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Gran colección de libros en lengua castellana

Hemos localizado un total de 27 libros disponibles para descargar

Íntimas suculencias

Autor: Laura Esquivel

Número de Páginas: 81

Éste es un libro de cuentos, un ensayo, una biografía y un recetario en el que Laura Esquivel presenta su obra más personal. De Laura Esquivel, la autora del bestseller internacional Como agua para chocolate. Una recopilación sensacional de ideas, recetas y consejos amasados junto al fuego de la cocina. Íntimas Suculencias es una amalgama de autobiografía, ensayo, libro de cuentos y recetario de cocina. La autora explica la importancia de la cocina en la recuperación del contacto con la tierra y sus frutos, cuenta cómo concibió los personajes de su bestseller Como agua para chocolate e incluye un recetario de manjares mexicanos fascinante y delicioso. Del mole negro al soufflé de castañas, pasando por el chile y el manchamanteles. Se trata de un libro muy singular, imposible de definir genéricamente, en el que Laura Esquivel, en primera persona, se acerca al lector para casi conversar personalmente con él, entre ollas y fogones. Un auténtico tratado de la visión femenina del mundo, de esa mujer actual que no por ser trabajadora y batirse con los hombres a la misma altura renuncia a ser madre, esposa y, ante todo, cocinera. Este Tratado filosófico de cocina incluye...


Autor: Joanne Jacquard

Número de Páginas: 322

Enlargements Book 6 of the Further Beyond the Camera Saga Bryn Crawford is a choirboy. Good school, solid family, unadventurous, unambitious, highly intelligent but with high moral beliefs stemming from his intensively religious education. He is not, however, a religious fanatic. He progresses through university and becomes the lead singer in a local group for many years. He meets a rather special lady, a glamourous whore, who teaches him exactly how to please his women. She is keen to encourage a permanent relationship but Bryn is looking for his soul-mate. He goes to France to train as a sommelier and while there he meets a lady reporter with whom he has a minor affair and a continued acquaintance that proves useful in later circumstances. The day he falls in love is the day he meets the married Elise Harper. Not only does he have his own feelings and trauma to contend with but he becomes embroiled in her difficulties with Demis Papahadjopoulos. Their situation prevents them from spending much time together, so what time they do get is idyllic and blissful. They make a tentative decision to marry eventually. Elise's elderly husband dies. Her grief and guilt combine to cause a...

A Season of Delight

Autor: Joanne Greenberg

Número de Páginas: 260

Empty-nester Grace Dowben finds solace in her marriage, community, and volunteer work, but she suddenly must decide how to resolve her love for a newcomer who is young enough to be her son.


Autor: Anna Manganaro , Joanna Manganaro Juneau

Número de Páginas: 376

Jo Anna is the story about a woman's tumultuous life that has the ability to inspire and bless the lives of other's with its innate wisdom.

A Little to the Left

Autor: Joanne Morgan

Número de Páginas: 152

I am an young southern woman who thought my ideas should be shared. I hope the book will make you laugh, think, and feel motivated enough to be your BEST self. The book is full of my personal opinions. I do NOT expect you to agree with all I have to say. I felt that I had something positive to offer the world. I hope you enjoy the read!

Invierte en ti

Autor: Natalia De Santiago

Número de Páginas: 177

« Si tu banco te habla en chino, este es tu libro. Con una buena dosis de humor y un enfoque muy práctico, Natalia te da las claves para que no te la den con queso y aprendas a ahorrar como los ricos.» Marián García, «Boticaria García» ¿Por qué nos cuesta tanto ahorrar? ¿Alquilar es tirar el dinero? ¿Cómo podemos elegir el banco que más nos conviene? ¿Toda la deuda es mala? ¿Qué cosas hay que saber antes de invertir? ¿Cuándo deberíamos empezar a ahorrar para la jubilación? Sin milagros ni falsas promesas y con un genuino sentido del humor, Natalia de Santiago, experta en análisis y planificación financiera, ha escrito esta guía práctica para ayudarnos a gestionar nuestra economía de una manera tan eficaz como entretenida. Desde lo más simple hasta lo más complejo, sin necesidad de tener ningún conocimiento previo ni de ser un genio de las matemáticas, este libro nos enseña todo lo que debemos hacer para que el dinero no nos quite el sueño. Una guía práctica, escrita desde el humor, que nos ayuda a gestionar nuestras finanzas de una manera tan eficaz como entretenida

Mercedes's Mission

Autor: Joanne Culley

Número de Páginas: 40

Mecedes was born and raised in Newark, NJ. In the neighborhood that she was raised, she was glorified by fast cash, so she became a stripper. The cash that she did have went to the bail money for her abusive boyfriend, Rashawn, who raped her cousin and her crack addicted parents. She later met a Irvington Cop, who was the man of her dreams, a white Italian name Mark. Mark helped her to become a cop. After she became a cop, she started to realize who were her real friends and who weren't. Rashawn gets out of jail and bombs Mark's car and Mercedes, the same woman who used to be afraid of him, retaliated against him for hurting her true love, Mark. After Rashawn's death, Mark and Mercedes gets married.

Drogas, sociedad y educación

Autor: Alfonso García Martínez , Antonia María Sánchez Lázaro

Número de Páginas: 244

After Moondog

Autor: Jane Shapiro

Número de Páginas: 323

A humorous novel of modern family life chronicles twenty-five years in the life of Joanne Green as she copes with marriage, a suburban house, kids, family visits, a divorce, her mother, and her lover. Reprint.

Secret Desire of Amber Rose

Autor: Joanne Chadband

Número de Páginas: 60

Amber Rose was an unhappy married woman, raising two children, but wanted a life that she used to have with her ex lover, little did she realize that her boss and business associates would soon be giving her the life she so longed for, but little did she know what was going to happen, and how she would end up, was she really going back to the being the person she so longed to be all those years ago????

I Swear I Wasn't Listening!

Autor: Carol Shedrick

Número de Páginas: 90

Chauffeur Carol Shedrick stepped out of her limo on a busy street on a Saturday night. She was ready to open the back door and let out her neighbors and their friends who had asked her to take them out for a night on the town. Suddenly Mr. Neighbor thrust open the rear door of the limousine, and Shedrick stared in shock. In the back of her limo sat six naked people, including her neighbors. As a chauffeur for many years, Shedrick often drove for celebrities and government officials from America as well as other countries. In "I Swear I Wasn't Listening!", she shares the most interesting, touching, and hilarious true stories from the regular, everyday clients to those who were celebrating special events in their lives from the back of her limousine. Shedrick will have you laughing at the antics of crazy women and a birthday party for a ninety-year-old grandfather, and her poignant description of a marriage proposal on a cliff high above town will tug at your heartstrings. Whether you are a Don Juan wannabe who wants to charm your lady or a group of friends out for a good time, remember . your chauffeur just might be trying not to listen!

ABC Woman Finds Freedom

Autor: Wandra Melnick , Joanne French

Número de Páginas: 46

A compilation of testimonies for women who find themselves in a prison ... with or without bars! & ;& ;Women whose lives were lived in a prison of their own minds found the simple lesson of changing the ABCs and learning to think and agree with God's Word to change their situations. Intended for prisoners and prison ministry, anyone can change their thoughts and words that ultimately lead to a life of freedom

Molly's House

Autor: Joanne Brand

Número de Páginas: 274

Molly, a young widow, was trying to find her way without her husband and no income in the mining town of Caribou, Colorado. She listened to speakers at a rally in 1892 against women acquiring the right to vote. Those men scared her yet bolstered her to fight for her rights! She joined the suffrage movement and received insults and other dreadful barrages in the marches. Molly also had to deal with a banker holding the mortgage on her home. Not only did he have his eyes on her property, but more so on her. Threats against the suffrage accelerated to vandalism of her home. More threats followed. Yet she became a strong activist for the Colorado Women's Suffrage movement. Molly helped to make Colorado history.


Autor: Carol Lynn

Número de Páginas: 197

This book is not "only" for the astounding "hearts" but for the eyes to see along with the hands to touch in a magical way, that will last forever an ever!! It will stimulate, penetrate the preserving edge of our "youth" with a full understanding of our society. Having to serve with "Love" in a way that lasting not forgetting, the "message" of the term itself which lies within all of us. This book will "motivate" readers to "challenge" their own expectations towards stretching their limits, it will "provoke" thoughtful consideration about life itself. All an all! This book is the quality of originality, that has a great need to be brought into existence.

A Widow’s Story: A Memoir

Autor: Joyce Carol Oates

Número de Páginas: 450

“My husband died, my life collapsed.”

American Appetites

Autor: Joyce Carol Oates

Número de Páginas: 356

Glynnis McCullough, terribly drunk, quarrels with her husband Ian and falls through a window to her death--an accident leading to his conviction on a murder charge and their suburban community's shock

Hidden Agenda

Autor: Carol Smith

Número de Páginas: 341

Devastated by the shocking news that an old school-friend, Suzy Palmer, faces execution in Louisiana for the murder of her children, London rabbi, Deborah Hirsch, enlists the aid of her former classmates in an attempt to get her off. She can't be anything but innocent; the Suzy they've known and loved all these years could never hurt a fly. Aided by Miss Holbrook, Suzy's former art teacher, the friends unite to prove Suzy's innocence. Back and forth across thirty years they slowly piece together what happened. And even more shocking than Suzy's plight is the knowledge that one of their number has betrayed her.

En estado de memoria

Autor: Tununa Mercado

Número de Páginas: 200

A causa de la dictadura militar en Argentina, Tununa Mercado vivió en México durante casi trece años, de 1974 a 1987. El testimonio que da de su experiencia en el exilio atraviesa las fronteras de lo autobiográfico y lo ficcional, de los géneros y de las formas convencionales, para mostrar "la manera en que la política se incrusta en nuestras casas, en nuestros armarios, en nuestros cuerpos", como afirma Nora de la Cruz en su introducción. En En estado de memoria Tununa Mercado hace del exilio una experiencia íntima, de emociones complejas y devastadoras, donde la voz resiste al olvido para no dejarse vencer, el cuerpo lucha por tener un lugar en el mundo y la mirada repara en las cosas mínimas para permanecer asida a la realidad. Su lectura en el presente ilumina los rincones más oscuros del desarraigo, de la pobreza y la violencia que movilizan a millones y que se han convertido en nuevas formas de opresión.

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