exponente del pragmatismo y la semiótica del siglo XIX. Traducida al español por Darin McNabb, y revisada por Sara Barrena, esta edición a cargo de dos especialistas en el pensamiento Pierciano como son Darin McNabb y Christian Kloesel, brinda además líneas de investigación en el terreno de la filosofía, lógica, filosofía del lenguaje y de la ciencia, comunicación, entre otros

Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism

Autor: Sandra B. Rosenthal

Número de Páginas: 198

This work runs counter to the traditional interpretations of Peirce's philosophy by eliciting an inherent strand of pragmatic pluralism that is embedded in the very core of his thought and that weaves his various doctrines into a systematic pattern of pluralism. Rosenthal gives a new design to the seeming bedrock of Peirce's position: convergence toward the final ultimate opinion of the community of interpreters in the idealized long run. Focusing frequently on passages from Peirce's writings which have been virtually ignored in the more traditional interpretations of his work, this book shows the way in which Peirce's position, far from lying in opposition to the Kuhnian interpretation of science, provides strong and much needed metaphysical and epistemic underpinnings for it in a way which avoids the pitfalls of false alternatives offered by the philosophical tradition. The book examines in depth the various features of Peirce's position that enter into these underpinnings. Among the topics explored are meaning, truth, perception, world, sign relations, realism, categorical inquiry, phenomenology, temporality, and speculative metaphysics.


Autor: Albert Atkin

Número de Páginas: 269

Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) is generally regarded as the founder of pragmatism, and one of the greatest ever American philosophers. Peirce is also widely known for his work on truth, his foundational work in mathematical logic, and an influential theory of signs, or semiotics. Albert Atkin introduces the full spectrum of Peirce’s thought for those coming to his work for the first time. The book begins with an overview of Peirce’s life and work, considering his early and long-standing interest in logic and science, and highlighting important views on the structure of philosophical thought. Atkin then explains Peirce’s accounts of pragmatism and truth examining important later developments to these theories. He then introduces Peirce’s full accounts of semiotics, examines his foundational work on formal and graphical logic, and introduces Peirce’s account of metaphysics, the least understood aspect of his philosophy. The final chapter considers Peirce’s legacy and influence on the thought of philosophers such as John Dewey and Richard Rorty, as well as highlighting areas where Peirce’s ideas could still provide important insights for contemporary philosophers....

Peirce's Theory of Signs

Autor: T. L. Short

Número de Páginas: 13

In this book, T. L. Short corrects widespread misconceptions of Peirce's theory of signs and demonstrates its relevance to contemporary analytic philosophy of language, mind and science. Peirce's theory of mind, naturalistic but nonreductive, bears on debates of Fodor and Millikan, among others. His theory of inquiry avoids foundationalism and subjectivism, while his account of reference anticipated views of Kripke and Putnam. Peirce's realism falls between 'internal' and 'metaphysical' realism and is more satisfactory than either. His pragmatism is not verificationism; rather, it identifies meaning with potential growth of knowledge. Short distinguishes Peirce's mature theory of signs from his better-known but paradoxical early theory. He develops the mature theory systematically on the basis of Peirce's phenomenological categories and concept of final causation. The latter is distinguished from recent and similar views, such as Brandon's, and is shown to be grounded in forms of explanation adopted in modern science.

La logique de la science

Autor: Charles Sanders Peirce

Número de Páginas: 67

La Logique de la Science" de Charles Sanders Peirce est une œuvre majeure dans le domaine de la philosophie de la science et de la logique. Peirce, philosophe, logicien et scientifique américain, développe sa théorie pragmatique de la signification et de la connaissance. Il explore les fondements logiques du processus scientifique, introduisant des concepts tels que la sémiotique et l'abduction. L'ouvrage offre une approche novatrice de la méthode scientifique, mettant en avant l'idée que la vérité et la signification émergent de l'expérience et de l'interaction avec le monde réel. Cette œuvre est une contribution majeure à la philosophie de la science et continue d'influencer la pensée contemporaine.

Conversations on Peirce

Autor: Douglas R. Anderson , Carl R. Hausman

Número de Páginas: 277

The book is a collection of chapters on the work of Charles S. Peirce that grew out of conversations between the authors over the last decade and a half. The chapters focus primarily on Peirce's consideration of realism and idealism as philosophical outlooks. Some deal directly with Peirce's accounts of realism and idealism; others look to the consequences of these accounts for other features of Peirce's overall philosophical system."--Publisher's abstract.

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