Alfonso Reyes y los territorios del arte
Autor: Fernando Curiel
Número de Páginas: 244
Poet, essayist, fabulist, playwright, scholar, diplomat, and art critic, Alfonso Reyeswas one of the most comprehensive humanists in the Spanish-speaking world and a central figurein the literary and cultural history of Latin America. This book gathers together everythingReyes wrote on the subject of art, drawing on a wide selection of essays, articles, poems, andstories. From his vast oeuvre, it collects valuable moments of contemplation devoted to Goya,Caravaggio, Vermeer, Velázquez, Bosch, Rembrandt, and El Greco, as well asevocations of Zuloaga, Matisse, Modigliani, Picasso, and other painters whom Reyes appreciatedduring his diplomatic service in Paris and Madrid from 1913 on. This book opens a panoramaextending from the advent of the modern spirit in the creations of the end of the nineteenthcentury to the emergence of new currents and styles in the twentieth century. It follows anartistic itinerary that also includes the articles Reyes published in the Spanish press aboutcinema, yet another of his many passions.