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Autor: Massimo M. Augello

Número de Páginas: 358

This book is the outcome of a bibliographical research and historical analysis of the evolution of the international literature on J.A. Schumpeter. The research has been carried out in the last few years with the organizational support of the "International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society" and through the establishment of connections with libraries, universities and research institutes throughout the world. Schumpeter's papers at the Harvard University archives have also been scrutinized. The volume includes a historical and critical assessment of the literature on the Austrian economist - according to the most important and specific Schumpeterian "categories": biography, methodology, development, money, cycle, sociology, politics, and history. The book is characterized by the completeness and richness of its information and by the homogeneous treatment of all the possible sources which could have provided news on Schumpeter. Besides Europe and the US, the research has been extended to the USSR, Latin America, Eastern Europe and, above all, to Japan where the Schumpeterian tradition is very deep-rooted.

Joseph Aloïs Schumpeter - Père de l'économie et de la gestion de l'innovation

Joseph Aloïs Schumpeter - Père de l'économie et de la gestion de l'innovation

Autor: Julien Pénin , Rémy Guichardaz

Número de Páginas: 25

Toute l’œuvre de Schumpeter peut se résumer en une phrase : comprendre la dynamique du capitalisme. Dans ce chapitre, nous exposons les éléments de la pensée de Schumpeter qui la rendent incontournable aujourd’hui pour les chercheurs en gestion qui s’intéressent à l’innovation. Ce choix nous oblige à négliger une part importante des travaux de Schumpeter, par exemple, ses apports à la sociologie de l’économie, ses intuitions sur le devenir du capitalisme et sur les liens entre capitalisme, socialisme et démocratie, ses écrits sur l’histoire de l’analyse économique, sur la théorie économique pure, sur le cycle des affaires, etc. Néanmoins, le lecteur intéressé pourra retrouver ces sujets dans d’autres ouvrages plus exhaustifs consacrés à Schumpeter (par exemple, Perroux, 1965 ; McCraw, 2007 ou Andersen, 2009).

Opening Doors: Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter

Opening Doors: Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter

Autor: Robert Loring Allen

Número de Páginas: 345

"The author puts this book in the best possible context by referring to the ""magisterial and paradoxical Dr. Schumpeter"". A figure in a rare class with John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich von Hayek, and Alfred Marshall, the work of Joseph Schumpeter is equalled only in monumental significance by his personal trials and tribulations. The work is divided into two volumes - the first covering his career in Europe and the second his life and achievements in America.Walt Rostow, in his Foreword, sums up Robert Loring Allen's achievement in biography and intellectual history thus: ""In dealing with Schumpeter's life, Allen exhibits a rare consciousness of the extraordinary complexity and only limited penetrability of the human personality Schumpeter's closely interwoven personal and professional life unfolds, Allen develops without dogmatism a pattern of linkages for the reader to contemplate. In a splendid final passage, he provides a memorable summation.""What makes this enormous effort so successful is the linkage of the personal and the professional, the biographical with the intellectual. Indeed, it is Schumpeter's single-minded determination to explain within a single, formal theory, ...

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Autor: John Cunningham Wood

Número de Páginas: 376

These volumes provide immediate and easy access to Schumpeter's work on economics, political philosophy and the theory of economic development and show how his work has been received and modified by others.

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Autor: Jürgen G. Backhaus

Número de Páginas: 356

Joseph Alois Schumpeter is arguably the most important economist of the 20th century. Most readers are familiar with his Theory of Economic Development and his classic Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Less well-known are his seminal works published before he left Europe for the United States in 1942. In particular for the first time the missing Chapter Seven of his Theory of Economic Development has been published in this volume. It tries to put Economic Development into the broader context of culture, law and policy. Many of his earlier writings display a similar integrative approach and are therefore often treated as sociological writings. As Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy shows, he did not dissociate the different social sciences in his own mind but rather strove to keep the unity of the social sciences. Entrepreneurship, style and vision are the unifying concepts of his work.

Ciclos económicos

Ciclos económicos

Autor: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 525

El equilibrio y la norma teórica de las cantidades económicas. Cómo genera la evolución el sistema económico. Los contornos de la evolución económica. Las series temporales y su normal teórica. Bosquejos históricos. La crisis mundial y su después.

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Autor: Wolfgang F. Stolper

Número de Páginas: 424

In this major scholarly study of the life of Joseph A. Schumpeter, one of the great intellectual figures of the twentieth century, the distinguished economist Wolfgang Stolper delves into the mind of his former teacher, exploring the development of his ideas and, especially, their influence on politics and public policy. After reflecting briefly on Schumpeter the man, Stolper explains the evolution of Schumpeter's work, particularly his insights during the 1920s on public finance, his contributions to monetary theory and the study of business cycles, and his writings on socialism. Stolper goes on to desribe and evaluate Schumpeter's public activities following World War I and his role as a finance minister, placing the development of his thought in the turbulence political context of his times. Drawing on a vast array of new and exciting sources, Stolper paints a portrait of his mentor as a decent, ambitious, and complex man whose many insights into economy and society found their way outside of the academy and into the practical world of economic policy. All readers interested in the history of economic thought and twentieth-century political and intellectual history will find...

Introduction à Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Introduction à Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Autor: Fabrice Dannequin

Número de Páginas: 528

Joseph Alois Schumpeter est dans l'air du temps avec ses travaux sur l'entrepreneur, l'innovation et la démocratie. À l'instar des autres grands auteurs, sa pensée réclame une étude qui dépasse la simple scansion d'expressions faisant florès comme la fameuse ± destruction créatrice ?. Ce livre relève le défi en se focalisant sur la question du capitalisme. Il retrace son fonctionnement, son histoire et questionne son avenir. Son propos n'est pas uniquement de mobiliser les travaux existants, mais également d'aborder des thèmes peu évoqués. L'ouvrage s'inscrit dans une perspective d'histoire de la pensée économique, mais n'hésite pas à emprunter les chemins des sciences sociales, de la philosophie, voire de la biologie.

Opening Doors: Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter

Opening Doors: Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter

Autor: Irving Horowitz

Número de Páginas: 263

"The author puts this book in the best possible context by referring to the ""magisterial and paradoxical Dr. Schumpeter"". A figure in a rare class with John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich von Hayek, and Alfred Marshall, the work of Joseph Schumpeter is equalled only in monumental significance by his personal trials and tribulations. The work is divided into two volumes - the first covering his career in Europe and the second his life and achievements in America.Walt Rostow, in his Foreword, sums up Robert Loring Allen's achievement in biography and intellectual history thus: ""In dealing with Schumpeter's life, Allen exhibits a rare consciousness of the extraordinary complexity and only limited penetrability of the human personality Schumpeter's closely interwoven personal and professional life unfolds, Allen develops without dogmatism a pattern of linkages for the reader to contemplate. In a splendid final passage, he provides a memorable summation.""What makes this enormous effort so successful is the linkage of the personal and the professional, the biographical with the intellectual. Indeed, it is Schumpeter's single-minded determination to explain within a single, formal theory, ...

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Autor: Richard Swedberg

Número de Páginas: 444

Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950) is one of the most celebrated authors on the economics and sociology of the twentieth century. Richard Swedberg's new biography provides an engaging and vivid account of Schumpeter's varied life, including his ventures into politics and private banking as well as his academic career. As a backdrop to these, Swedberg also discusses Schumpeter's tragic personal life. This book provides a thorough overview of Schumpeter's writings, and also introduces previously unpublished material based on his letters and interviews. Swedberg emphasizes that Schumpeter saw economics as a form of social investigation, consisting of four fields: economic theory, economic sociology, economic history and statistics. The author describes and analyses Schumpeter's theory of social classes and modern states as well as his more famous theory of the entrepreneur.

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Autor: John Medearis

Número de Páginas: 176

Joseph Schumpeter (1883 - 1950) was one of the foremost economic thinkers of the twentieth century. Today Schumpeter is most well-known for his idea of 'creative destruction'. This is the notion that a market economy is simultaneously creative and destructive and therein lies the process of renewal that is central to the endurance and also the unpopularity of capitalism. Schumpeter's work also contains one of the most important conservative critiques of mass democracy. Schumpeter argued that mass democracy had totalitarian tendencies and was likely to degenerate into the tyranny of the popular.

Prophet of Innovation

Prophet of Innovation

Autor: Thomas K. Mccraw

Número de Páginas: 734

Pan Am, Gimbel’s, Pullman, Douglas Aircraft, Digital Equipment Corporation, British Leyland—all once as strong as dinosaurs, all now just as extinct. Destruction of businesses, fortunes, products, and careers is the price of progress toward a better material life. No one understood this bedrock economic principle better than Joseph A. Schumpeter. “Creative destruction,” he said, is the driving force of capitalism. Described by John Kenneth Galbraith as “the most sophisticated conservative” of the twentieth century, Schumpeter made his mark as the prophet of incessant change. His vision was stark: Nearly all businesses fail, victims of innovation by their competitors. Businesspeople ignore this lesson at their peril—to survive, they must be entrepreneurial and think strategically. Yet in Schumpeter’s view, the general prosperity produced by the “capitalist engine” far outweighs the wreckage it leaves behind. During a tumultuous life spanning two world wars, the Great Depression, and the early Cold War, Schumpeter reinvented himself many times. From boy wonder in turn-of-the-century Vienna to captivating Harvard professor, he was stalked by tragedy and haunted by ...

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Autor: Richard Swedberg

Número de Páginas: 503

The renowned economist Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950) made seminal contributions not only to economic theory but also to sociology and economic history. His work is now attracting wide attention among sociologists, as well as experiencing a remarkable revival among economists. This anthology, which serves as an excellent introduction to Schumpeter, emphasizes his broad socio-economic vision and his attempt to analyze economic reality from several different perspectives. An ambitious introductory essay by Richard Swedberg uses many new sources to enhance our understanding of Schumpeter's life and work and to help analyze his fascinating character. This essay stresses Schumpeter's ability to draw on several social sciences in his study of capitalism. Some of the articles in the anthology are published for the first time. The most important of these are Schumpeter's Lowell Lectures from 1941, "An Economic Interpretation of Our Time." Also included is the transcript of his lecture "Can Capitalism Survive?" (1936) and the high-spirited debate that followed. The anthology contains many of Schumpeter's classical sociological articles, such as his essays on the tax state, imperialism,...

The Theory of Economic Development

The Theory of Economic Development

Autor: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 324

Schumpeter proclaims in this classical analysis of capitalist society first published in 1911 that economics is a natural self-regulating mechanism when undisturbed by "social and other meddlers." In his preface he argues that despite weaknesses, theories are based on logic and provide structure for understanding fact. Of those who argue against him, Schumpeter asks a fundamental question: "Is it really artificial to keep separate the phenomena incidental to running a firm and the phenomena incidental to creating a new one?" In his answers, Schumpeter offers guidance to Third World politicians no less than First World businessman. In his substantial new introduction John E. Elliott discusses the salient ideas of The Theory of Economic Development against the historical background of three great periods of economic thought in the last two decades.

Capitalismo, Socialismo y Democracia

Capitalismo, Socialismo y Democracia

Autor: Joseph A. Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 510

Joseph Alois Schumpeter (Triesch, febrero de 1883 - Taconic, Connecticut, enero de 1950) fue un economista y científico político austriaco, que dejó una profunda huella en la historia del pensamiento político con su teoría democrática, la cual redefinió el sentido de la democracia. Su obra más famosa y debatida es " Capitalismo, Socialismo y Democracia", uno de los grandes clásicos de las ciencias sociales del siglo XX. Publicada por primera vez en 1942, la obra es en gran medida no matemática en comparación con las obras neoclásicas, centrándose en los brotes inesperados y rápidos de crecimiento desencadenados por la innovación y el emprendimiento, en lugar de en modelos estáticos. "Capitalismo, Socialismo y Democracia" es el tercer libro más citado en ciencias sociales, antes de 1950, solo superado por "El Capital" de Karl Marx y "La Riqueza de las Naciones" de Adam Smith.

The Contribution of Joseph A. Schumpeter to Economics

The Contribution of Joseph A. Schumpeter to Economics

Autor: Richard Arena , Cécile Dangel-hagnauer

Número de Páginas: 519

This collection constitutes an examination of Schumpeter's legacy that is wider than any yet attempted. As one of the key economists of the twentieth century, Schumpeter's economics is viewed in the context of its relation to purer Austrian theories of the free market, Keynesian macroeconomics, the early neoclassicism of Marshall and Walras, and a persuasive argument made for its centrality to the discipline as a whole.

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Autor: Jürgen G. Backhaus

Número de Páginas: 356

Joseph Alois Schumpeter is arguably the most important economist of the 20th century. Most readers are familiar with his Theory of Economic Development and his classic Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Less well-known are his seminal works published before he left Europe for the United States in 1942. In particular for the first time the missing Chapter Seven of his Theory of Economic Development has been published in this volume. It tries to put Economic Development into the broader context of culture, law and policy. Many of his earlier writings display a similar integrative approach and are therefore often treated as sociological writings. As Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy shows, he did not dissociate the different social sciences in his own mind but rather strove to keep the unity of the social sciences. Entrepreneurship, style and vision are the unifying concepts of his work.

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy - Schumpeter

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy - Schumpeter

Autor: Joseph A. Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 765

Joseph Alois Schumpeter (Triesch, February 1883 - Taconic, Connecticut, January 1950) was an Austrian economist and political scientist who profoundly influenced the history of political thought with his democratic theory, which redefined the meaning of democracy. " Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy" is Schumpeter's most famous and debated work, and one of the great classics of the social sciences in the 20th century. First published in 1942, the work is largely non-mathematical compared to neoclassical works, focusing on the unexpected and rapid bursts of growth triggered by innovation and entrepreneurship rather than static models. "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy" is the third most cited book published before 1950 in the social sciences, behind only Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" and Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations."

Schumpeter's Vision

Schumpeter's Vision

Autor: Arnold Heertje

Número de Páginas: 232

"Praeger special studies. Praeger scientific." Includes bibliographies and index.

Opening Doors: Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter

Opening Doors: Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter

Autor: Robert Loring Allen

Número de Páginas: 271

"The author puts this book in the best possible context by referring to the ""magisterial and paradoxical Dr. Schumpeter"". A figure in a rare class with John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich von Hayek, and Alfred Marshall, the work of Joseph Schumpeter is equalled only in monumental significance by his personal trials and tribulations. The work is divided into two volumes - the first covering his career in Europe and the second his life and achievements in America.Walt Rostow, in his Foreword, sums up Robert Loring Allen's achievement in biography and intellectual history thus: ""In dealing with Schumpeter's life, Allen exhibits a rare consciousness of the extraordinary complexity and only limited penetrability of the human personality Schumpeter's closely interwoven personal and professional life unfolds, Allen develops without dogmatism a pattern of linkages for the reader to contemplate. In a splendid final passage, he provides a memorable summation.""What makes this enormous effort so successful is the linkage of the personal and the professional, the biographical with the intellectual. Indeed, it is Schumpeter's single-minded determination to explain within a single, formal theory, ...

Sin imagen

Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Autor: Massimo M. Augello

Número de Páginas: 353

This book is the outcome of a bibliographical research and historical analysis of the evolution of the international literature on J.A. Schumpeter. The research has been carried out in the last few years with the organizational support of the "International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society" and through the establishment of connections with libraries, universities and research institutes throughout the world. Schumpeter's papers at the Harvard University archives have also been scrutinized. The volume includes a historical and critical...

Schumpeterian Economics

Schumpeterian Economics

Autor: Österreichische Länderbank

Número de Páginas: 216

Studies over het werk van de Oostenrijkse econoom Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950).



Autor: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 322

In addition to the major themes of his life--the place of the entrepreneur in economic development, the risks and rewards of innovation, business cycles and why they occur, and the evolution of capitalism in Europe and America--the essays contain statements on how Schumpeter viewed his own development. They discuss how he looked at Marxism, and how he feared that economics was in danger of becoming too ideological. Several of the essays are classics. In this new edition, Schumpeter's Essays can finally be read with the enjoyment and enlightenment they deserve. The volume is alive to the basic issues of our time.

Theory of Economic Development

Theory of Economic Development

Autor: Joseph Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 357

Schumpeter proclaims in this classical analysis of capitalist society first published in 1911 that economics is a natural self-regulating mechanism when undisturbed by "social and other meddlers." In his preface he argues that despite weaknesses, theories are based on logic and provide structure for understanding fact.Of those who argue against him, Schumpeter asks a fundamental question: "Is it really artificial to keep separate the phenomena incidental to running a firm and the phenomena incidental to creating a new one?" In his answers, Schumpeter offers guidance to Third World politicians no less than First World businesspeople.In his substantial new introduction, John E. Elliott discusses the salient ideas of The Theory of Economic Development against the historical background of three great periods of economic thought in the last two decades.



Autor: Joseph A. Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 274

Ordinarily, the word essays is invoked at great risk by authors and publishers alike. But in the case of this special collection by Joseph A. Schumpeter, the great Austrian economist who finally settled at Harvard, the scholarly world knows this particular volume as his Essays. For a less pious younger generation, a subtitle has been added describing what these essays are about.In addition to the major themes of Schumpeter's life: the place of the entrepreneur in economic development, the risks and rewards of innovation, business cycles and why they occur, and the evolution of capitalism in Europe and America, the Essays contain statements on how Schumpeter viewed his own development; they discuss how he looked at Marxism, and how he feared that economics was in danger of becoming too ideological.Several of the Essays are classics. This is the case for "The Creative Response in Economic History" in which Schumpeter makes a plea for the close cooperation between economic theory and economic history. Another is "Science and Ideology," which constitutes Schumpeter's presidential address before the American Economic Association. Finally, there is the intriguing preface to the Japanese ...

History of Economic Analysis

History of Economic Analysis

Autor: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 1260

At the time of his death in 1950, Joseph Schumpeter--one of the great economists of the first half of the 20th century--was working on his monumental History of Economic Analysis. A complete history of efforts to understand the subject of economics from ancient Greece to the present, this book is an important contribution to the history of ideas as well as to economics. Although never fully completed, it has gained recognition as a modern classic due to its broad scope and original examination of significant historical events. Complete with a new introduction by Mark Perlman, who outlines the structure of the book and puts Schumpeters work into current perspective, History of Economic Analysis remains a reflection of Schumpeters diverse interests in history, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Major topics include the techniques of economic analysis, contemporaneous developments in other sciences, and the sociology of economics; economic writings from Plato and Aristotle up through the time of Adam Smith, including the medieval scholastics and natural-law philosophers; the work of Malthus, Mill, Ricardo, Marx, and the important European economists; the history, sociology,...

Joseph A. Schumpeter: Historian of Economics

Joseph A. Schumpeter: Historian of Economics

Autor: Laurence S. Moss

Número de Páginas: 253

Joseph A. Schumpeter was one of the great economists of the twentieth century. His History of Economic Analsyis is perhaps the greatest contribution to the history of economics, providing a magisterial account of the development of the subject from Ancient Greece to the mid-twentieth century. Schumpeter's views on his predecessors have proved to be

Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science

Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science

Autor: Yuichi Shionoya

Número de Páginas: 372

This book provides a unified and comprehensive analysis of the work of Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), the world-famed economist ranked with John Maynard Keynes. Although Schumpeter is well known for his work on economic development and innovation, his aim to construct a universal social science addressing the evolution of mind and society is usually ignored. A major contribution to the history of economic thought, this book will be the standard of Schumpeter scholarship for years to come.

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Joseph A. Schumpeter

Autor: Erich Schneider

Número de Páginas: 80

A translation which provides English-speaking social scientists with additional knowledge about Joseph A. Schumpeter--as viewed by one of his students and colleagues.

Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science

Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science

Autor: Yuichi Shionoya

Número de Páginas: 372

This book provides a unified and comprehensive analysis of the work of Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), the world-famed economist ranked with John Maynard Keynes. Although Schumpeter is well known for his work on economic development and innovation, his aim to construct a universal social science addressing the evolution of mind and society is usually ignored. A major contribution to the history of economic thought, this book will be the standard of Schumpeter scholarship for years to come.

Capitalism and Democracy in the 21st Century

Capitalism and Democracy in the 21st Century

Autor: Dennis C. Mueller , Uwe Cantner

Número de Páginas: 373

Joseph Schumpeter oscillated in his view about the type of economic system that was most conducive to growth. In his 1911 treatise, Schumpeter argued that a more decentralized and turbulent industry structure where the pro cess of creative destruction was triggered by vigorous entrepreneurial ac tivity was the engine of economic growth. But by 1942 Schumpeter had modified his theory, arguing instead that a more centralized and stable industry structure was more conducive to growth. According to Schum peter (1942, p. 132), under the managed economy there was little room for entrepreneurship because, "Innovation itself is being reduced to routine. Technological progress is increasingly becoming the business of teams of trained specialists who turn out what is required to make it work in pre dictable ways" (p. 132). Schumpeter (1942) reversed his earlier view by arguing that the integration of knowledge creation and appropriation be stowed an inherent innovative advantage upon giant corporations, "Since capitalist enterprise, by its very achievements, tends to automize progress, we conclude that it tends to make itself superfluous - to break to pieces under the pressure of its own...

Economic Doctrine and Method

Economic Doctrine and Method

Autor: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 212

2012 Reprint of 1954 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. "Economic Doctrine and Method" deals with the progress of economics as a science and particularly with the historical sequence in which economic theories have developed. Successive doctrines are viewed as progressive expansions, clarifications and refinements of one another in an evolution toward a "pure" science of economics. Schumpeter is best known for his work on Business Cycles and the concept of "creative destruction."

Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism

Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism

Autor: Richard N. Langlois

Número de Páginas: 222

Co-winner of the 2006 Schumpeter Prize of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society.This book explains the shift of the organizational landscape away from vertically integrated firms and towards more specialized entities connected by markets and networks. In doing so, it places in a larger theoretical framework the work of Joseph Schumpeter an

Sin imagen

Théorie de l'évolution économique

Autor: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Número de Páginas: 371

Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) compte parmi ces rares auteurs dont la notoriété, déjà considérable de leur vivant, ne cesse de croître après leur disparition. Sa théorie de l'évolution économique, écrite à l'âge de vingt-huit ans, est l'expression complète de la vision théorique qui devait animer toute son œuvre scientifique. Prenant appui sur la théorie de l'équilibre général, Schumpeter, ce " génial hérétique du néo-marginalisme ", a su dépasser l'analyse statique walrasienne pour fonder une véritable dynamique dont les principes actifs sont l'entrepreneur et le profit, le banquier et l'intérêt, forces vives au service de la mise en œuvre de l'innovation. Avec sa théorie de l'évolution, Schumpeter peut être considéré comme le premier théoricien qui ait découvert scientifiquement les rouages essentiels de la dynamique capitaliste, et c'est là son immortel titre de gloire dans l'histoire de l'analyse économique.

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