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Aprender a aprender en la era digital

Autor: Esperanza Román-mendoza

Número de Páginas: 224

Aprender a aprender en la era digital provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art account that empowers readers to leverage learning technologies to promote second language learner autonomy. Written entirely in Spanish, the book covers a breadth of innovative topics in the teaching of Spanish via and with technology, such as emerging pedagogies, autonomous and participatory learning, learner agency and identity, teacher development, and post-communicative curriculum design. Key features: a novel and unique approach, combining the latest research on learning autonomy and instructional technologies in language learning; an emphasis on the connections between theory and practice, with concrete suggestions for using technology in the classroom; an extensive selection of curricular and pedagogical tools that can be easily adapted to various teaching and learning environments and needs; a broad selection of bibliographical references for further reading and research; a bilingual glossary of key techno-pedagogical terms; a catalogue with over 250 tools for second language learning and teaching, with contextualized examples of their practical application; a comprehensive eResource with a...

AP Spanish

Autor: Jose Diaz , Margrita Leicher-prieto , Glenn Nadlebach

Número de Páginas: 148

[The book] is intended to meet the need for a text to accompany the Advanced Placement Spanish Lanugae course. The overall goal ... is to prepare students to perform at a high level of proficiency in the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Upon completing the course, students are expected to be able to comprehend formal and informal Spanish, and also speak, read and write cohesively and precisely at the third-year college level. [The authors] have attempted to create a series of exercises that will both meet the general objectives of the course and help the students prepare for the Advanced Placement examination ... Although geared primarily to the AP course and examination, the book is also intended to provide an opportunity for advanced learning. The exercises are desgined not only to review and reinforce students' knowledge, but also to increase their vocabulary and sharpen their grammatical skills. [The book] can be used as a complementary text in any advanced course in Spanish.-Intro.

Lingüística aplicada del español

Autor: Manel Lacorte

Número de Páginas: 572

En la actualidad, el estudio lingüístico no solo abarca espacios teóricos, sino que también se propone resolver cuestiones prácticas relacionadas con el uso del lenguaje en diversos ámbitos profesionales y sociales: aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas, traducción e interpretación, tareas editoriales y publicitarias, tratamiento automatizado del lenguaje, y política y planificación lingüísticas, entre otros. A partir de una visión multidisciplinaria y dinámica del campo, este libro recoge el análisis de reconocidos expertos sobre las áreas de trabajo más relevantes de la lingüística aplicada del español en Europa, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Tras una perspectiva general sobre la lingüística aplicada, la primera parte del volumen se centra en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza del español. La segunda parte explora temas lingüísticos de índole histórica, social y política, mientras que la tercera parte analiza el discurso y la comunicación en diversos contextos profesionales.

Nuevas aportaciones a la historiografía lingüística

Autor: Sociedad Española De Historiografía Lingüística. Congreso Internacional

Número de Páginas: 856


Autor: Higgs , Theodore V. Higgs , Judith Liskin-gasparro , Frank Medley

Número de Páginas: 260

Insights from hundreds of instructors and students have resulted in Entradas 2/e, an effective comprehension-based program. The second edition gives a more balanced treatment to reading and writing in addition to listening and speaking.


Autor: Matilde Olivella Castells , Elizabeth E. Guzmán , Paloma E. Lapuerta , Judith E. Liskin-gasparro

Número de Páginas: 0

Volume 2 of the 5th edition of "Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language" ""provides a fresh, 2lst-century perspective on language teaching and learning in the context of a dynamic introduction to the Hispanic world and its people. Rich contextualization of vocabulary combined with contextualized, functional grammatical instructiongivesstudents an authentic, communicative introduction to the Spanish language. Deeply integrated culture and detailed listening, speaking, reading and writing practice bring all the pieces together for today s students.Volume 2 is a paperback split of Chapters 5-10."

Student Activities Manual

Autor: Patricia Bolaños

Número de Páginas: 292

Creative activities to complement and reinforce lessons learned in the text.


Autor: Elizabeth Guzmán , Paloma Lapuerta , Judith Liskin-gasparro , Matilde Castells

Número de Páginas: 0

Immerse yourself in Spanish language and culture! Identidades empowers learners to acquire Spanish language skills while immersing them in the richness of the Hispanic world and its people. Identidades is a two-semester intermediate Spanish program that brings the goals of the National Standards to virtually every page of the text and its ancillary components. The program presents and treats the cultures of the Hispanic world in ways that are both appealing and appropriate for college students and simultaneously maintains reasonable expectations for their understanding and productive use of grammatical concepts and structures. Communicative and rich in cultural content, Identidades is engaging, supports the language-learning process, and prepares and encourages students to continue their exploration of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures beyond the second year. Teaching & Learning Experience Communicative and Content-Based Approach - The goal of the program is to ensure that intermediate level Spanish learners build their language skills in rich communicative and cultural contexts. Communicative activities found throughout the program draw learners to the material presented ...

Mosaicos Volume 3

Autor: Elizabeth E. Guzmán , Paloma E. Lapuerta , Judith E Liskin-gasparro , Matilde Castells

Número de Páginas: 281

It’s time to talk! … and have a cultured conversation. Providing the truly communicative, deeply culture-focused approach instructors believe in along with the guidance and tools students need to be successful using a program with highly communicative goals—with Mosaicos, there is no need to compromise. Recognizing the primacy of the relationship between culture and language, the new Sixth Edition of Mosaicos places culture up front and center, and everywhere in-between!

Mosaicos Volume 1

Autor: Elizabeth E. Guzmán , Paloma E. Lapuerta , Judith E Liskin-gasparro , Matilde Castells

Número de Páginas: 255

It’s time to talk! … and have a cultured conversation. Providing the truly communicative, deeply culture-focused approach instructors believe in along with the guidance and tools students need to be successful using a program with highly communicative goals—with Mosaicos, there is no need to compromise. Recognizing the primacy of the relationship between culture and language, the new Sixth Edition of Mosaicos places culture up front and center, and everywhere in-between!

Identidades + Student Activities Manual

Autor: Elizabeth Guzman , Paloma E. Lapuerta , Judith E. Liskin-gasparro , Matilde Olivella Castells

0205875386 / 9780205875382 Identidades: Exploraciones e interconexiones and Student Activities Manual Package consists of: 020503473X / 9780205034734 Identidades: Exploraciones e interconexiones 0205036163 / 9780205036165 Student Activities Manual for Identidades: Exploraciones e interconexiones

Advanced Placement Spanish

Autor: José M. Díaz , Margarita Leicher-prieto , Glenn J. Nadelbach

Número de Páginas: 242

"This book has been designed to develop the students' listening comprehension skills at the upper levels of Spanish. It offers practice for the listening comprehension section of the Spanish SAT II as well as for the Advanced Placement Examination."

Gramática para la composición

Autor: M. Stanley Whitley , Luis González

Número de Páginas: 560

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Smart Sparrow Companion Website will not be available after December 31, 2020. It is free to access until that date. Workbooks with exercises from the Smart Sparrow companion website are now available for purchase, as are Workbook Answer Keys. They will both be sold in eBook format only. eTextbooks are now available through VitalSource! Please visit for more information. About Gramática para la composición, tercera ediciónIntegrating grammar and composition, this best-selling textbook guides the advanced student through progressively more complex types of writing by organizing the grammar lessons on a functionalist basis around the needs of composition. This innovative approach to teaching Spanish grammar and composition promotes systematic language development and enables students to strengthen their expressive and editing skills in the language in order to write more effectively and confidently. Refined by years of classroom testing and analysis of the problems students encounter, Gramática para la composición features the following: • A colorful design helps students navigate the book more easily and engage visual learning...

Gramática para la composición

Autor: Melvin Stanley Whitley , Luis González

Número de Páginas: 440

Integrating grammar and composition, this comprehensive new edition guides the advanced student through progressively more complex types of writing by organizing the grammar lessons on a functionalist basis around the needs of composition. This innovative approach to teaching Spanish grammar and composition promotes systematic language development and enables students to strengthen their expressive and editing skills in the language in order to write more effectively and more confidently. Refined by years of classroom testing and analysis of the problems students encounter, this bestselling textbook has been substantially rewritten and incorporates current research in composition, pedagogy, second-language acquisition, and linguistics. Expanded self-correcting exercises are also available online, making Gramática para la composición one of the most valuable textbooks available for advanced students of Spanish. FEATURES: * Focuses on work in six level-appropriate types of composition: description, synopsis, personal narrative, creative narrative, exposition, and argumentation; * Based on ACTFL guidelines for students progressing from intermediate to advanced levels of...


Autor: Claudia M. Mejía T. , Conchita Lagunas Davis

Número de Páginas: 268

Miradas focuses on the acquisition of cultural competence and communication skills through innovative themes, culture, grammar reviews, and writing workshops. This text solves a variety of needs in the third-year Spanish course: developing reading skills, strategies for literary analysis, expanding vocabulary, consolidating grammar and writing proficiency, and offering connections with other cultural manifestations such as music and film, all within a communicative context. Miradas' integrative plan features oral and written activities that stimulate critical thinking and help students appreciate the cultural context in which the different works were created.Miradas truly brings students from the high intermediate level to the advanced level of proficiency in the four skills, as defined by the ACTFL Guidelines.

LingüÃstica Aplicada

Autor: Dale A. Koike , Carol A. Klee

Número de Páginas: 260

* Approach reflects a belief in the value of discourse analysis, pragmatics, and sociolinguistics in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics. * Goal is to train teachers to teach the Spanish language as a communicative system rather than as a set of grammatical rules--therefore it includes relevant information on Spanish pragmatics and sociolinguistics. * Written entirely in Spanish. * Each chapter includes review questions and exercises. * CD-ROM integrates samples of the course material so that the readers can see and hear native speaker examples of aspects of Spanish as they learn about them.


Autor: Chastain , Kenneth Chastain

Número de Páginas: 228

"Imaginate! Second Edition teaches practical strategies for effective communication in Spanish. This innovative text is organized around high-frequency functions for conversational management"--Back cover

Dicho y hecho

Autor: Laila M. Dawson , Kim Potowski , Silvia Sobral

Número de Páginas: 0

Un enfoque directo y fácil de usar para aprender español La versión revisada y actualizada de la 9ª edición de Dicho y hecho: Beginning Spanish with Accompanying Audio incluye un enfoque accesible para aprender español e incorpora nueva información de cómo los profesores enseñan y los estudiantes aprenden. Esta metodología de la enseñanza de idiomas demostrado empíricamente se basa en más de 30 años de investigación. Escrita por líderes expertos en el lenguaje español Presenta una metodología que es fácil de implementar y aprender Hace que aprender español sea una meta tangible y una experiencia realmente agradable para ambos profesores y estudiantes Esta 9ª edición ofrece una manera animada para aprender español que ha sido utilizado con éxito por los estudiantes durante décadas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A straightforward, user-friendly approach to learning Spanish The revised and updated edition of the 9th edition of Dicho y hecho: Beginning Spanish with Accompanying Audio includes an accessible approach to learning Spanish and incorporates new information on how teachers teach and students learn. This empirically proven language teaching methodology is based ...

Retratos: Arte y Sociedad en Latinoamerica y Espana

Autor: Margarita M. Sánchez , Katica Urbanc

Número de Páginas: 337

Drawing on authentic cultural materials ranging from thought-provoking artwork to classic literature and short contemporary films, Retratos: Arte y sociedad en Latinoamérica y España offers a fresh and inspired approach to the teaching of advanced Spanish Composition. In each of the eight thematically-organized chapters, these primary source materials provide a "portrait" of an historically or culturally important figure in the Latin American and Spanish worlds, offering students rich opportunities to explore cultural differences, learn grammar in context, and complete writing activities directly related to both their own daily lives and the world around them. Features: The unifying theme of portraiture—with each chapter providing the distinct perspective of a key figure in the Latin American and Spanish worlds—organizes the topics in the book, such that students can build on and compare/contrast what they have already learned. 90 full-color reproductions of authentic artworks and photographs provide students with vivid illustrations of important historical and cultural references. Award-winning short films, streaming online, allow for immediate and focused in-class...

!Qué Bien Suena!

Autor: Jeffery D. Stokes

Número de Páginas: 201

Aimed at advanced students of Spanish interested in improving their understanding of Spanish phonology and pronunciation, ¡Qué bien suena! focuses on providing the simplest analysis of the pronunciation of Spanish sounds. The text's goal is for the student to be able to replicate successfully, to the extent possible, native speakers' typical pronunciation and intonation patterns. Unique usage of symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) creates a common, understandable vocabulary that students can easily transfer to more generalized studies in linguistics or to the phonetic or phonological study of other languages. ¡Qué bien suena! is the first phonology book to incorporate the National Standards for Foreign Languages through practical activities (Aplicaciones) while providing pronunciation and phonetic practice. An icon indicates which of the National Standards are specifically addressed by the activity. Clear, flexible, and user-friendly for both instructors and students, the text features 28 brief, carefully ordered chapters. Each chapter includes clear, concise explanations of concepts, key vocabulary, and abundant examples.

Revista de filología y lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Autor: Universidad De Costa Rica

Número de Páginas: 1028


Autor: Joy Renjilian-burgy , Renjilian-burgy , Ana Beatriz Chiquito , Chiquito , Mraz , Susan M Mraz

Número de Páginas: 582

El exito universitario a traves de la aplicación de los metodos de autoayuda

Autor: Luis Nieves

Número de Páginas: 104

Con bro!, Activities Manual

Autor: Maria C. Lucas Murillo , Laila M. Dawson

Número de Páginas: 309

Take a swing at success! With eye-catching art, functional exercises, and local-to-global cultural exploration, !Con brio! aims to meet the needs of a diverse, adult-oriented population. Using practical and cultural applications, !Con brio! helps readers function seamlessly in a Spanish-speaking world.

La diversidad del español y su enseñanza

Autor: Natividad Hernández Muñoz , Javier Muñoz-basols , Carlos Soler Montes

Número de Páginas: 341

La diversidad del español y su enseñanza es la primera publicación concebida para reflexionar sobre la diversidad de la lengua desde un punto de vista crítico, interdisciplinario, institucional, aplicado e internacional. El análisis de doce lecturas y de una detallada guía de explotación didáctica potencian la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la lengua y desvelan la complejidad de la investigación sobre las variedades del español. Características principales: • Artículos de investigación desde diferentes enfoques y perspectivas; • Actividades de reflexión para verificar la asimilación de contenidos; • Análisis crítico de extractos y citas de autoridad (español e inglés); • Preguntas analíticas sobre el estado de la cuestión y recursos institucionales; • Modelos metodológicos de investigación empírica sobre la diversidad de la lengua; • Propuestas de temas para la investigación y el debate dentro y fuera del aula; • Pautas bibliográficas detalladas para profundizar sobre la materia; • Selección de conceptos clave para potenciar la adquisición de terminología lingüística; • Glosario bilingüe en línea (español e inglés) sobre...

Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica

Autor: Carmelo Virgillo

Número de Páginas: 414

More than just an anthology, this text is an introduction to literary analysis with readings from Spanish and Spanish American Literature. Organized by the four genres of prose, poetry, drama, and the essay, the text provides a rich and diverse array of reading selections. Each section is accompanied by an introduction and each reading by headnotes and exercises. McGraw-Hill is also offering The Student Workbook to Accompany Aproximacionesal estudio de la literatura hispánica .

El español en contacto con otras lenguas

Autor: Carol A. Klee

Número de Páginas: 353

El español en contacto con otras lenguas is the first comprehensive historical, social, and linguistic overview of Spanish in contact with other languages in all of its major contexts—in Spain, the United States, and Latin America. In this significant contribution to the field of Hispanic linguistics, Carol A. Klee and Andrew Lynch explore the historical and social factors that have shaped contact varieties of the Spanish language, synthesizing the principle arguments and theories about language contact, and examining linguistic changes in Spanish phonology, morphology and syntax, and pragmatics. Individual chapters analyze particular contact situations: in Spain, contact with Basque, Catalan, Valencian, and Galician; in Mexico, Central, and South America, contact with Nahuatl, Maya, Quechua, Aimara, and Guarani; in the Southern Cone, contact with other principle European languages such as Portuguese, Italian, English, German, and Danish; in the United States, contact with English. A separate chapter explores issues of creolization in the Philippines and the Americas and highlights the historical influence of African languages on Spanish, primarily in the Caribbean and...

Exito comercial

Autor: Michael Scott Doyle , T. Bruce Fryer , Ronald Cere

Número de Páginas: 564

Designed to give advanced-intermediate and advanced-level students of Spanish a foundation in business vocabular, basic business and cultural concepts, and situational practice that will help prepare for success in today's Spanish-speaking business world. It is assumed that students have already mastered the fundamentals of Spanish grammar and that they control the general vocabulary needed for basic communication.

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